Closed Bug 782442 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Be able to activate social api from


(Firefox Graveyard :: SocialAPI, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mixedpuppy, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [Fx17])

need to implement support for activating from internal content.
To be clear, support for this exists already if we redirect users to a special page on the providers site.

This bug is to track getting third parties to implement a page that triggers activation.

Whether we want to ask providers to implement a page that triggers activation is probably a bigger question. I've flagged this bug for sec-review-needed to answer this question.
Flags: sec-review?
We need more information before we can answer this, will file a bug in our component with needed info blocking this bug.
setting this one to - until we get more information
Flags: sec-review? → sec-review-
OS: Mac OS X → All
Hardware: x86 → All
Here's more clarity, let me know if questions: 

We want to be able to enable users to turn on the social API from a page on in order to essentially give them a way to turn it on without having to rely on a partner. Perhaps this is a matter of whitelisting, I'm not sure, but here's a user story:

Jane hears about the Social API from a article on TechCrunch and wants to learn more and try it out. She clicks on the link within the article and lands on a marketing landing page hosted on that shows her a overview, a cool video of it in action, and contains a big button to 'get started now'. When she clicks that button the side panel pops up, she provides her login credentials and is now using the social api.    

This button need only support one social provider at a time. Let me know if there are questions.
Summary: activation click from about:home or other local content → Be able to activate social api from
I don't think we need to track this here - provider activation is already supported in the client (bug 764869), and we've decided that for we can rely on the providers to give us a way to do that (embedded iframe with postMessage API of some sort). To track that on our end, we'll probably want a webdev bug for, and we'll need to coordinate with the providers.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Adding Chris More and Mike Alexis to help get what we need from the WebDev team. I've filed a bug here to track: 790455.

How can we make sure our provider provides this? I'm sure WebDev needs code from them. Would that entail a separate on Asana? I'd hate for this to fall into the cracks.
(In reply to Laura Forrest from comment #6)

* Typo -- meaning a separate "bug" on Asana 

> from them. Would that entail a separate on Asana?
Please keep the Web Productions team updated on the status on the provider code. You can ping us in #webprod on IRC or
Product: Firefox → Firefox Graveyard
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