Closed Bug 763783 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

present interface to override soft-block of Flash plugin


(Firefox Graveyard :: Webapp Runtime, defect)

14 Branch
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: myk, Unassigned)



Bug 755557 enables the plugin blocklist in the webapp runtime.  Per bug 755554, Flash will be the only plugin enabled in the runtime, so it's the only one that will be blocked.  Flash versions are sometimes (often?) soft-blocked, and Firefox allows users to override those blocks via the Add-ons interface.

If users should be able to override the block in the runtime, then the runtime should present an interface for doing so.

Other runtimes, like Java and Flash itself, sometimes provide a preference interface for such things, which they expose via some subtle affordance in the app or some system-level integration (f.e. a panel in the OS preferences dialog).

But before we design an interface, we need to know whether or not one is really needed.  It isn't clear to me that we require (nor perhaps even desire) such an interface in order to satisfy the use cases we intend to enable with the runtime.

Thus I am marking this productwanted rather than uiwanted.  Once Product weighs in, if they decide that we do want this, then we can set uiwanted to attract a designer to the question of how to present it.
Justin - Thoughts on the above comment? We're trying to figure out if we need to support overriding of softblocking of flash in the web runtime and if so, how important the feature is to the 1st release of the web runtime.
There is not a compelling enough use case for this at this time. With the latest Flash plugins starting to be self-updating this situation will become less probable. If there is a use case please reopen and we'll re-evaluate.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Keywords: productwanted
Product: Firefox → Firefox Graveyard
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