Closed Bug 751374 Opened 13 years ago Closed 12 years ago

[Mobile] WebTrends - New custom report for


(Websites :: Web Analytics, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jfu, Assigned: bill.baker)



We're going to be kicking off a number of marketing campaigns for the Firefox for Android native UI launch, and we will need WebTrends analytics to help track our success. We can't use the current WebTrends reports because will be changing to Request: New custom report for that tracks WT tracking URLs from campaigns to record clicks
Assignee: brad.gross → bill.baker
Hey Jaclyn, What's the progress of this bug?
The new URL has not been implemented yet (Bug 750459) Bill - are we still able to move forward with creating this new report even though the link isn't up yet? Thank
It's possible as long as we have a definative URL. Please add to this bug exactly what dimensions and measures you want to see in the report. If there is an existing report that has almost what you need then let me know that. Also what profile(s) you want the report attached to.
the URL is going to be I'd like this report to tell me where traffic is coming in from and what people do on this page (visits, how long they stay, what do they click on, etc)
Do you mean the referring site, domain, or page? will the page have link tracking enabled? This may ta
This amy take more than one report to get you the information.
Can we use the same reporting format as the "Download Firefox Aurora Desktop: Campaign Conversions" report? And then a separate one that tracks visitor activity
We can but we need to chat to make sure all the parameters are going top be set. I'm free all day tomorrow.
We will need to send the conversion parameter on the link click. The parameter is WT.z_convert and the value will be "Android". If there is link tracking enabled on the page, thie just needs to be in the query string of the URL of the link. If this is being sent via dcsMultiTrack as seperate event tracking, we will also need to send WT.dl=99. dcsMultiTrack('DCS.dcsuri','[URL that is different then the page]','WT.ti','[title that is different then the current page]', 'WT.dl', '99', 'WT.z_convert', 'Android');
Blocks: 751730
Jaclyn - Where are we at with this?
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Component: Webtrends → Web Analytics
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