Closed Bug 78807 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Cannot Quit the app on Mac 9.0.4/G4


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect, P1)

Mac System 9.x


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: huang, Assigned: paulkchen)



Used 05-02-09-trunk build Cannot Quit the app on Mac 9.0.4/G4 1) After open browser , mail and read mails 2) Tried to Quit the mail & browser by selecting File|Quit 3) Actual Results: Cannot quit the app. Expected results: Should allow quit the app by selecting File|Quit from Mac 9.0.4/G4
Adding nsbeta1 since without this fix, users won't be able to exit the app by selecting File|Quit, it will impact the users for using the multiple profiles, users need to Restart machine every time......
Keywords: nsbeta1
Problem actually has been existed for a while.......
Is this bug 78479? Are the windows closing?
Keywords: nsdogfood
No. I need to restart Mac all the time....
Not sure if this is related, but I've noticed some "Quit Wierdness" on Mac Mozilla .9 as well. Though I cannot always duplicate the behavior, it seems after using the browser for a while, I cannot use the keyboard command-Q to exit the application. I have to use the File Menu command. I do not know what I do that causes this (I use bulletin boards a lot - it's all I can think of), because it doesn't always happen - only about 1/3 of the time, if I had to guess. Another thing I've found is that if I close the browser window first, then try to quit, nothing happens (using either keyboard commands or the File Menu). I have to Force Quit. Seems if there's a window open and active, I can quit without any problems most of time. But as soon as there are no windows open, quitting becomes impossible. I noticed behavior similar to this on .8 and subsequent daily builds as well.... Using OS 9.1, AGP G4, Apple USB Keyboard
updating component
Assignee: asa → pchen
Component: Browser-General → XP Apps
QA Contact: doronr → sairuh
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1+
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.1
Sounds like more hidden window/layering issues.
Ok, got around to digging into this today. First off, there's a bug in mozilla/widget/src/mac/nsMacMessagePump.cpp in nsMacMessagePump::DoKey(). We check for anEvent.modifiers == cmdKey, but in reality we get anEvent.modifiers with cmdKey + btnState (256 + 128), so we never check to see if we've used a keyboard shortcut for a menu item. Once I hacked past that, another problem shows up. In mozilla/widget/src/mac/nsMenuItem.cpp, in nsMenuItem::DoCommand(), we fail calling domDoc->GetElementById(...) on line 292. The command we're trying to look for is "cmd_quit". So at first glance, I'd say we've got the wrong xul doc. Could be something else. Will dig futher.
Hardware: PC → Macintosh
Depends on: 74499
marking fixed.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
VRFY with build 2001-05-18 11 on Mac OS 8.6.
I see the problem with menu options not working with all windows closed todays build on Mac again. sorry 2001-05-22-09trunk on Mac OS9.1
Resolution: FIXED → ---
yeah, i see this too. someone is going to have hell to pay.
mac build from 5/21/01-15, works mac build from 5/22/01-09, broken works fine in my trunk build from 5/22/01-15ish. maybe something else hosed it and was backed out (dbaron's gc, perhaps)? let's check again on the 23rd and see what the deal is.
works in 5/22/01-13. something must have just gone haywire.
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
vrfy fixed using 2001.05.24.08 comm bits. however, if you read email, you won't be able to quit --i filed bug 82778 for that particular case.
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
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