Closed Bug 772896 Opened 12 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Update Verbatim to Pootle 2.5.0


(Webtools Graveyard :: Verbatim, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Pike, Unassigned)



There's a new release coming up for pootle, let's find out how to get that deployed to run verbatim.
Hi Dwayne,

To answer your questions; I guess I would be a helping hand in deploying the new Pootle. Maybe not exactly my hands but I would be able to get the right IT people to do. Also, I have sudo access on the machine if need be. 

Despite being partially in WebDev and partially in L10n here at Mozilla and maintaining several sites now, none of them actually use Verbatim. So, I actually don't know much about Pootle itself or its features. Thus I might not be good at checking the new features because I don't even know what the old ones were like :)

However, I take responsibility in rounding up the relevant people who actually have projects on Verbatim. So can Stas, Gandalf and Axel. 

In terms of deployment, what we did was that we scooped up the whole installed instance and placed it in a git repo.
Would it be an option that you submit pull requests against that as a way of doing the upgrade? I wouldn't be surprised if there are a bunch of other ad hoc commands we'll also need but perhaps that could be a good start. 

In terms of timing... Today is my last day. 
...before going on vacation for a week. So, there's little I can help with till week after next :)

I hope it helps.
(In reply to Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] from comment #1)
> Hi Dwayne,
> To answer your questions; I guess I would be a helping hand in deploying the
> new Pootle. Maybe not exactly my hands but I would be able to get the right
> IT people to do. Also, I have sudo access on the machine if need be. 

> Despite being partially in WebDev and partially in L10n here at Mozilla and
> maintaining several sites now, none of them actually use Verbatim. So, I
> actually don't know much about Pootle itself or its features. Thus I might
> not be good at checking the new features because I don't even know what the
> old ones were like :)

We can make a plan as needed around those then I think.  I'd like to be able to close out the Mozilla bugs that we are working against.

> However, I take responsibility in rounding up the relevant people who
> actually have projects on Verbatim. So can Stas, Gandalf and Axel. 

> In terms of deployment, what we did was that we scooped up the whole
> installed instance and placed it in a git repo.
> Would it be an option that you submit pull requests against that as a way of
> doing the upgrade? I wouldn't be surprised if there are a bunch of other ad
> hoc commands we'll also need but perhaps that could be a good start. 

Not sure what works best in this situation.  Friedel and Julen will really be running with that, not me.  Biggest concern would be schema migrations.  So we probably at least want to test that on the current data in Verbatim to make sure that we can migrate correctly.

> In terms of timing... Today is my last day. 
> ...before going on vacation for a week. So, there's little I can help with
> till week after next :)

That's OK, as a first step we should be looking at what is different between Verbatim and Pootle trunk.

Glad your here to help.
Hi Dwayne, can you give an update on the status of the deployment?
Flags: needinfo?(dwayne)
Hi Dwayne, can you give an update on the status of the deployment?
I think the ball's in Mozilla's court.

As Peter Bengtsson mentioned by mail, Mozilla needs to move Verbatim's DB to a better and more secure environment. A test DB upgrade and test deployment need to be done too.

In terms of Pootle, although the new version hasn't been released yet, bugs are being fixed and there's an ongoing work in polishing the product.
As a side note, current git master is being used at several deployments such as and
Flags: needinfo?(dwayne)
Summary: Update Verbatim to Pootle 2.2.0 → Update Verbatim to Pootle 2.5.0
Thanks for the clarification, Julen.

Peter, could you give us an update on what the status of this is?
Flags: needinfo?(peterbe)
Thanks for the clarification, Julen.

Peter, could you give us an update on what the status of this is?
Finally things are getting clear. Now I know that it's up to me to set up the servers. 

So, I've blown some fresh wind into this:

Once I know that the mysql database is in safe hands. I can set up a staging environment (see this as a test environment) where we can try doing the upgrade without affecting the production instance. 

Right now, I'm going to wait till the mysql stuff is done before I set up DNS and configure a second pootle instance running.
Depends on: 780217
Flags: needinfo?(peterbe)
Blocks: 812185
Depends on: 819100
Depends on: 841719
Any news regarding this? The old version of Pootle looks and feels really outdatad, especially knowing what 2.5 has to offer... indicates that this is FIXED for a while.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Webtools → Webtools Graveyard
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