Closed Bug 841719 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Upgrade Pootle on


(Webtools Graveyard :: Verbatim, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Milos, Assigned: peterbe)



      No description provided.
Please test the upgrade process on
Assignee: nobody → peterbe
Blocks: 772896
Peter, we've got feedback on upgrade errors from them. Is there anything else blocking us here?
Summary: Upgrade Pootle on localize.allizom.orf → Upgrade Pootle on
Hi Dwayne, 

The error still persists. What I just did was that I pulled the latest master from so I'm now on

I still get the same old error.

In case this helps, you can see that there is a site set up with the matching SITE_ID

And as you can see here, I'm using Django 1.4.5

I have now pushed my code to this branch here:
It's a massive diff so you can't really compare it. 
Basically, what it does is that it puts pootle (master) and a django (1.4.5) into a directory called "vendor/"
which means that we can run this whole instance without having to install pootle or django into the (virtual)environment which is crucial for us to be able to run both the old verbatim and the new verbatim on the same server without mod_wsgi mixing up the versions. 

I hope all is clear. If you're totally stuck I'm happy to help out and debug. My inner-pootle chops aren't very sharp but I can probably warm up to it. It's just that I have a bunch of other projects lined up too otherwise I'd set aside a lot more time on this.
By the way, I tried removing `djblets` from `external_apps/` because I see it's now part of pootle itself [1].
But unfortunately, the same error still. 

Eureka! We have progress. 
Axel and I have been hacking away on this and we finally figured out two important things:

1. Remove the old external_apps/djblets

2. The correct way of using `` is you need to tell it explicitely like this:
` ./ syncdb`

As we speak, the pootle migration wizard is plowing through my database and making my mysqld work hard. (truth is it's mostly python2.6 working because ALL SQL is printed to stdout)
Migration completed (after many minutes) but now I'm getting errors like this:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/peterbe/dev/MOZILLA/VERBATIM/verbatim/vendor/src/pootle/pootle/assets/css/common.min.css'

I think I need to review all the default settings and make my in line with the 21st century.
The problem with the CSS was relatively simple. You just have to run:: ./ assets build
Can someone give an update on what the next step is?

Peter, it's great to hear about the progress, can't wait to have this available on production. Thanks for the hard work!
(In reply to Kadir Topal [:atopal] from comment #8)
> Can someone give an update on what the next step is?
> Peter, it's great to hear about the progress, can't wait to have this
> available on production. Thanks for the hard work!

We currently have some probs with dev server, but as soon as that's done, we'll be doing:

1) Test Verbatim with SVN and Git repositories - Milos
2) Check general functionality - Milos
3) Review Verbatim vs. Pootle code changes - Axel
4) Release - Jake, Peterbe, Milos
(In reply to Milos Dinic [:Milos] from comment #9)
> We currently have some probs with dev server

Anything specifically?

> 3) Review Verbatim vs. Pootle code changes - Axel

If you're referring to the changes in the mozilla/mozilla-pootle-extras GH repo, I can summarize:
- `view.verbatim_contributors` can go away — it was included upstream.
- You should keep the custom registration form.
IIRC, I looked over the scary bits wrt django setup etc, Peter has a verbal r=me on those.
Just wanted to ping and see if there are any blockers that we can assist with?
(In reply to Dwayne Bailey from comment #12)
> Just wanted to ping and see if there are any blockers that we can assist
> with?

None that I can think of. Right now Milos is testing the new 2.5 version at
Milos, can you tell us how that is going? Can we help in any way? It would be great if we could fast track this upgrade.
Flags: needinfo?(milos)

We're fixing stuff as they come up along testing. I wouldn't go as far as giving ETA, but will do my best to make sure we fix it in a matter of weeks.
Flags: needinfo?(milos)
(In reply to Milos Dinic [:Milos] from comment #15)
> Kadir,
> We're fixing stuff as they come up along testing. I wouldn't go as far as
> giving ETA, but will do my best to make sure we fix it in a matter of weeks.

Any news on this?  I'm antsy to get our locales into git and off of SVN. :)
Yes, we are done!
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Webtools → Webtools Graveyard
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