Closed Bug 778470 Opened 12 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Kuma: Editor - Add an "Edit English version" button to the localization UI


( Graveyard :: Localization, defect, P4)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sheppy, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [localization])

Let's make it possible to turn the English view on the left in the localization UI into an editor so that if the localizer sees an error in the English version while working, they can quickly and easily correct it without leaving the localization UI (this feature request comes from the guys at this localization sprint -- that they're eager to help also fix errors in the English version makes my day!).
That's awesome! I was wondering about the same thing.

Worth noting: There will be a higher rate of edit conflicts in these circumstances. I would imagine that localizers would be in "Edit" mode for longer than average before hitting save.
Priority: -- → P4
Version: Kuma → unspecified
Component: Website → Landing pages
Whiteboard: [localization]
Component: Landing pages → Localization
Allowing editing of the English document in the translation interface, unless I'm mistaken, is going to take *major, major* work on the django side.

Am I correct here @jezdez?
Flags: needinfo?(jezdez)
We absolutely don't want to be able to edit the English document in the translation interface. This leads to too many errors.

Having a link to open the regular en-US editing interface is ok and welcome this

Wontfixing this to reflect this.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Thank you soooooo much :teoli!  Totally agree.
Flags: needinfo?(jezdez)
Product: → Graveyard
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