Closed Bug 763021 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Send Tab should prompt for a clients-only sync


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: Android Sync, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: rnewman, Assigned: nalexander)



(Whiteboard: [tab2device])

      No description provided.
To verify this hasn't stopped us syncing all stages by default:

1. pair device to account
2. sync device, and verify that all stages were synced, with log messages like:

I FxSync(29520)               ServerSyncStage :: Advancing session.
I SyncAdapter(29520)          Stage completed: syncBookmarks
I FxSync(29520)               GlobalSession :: Running next stage syncHistory (org.mozilla.gecko.sync.stage.AndroidBrowserHistoryServerSyncStage@4123fe78)...
D FxSync(29520)               ServerSyncStage :: Starting execute for history
... <activity snipped> ...
I FxSync(29520)               ServerSyncStage :: Advancing session.
I SyncAdapter(29520)          Stage completed: syncHistory

To verify that Send Tab kicks off an immediate clients only sync:

1. pair device to account
2. sync device
3. from Fennec, Share a link via "Firefox Sync"
4. check logs to see link has been shared:

I FxSync(29520)               Command :: Sending displayURI to wZnQMxjo6hXY

5. check logs to see that sync has been kicked off:

I FxSync(29520)               SendTabActivity :: Requesting immediate clients stage sync.
I SyncAdapter(29520)          Forced sync: overruling remaining backoff of 27968ms.
I SyncAdapter(29520)          Got onPerformSync. Extras bundle is Bundle[{ignore_backoff=true, stagesToSync={"clients":0}, ignore_settings=true, force=true}]
I SyncAdapter(29520)          Account name:
D SyncAdapter(29520)          Invalidating auth token.
I SyncAdapter(29520)          Waiting on sync monitor.

6. check logs to verify that all stages but clients stages are skipped:

I SyncAdapter(29520)          Stage completed: syncClientsEngine
I FxSync(29520)               GlobalSession :: Running next stage syncTabs (org.mozilla.gecko.sync.stage.FennecTabsServerSyncStage@412b30a0)...
D FxSync(29520)               ServerSyncStage :: Starting execute for tabs
D FxSync(29520)               SyncConfiguration :: Returning prefs for sync.prefs.7gqxisxrwjftkqfj3gll3fjlxoumaf2h
D FxSync(29520)               SyncConfiguration :: Returning prefs for sync.prefs.7gqxisxrwjftkqfj3gll3fjlxoumaf2h
D FxSync(29520)               SyncConfiguration :: Returning prefs for sync.prefs.7gqxisxrwjftkqfj3gll3fjlxoumaf2h
D FxSync(29520)               SynczrConfiguration :: Loaded SynchronizerConfiguration. syncID: 604bXkw7dnUq, remoteBundle: {"timestamp":1340301135660}, localBundle: {"timestamp":1340301143363}
D FxSync(29520)               ServerSyncStage :: Stage tabs disabled just for this sync.
I FxSync(29520)               ServerSyncStage :: Skipping stage tabs.
I SyncAdapter(29520)          Stage completed: syncTabs
I FxSync(29520)               GlobalSession :: Running next stage syncPasswords (org.mozilla.gecko.sync.stage.PasswordsServerSyncStage@4125b6e8)...
D FxSync(29520)               ServerSyncStage :: Starting execute for passwords
D FxSync(29520)               SyncConfiguration :: Returning prefs for sync.prefs.7gqxisxrwjftkqfj3gll3fjlxoumaf2h
D FxSync(29520)               SyncConfiguration :: Returning prefs for sync.prefs.7gqxisxrwjftkqfj3gll3fjlxoumaf2h
D FxSync(29520)               SyncConfiguration :: Returning prefs for sync.prefs.7gqxisxrwjftkqfj3gll3fjlxoumaf2h
D FxSync(29520)               SynczrConfiguration :: Loaded SynchronizerConfiguration. syncID: VkTH0QiVj6dD, remoteBundle: {"timestamp":1340301145070}, localBundle: {"timestamp":1340301152042}
D FxSync(29520)               ServerSyncStage :: Stage passwords disabled just for this sync.
I FxSync(29520)               ServerSyncStage :: Skipping stage passwords.
I SyncAdapter(29520)          Stage completed: syncPasswords

7. You can also check the "last synced time" in the Settings > Accounts & Sync > sync account page to verify the sync took place.
Assignee: nobody → nalexander
This forced clients sync will happen even if the "Sync Firefox" button is unchecked.  We might want to change this, or not offer Send Tab at all if syncing is disabled.  Follow-up?
Should always offer the intent, and just buffer. syncing clients is likely fine, at least for now.
QA: please also verify that Force Sync works.
Closed with Bug 763020.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: [tab2device]
Product: Mozilla Services → Android Background Services
Product: Android Background Services → Firefox for Android
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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