Closed Bug 750871 Opened 13 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Fix browser chrome drawing performance with D2D


(Core :: Graphics, defect)

Windows 7
Not set





(Reporter: bas.schouten, Assigned: bas.schouten)



(Whiteboard: [Snappy:P1])


(1 file)

At the request of Taras I've investigated browser chrome drawing performance when D2D is used, and where the weaknesses are. I'll track the general investigation in this bug and as I go file follow-up bugs on things which can be done to improve the situation. Observations at this point: - D2D is much more CPU intensive than GDI for chrome drawing. - Texture creation is the most significant contribution. This comes, in descending order of expensiveness, from: Gradient realization textures, D2DLayer textures and PushGroup/PopGroup pairs. - ComputerMaskAlpha is the most significant graphics contribution on GDI, and ranks fairly high on D2D, but lower than the above listed. The causes here are: Gradient realization textures - These are mostly caused by background gradients in browser chrome element. D2DLayer - These are used to support complex (i.e. non-rectangular) clips. PushGroup/PopGroup - A bunch of different operations in the tree. Asides from changing the UI to reduce some of these elements, the following could change inside graphics/layout to improve things: Gradient realization textures - Enable thebes-azure so that gfxPattern caches its GradientStops object. Then we can try to cache gfxPatterns in layout land for things commonly drawn. These take roughly 16K of VRAM each. D2DLayer - Reducing the usage of complex clips and caching/reusing ID2D1Layer objects for different complex clips. PushGroup/PopGroup - Use a cached temp surface of a 'true' push system rather than the create-destroy these translate in for the stateless cairo-surface backend.
Blocks: 721273
Whiteboard: [Snappy:P1]
Just for reference a screenshot of how a hacked build looks that only does solid rectangular borders and solid colors for gradients.
See a test build here: This is a build which does 3 things: - Uses a cache for D2DLayers - Draws all borders as rectangles in the width and color of the 'first' border. - Draws all gradients as solid colors of the last gradient stop. It was built with enable-profiling. I can try to add symbols if need be.
I'm probably saying something obvious or obviously wrong, but: gradients (in general) can be trivially implemented as pixel shaders rather than textures, right? If so, does current infrastructure make it easy or too hard? Same with borders I guess (except corresponding PS is a bit more difficult for pixel-perfectness, but I've written such shaders in the past). Apologies if this is unhelpful :)
Couldn't Mark Woodrows his work doesn't help here too it improves my bug Performance bug Rendering Windowed Youtube Flash Playback (D2D) with significantly less frame drops i guess it could overall higher Performance in this case too ?
Depends on: 761388
Depends on: 761393
Summary: Investigate browser chrome drawing performance with D2D → Fix browser chrome drawing performance with D2D
Depends on: 764117
No longer depends on: 761388
Depends on: 805831
Blocks: 593680
Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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