Closed Bug 773954 Opened 13 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Decide how to handle localization in GCLI command parameters


(DevTools Graveyard :: Graphic Commandline and Toolbar, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: flod, Unassigned)


Open Developer Toolbar, type "help" and you'll see an hardcoded "[search]" Reference:
Widening the scope of this bug. Another hardcoded piece of string (comma), found after I realized that I wasn't responsible for that punctuation sign before a conjunction (something you shouldn't do in Italian) <span class="gcli-out-shortcut" onclick="${onclick}" ondblclick="${ondblclick}" data-command="help">help</span>,
Summary: GCLI: [search] label is not localizable (hard-coded) → GCLI: harcoded [search] label and "," in intro text
I'm planning on addressing comment 1 in bug 775864. This bug will handle the issue of the '[search]' string and other related parameter name issues. This issue requires thought for 2 reasons: - We have decided not to localize command names (in common with all other command lines) How are parameter names different? - Localizing parameter names could make it much harder for non English speaking users to develop commands, and since this is a developers command line, we think/hope that the set of users isn't that far removed from the set of command developers. We need to provide the best help we can to our users, English speaking or not.
Summary: GCLI: harcoded [search] label and "," in intro text → Decide how to handle localization in GCLI command parameters
New component triage. Filter on "Lobster Thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce"
Component: Developer Tools → Developer Tools: Graphic Commandline and Toolbar
Localizing parameter names is very hard. No other command line even attempts this, and we've not had other comments on this in 4 years, so I'm going to close it. Triage. Filter on Lobster Thermidor.
Actually closing this time. Triage. Filter on Lobster Thermidor.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Firefox → DevTools
Product: DevTools → DevTools Graveyard
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