Closed Bug 736849 Opened 13 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Firefox startup crash je_free | je_free | PL_DHashTableFinish | nsTHashtable<nsBaseHashtableET<nsDepCharHashKey, nsAutoPtr<CategoryNode> > >::s_ClearEntry


(Firefox :: General, defect)

11 Branch
Windows 7
Not set





(Reporter: marcia, Unassigned)



(Keywords: crash, Whiteboard: [startupcrash])

Crash Data

This bug was filed from the Socorro interface and is 
report bp-541717c8-5dcf-498b-9305-3e8082120318 .

Seen while looking at Firefox 11 crash stats. This signature has been present in other beta versions but has risen slightly in 11 so far so I think it warrants a bug to track it since it is a startup crash:|%20je_free%20|%20PL_DHashTableFinish.

I looked manually and there are no addon correlations for this signature. Will take a look at the module reports next.

Frame 	Module 	Signature [Expand] 	Source
0 	mozglue.dll 	je_free 	memory/jemalloc/jemalloc.c:6580
1 	mozglue.dll 	je_free 	memory/jemalloc/jemalloc.c:6580
2 	xul.dll 	PL_DHashTableFinish 	obj-firefox/xpcom/build/pldhash.cpp:409
3 	xul.dll 	nsTHashtable<nsBaseHashtableET<nsDepCharHashKey,nsAutoPtr<CategoryNode> > >::s_ClearEntry 	obj-firefox/dist/include/nsTHashtable.h:449
4 	xul.dll 	PL_DHashTableRawRemove 	obj-firefox/xpcom/build/pldhash.cpp:723
5 	xul.dll 	PL_DHashTableEnumerate 	obj-firefox/xpcom/build/pldhash.cpp:757
6 	xul.dll 	nsPACMan::`scalar deleting destructor' 	
7 	xul.dll 	nsDisplayOwnLayer::GetType 	layout/base/nsDisplayList.h:1801
8 	xul.dll 	nsCategoryManager::~nsCategoryManager 	xpcom/components/nsCategoryManager.cpp:486
9 	xul.dll 	nsCategoryManager::`scalar deleting destructor' 	
10 	xul.dll 	mozilla::ShutdownXPCOM 	xpcom/build/nsXPComInit.cpp:721
11 	xul.dll 	ScopedXPCOMStartup::~ScopedXPCOMStartup 	toolkit/xre/nsAppRunner.cpp:1113
12 	xul.dll 	XRE_main
Here are correlations per module:
* March 17:
  je_free | je_free | PL_DHashTableFinish|EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION_READ (39 crashes)
     59% (23/39) vs.  14% (6928/49102) snxhk.dll (Avast! Antivirus)
     69% (27/39) vs.  30% (14858/49102) DWrite.dll
     26% (10/39) vs.   5% (2500/49102) datamngr.dll (various Bandoo/iMesh/Discordia's toolbars)
     13% (5/39) vs.   1% (330/49102) rpchrome14browserrecordhelper.dll (RealPlayer Browser Record Plugin)
* March 18:
  je_free | je_free | PL_DHashTableFinish|EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION_READ (108 crashes)
     86% (93/108) vs.  31% (18019/58517) DWrite.dll
     58% (63/108) vs.  14% (8411/58517) snxhk.dll (Avast! Antivirus)
     19% (21/108) vs.   5% (2840/58517) datamngr.dll (various Bandoo/iMesh/Discordia's toolbars)
     24% (26/108) vs.  10% (5591/58517) RadioWMPCoreGecko11.dll (various toolbars)
     10% (11/108) vs.   1% (853/58517) WidgiToolbarFF.dll (WidgiToolbar)
OS: Windows NT → Windows 7
Version: unspecified → 11 Branch
Crash Signature: [@ je_free | je_free | PL_DHashTableFinish] → [@ je_free | je_free | PL_DHashTableFinish] [@ je_free | je_free | PL_DHashTableFinish | nsTHashtable<nsBaseHashtableET<nsDepCharHashKey, nsAutoPtr<CategoryNode> > >::s_ClearEntry(PLDHashTable*, PLDHashEntryHdr*)]
Depends on: 716345
Summary: Firefox startup crash je_free | je_free | PL_DHashTableFinish → Firefox startup crash je_free | je_free | PL_DHashTableFinish | nsTHashtable<nsBaseHashtableET<nsDepCharHashKey, nsAutoPtr<CategoryNode> > >::s_ClearEntry
Crash Signature: [@ je_free | je_free | PL_DHashTableFinish] [@ je_free | je_free | PL_DHashTableFinish | nsTHashtable<nsBaseHashtableET<nsDepCharHashKey, nsAutoPtr<CategoryNode> > >::s_ClearEntry(PLDHashTable*, PLDHashEntryHdr*)] → [@ je_free | je_free | PL_DHashTableFinish] [@ je_free | je_free | PL_DHashTableFinish | nsTHashtable<nsBaseHashtableET<nsDepCharHashKey, nsAutoPtr<CategoryNode> > >::s_ClearEntry(PLDHashTable*, PLDHashEntryHdr*)] [@ je_free | je_free | PL_DHashTableFin…
I'm marking this bug as WORKSFORME as bug crashlog signature didn't appear from a long time (over half year) in Firefox.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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