Closed Bug 716345 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

[skiplist] Add stable NSPR and NSS API to prefixSignatureRegEx


(Socorro :: Infra, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: briansmith, Assigned: laura)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [qa-])


(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #630230 +++

Please add the following items to prefixSignatureRegEx:

+  'PL_.*',
+  'PR_.*',
+  '_PR_.*',
+  'LL_.*',
+  '_MD_.*',
+  'PORT_.*',
+  'port_.*',
+  'SEC_.*Item',
+  'SECKEY_.*',
+  'seckey_.*',
+  'CERT_.*',
+  'cert_.*',
+  'SSL_.*',
+  'ssl_.*',
+  'ssl3_.*',
+  'SocketClose',
+  'SocketRead',
+  'SocketWrite',
+  'SocketAvailable',
+  'SocketAvailable64',
+  'SocketSync',
+  'SocketWritev',
+  'SocketConnect',
+  'SocketAccept',
+  'SocketBind',
+  'SocketListen',
+  'SocketShutdown',
+  'SocketRecv',
+  'SocketSend',
+  'SocketPoll',
+  'SocketAcceptRead',
+  'SocketTransmitFile',
+  'SocketGetName',
+  'SocketGetPeerName',

NSPR and NSS are very stable at this point, and it is almost definitely the case that the error is in the caller. Too many bug reports are getting generated for generic things like send() and recv() and it is more useful to differentiate specific callers. Also, we need many of the NSS functions added so we can differentiate SSL-related crashes from DOMCrypt-, BrowserID-, plugin-, and extension-, and malware- related crashes.
Attachment #586784 - Flags: review?(lars)
also, my patch includes "send" and "recv", which I forgot to copy into my comment.
This is an add-on to the previous patch, which is needed for Windows since WSASend* and WSARecv* show up under send and recv on Windows.
Attachment #586786 - Flags: review?(lars)
Component: General → Infra
QA Contact: general → infra
Summary: Add stable NSPR and NSS API to prefixSignatureRegEx → [skiplist] Add stable NSPR and NSS API to prefixSignatureRegEx
Blocks: 713594
I don't understand what this bug is about.
(In reply to Kai Engert (:kaie) from comment #3)
> I don't understand what this bug is about.

It's about modifying processing to omit the comment 0 signature based on the asumptions that callers are bad. So if element 0 of a stack matches any of the coment 0 regex , it won't be displayed by crash-stats but they'll show the stack element 1 as being 0.
(In reply to Ludovic Hirlimann [:Usul] from comment #4)
> it won't be displayed by crash-stats but they'll show the stack element 1 as
> being 0.
prefixSignatureRegEx displays element 0 and element 1 in the crash signature.

If you want element 0 is ignored, it should be in irrelevantSignatureRegEx.

We shouldn't be suppressing/hiding those frames in the signature, they should be in the append list. It's not always the case that the bug is in the caller, so we want to at least have a quick indication of the full codepath involved.
I want the semantics that bsmedberg suggests. AFAICT, that is what my patch does. I definitely do not want to consider those stack frames irrelevant.
Blocks: 718389
Blocks: 546565
Blocks: 728133
Blocks: 717175
Assignee: nobody → laura
Target Milestone: --- → 3
Brian, how did you make these patches?  I'm having a bit of trouble trying to apply them.  

(FWIW we prefer pull requests on github these days, but I appreciate the patch, so I'm trying to make it work.)
...I managed to get it to apply, but it's bitrotted.  Guess I'll just make my own.
Commit pushed to master at
Fixes bug 716345, Add stable NSS and NSPR API to the prefix skiplist
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: [qa-]
Commit pushed to stage at
Fixes bug 716345, Add stable NSS and NSPR API to the prefix skiplist
Blocks: 724413
Blocks: 736849
Blocks: 731565
Blocks: 671468
Blocks: 604814
Blocks: 702042
This should be pushed - Scoobidiver, are you not seeing it in prod?
(In reply to Laura Thomson :laura from comment #13)
> This should be pushed - Scoobidiver, are you not seeing it in prod?
It is in prod of course. I updated depending bugs after the landing because of bug 738225.
Gotcha, thanks.  Just wanted to check this one was working.
Commit pushed to v3-branch at
Fixes bug 716345, Add stable NSS and NSPR API to the prefix skiplist
Attachment #586784 - Flags: review?(lars)
Attachment #586786 - Flags: review?(lars)
Attachment #8757578 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8757578 - Attachment is patch: false
Flags: needinfo?(qlwlgfgioq)
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