Open Bug 781460 Opened 12 years ago Updated 10 years ago

^F search does not find dates in ftp listing


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

SeaMonkey 2.11 Branch
Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: lmironov, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:14.0) Gecko/20120715 Firefox/14.0.1 SeaMonkey/2.11
Build ID: 20120715041107

Steps to reproduce:

* prerequisites: system date format is set to dd-MMM-yy (9-Aug-12)

* open an ftp site e.g. - with the dd-MMM-yy date format looks like 

Index of

Up to higher level directory
Name 	Size 	Last Modified
1.0 		02-Feb-06 	12:00:00 AM
1.0.1 		07-Apr-06 	12:00:00 AM
1.0.2 		04-Jun-06 	12:00:00 AM
1.0.3 		27-Jul-06 	12:00:00 AM
1.0.4 		02-Aug-06 	12:00:00 AM
1.0.5 		14-Sep-06 	12:00:00 AM

* press ^F
* type 'aug' in the search box

Actual results:

not found

Expected results:

It should find it - there is an 'aug' in the dates. Numeric values in file dates and times are found, only the alpha month is affected. Surprisingly '/' search (find as you type, must be enabled in preferences-advanced-find as you type) works fine, only the ^F search (edit-find in this page) is affected.
I'm using:
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:17.0) Gecko/17.0 Firefox/17.0 SeaMonkey/2.14a1
Build identifier: 20120808203329

Search finds the alphanumeric months with either CTRL-F or with FAYT /
Does this happen in safe-mode? Go Help->Restart with Addons Disabled.
Go to about:config and filter for network.dir.format . If I change it to 3 the findbar can't find anything. With the default setting of 2 I could find any text on that page.


This preference controls how FTP and local directory listings will appear.
Possible values and their effects
2 Display in HTML format (Default).
3 Display as a XUL tree. (Mozilla Suite/Seamonkey only)

Probably a DUP of one or more of the following:
Bug 263049 - Find Previous doesn't work in xml document tree view
Bug 449235 - Find/Search feature doesn't find text that is present in an XML document upon the first search
> Go to about:config and filter for network.dir.format
> change it to 3

'3' is the necessary catalyst.
Note that after changing the Pref a page refresh (of the ftp page) is required.

Bug 263049 seems to be a different issue.
Bug 263049 looks to be fixed in SeaMonkey 2.31b1, but this bug is not fixed with that.

Bug 449235 appears to be working in both SeaMonkey 2.11 & also in a current Nightly, so that also does not seem to be the issue.

Testing in FF is "difficult" due to Bug 318598 - Support xul directory browsing.
(SeaMonkey is unaffected by that.)
Ever confirmed: true
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