Closed Bug 737823 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Textfield does not jump into view when text is entered or is focused using the Next button if the device is used in Landscape mode


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: General, defect)

14 Branch
Not set


(blocking-fennec1.0 soft)

Tracking Status
blocking-fennec1.0 --- soft


(Reporter: AdrianT, Unassigned)


Fennec/14.0a1 2012-03-20
Device: Motorola Droid 2 (Android 2.3)

Steps to reproduce:
1. Go to a website with a few text fields and lots of text.( use or - shortlinks and
2. Put the device in Landscape.
3. Tap in a text field to open the VKB.
4. Scroll the page until the text field is out of view.
5. Start typing.

Expected results:
When a letter is entered the textfield jumps into view.

Actual results:
The page does not scroll to reveal the textfield. This can also be seen when using the next button - testable using the first link - and causes the focused textfield to be hidden under the VKB.

Please see the video for the issue:
Summary: Textfiled does not jump into view when text is entered of is focused using the Next button if the device is used in Landscape mode → Textfiled does not jump into view when text is entered or is focused using the Next button if the device is used in Landscape mode
The first part of this bug is a dupe of bug 705106. The second part (textfield hidden under the VKB) seems like a bug, leaving this open to track that part of it.
Summary: Textfiled does not jump into view when text is entered or is focused using the Next button if the device is used in Landscape mode → Textfield does not jump into view when text is entered or is focused using the Next button if the device is used in Landscape mode
blocking-fennec1.0: --- → ?
blocking-fennec1.0: ? → soft
(In reply to Kartikaya Gupta (:kats) from comment #1)
> The second part
> (textfield hidden under the VKB) seems like a bug, leaving this open to
> track that part of it.

I've noticed that on some devices when you hold the device in landscape and bring up the keyboard, Android doesn't resize the LayerView we are using to draw the content. As a result we don't know the keyboard is up and we don't scroll to keep the textfield in view. This fix in bug 752709 addressed this issue.

I'm going to dupe this to bug 752709, on the assumption that is fixed with that. Note that bug 705106 is still open as that covers the other half of this bug. Please re-open this bug if there is still any issue here that is not fixed and not covered by bug 705106.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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