Closed Bug 788322 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Intermittent test_ipc.html, test_webapp_clearBrowserData.html, test_webapp_clearBrowserData_oop_inproc.html | Exited with code 1 during test run from "###!!! ABORT: retaining manager changed out from under us ... HELP!"


(Core :: Layout, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
firefox17 --- unaffected
firefox18 --- fixed
firefox19 --- fixed
firefox-esr17 --- unaffected


(Reporter: philor, Assigned: roc)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


(Keywords: assertion, intermittent-failure)


(1 file, 1 obsolete file) Rev3 Fedora 12 mozilla-inbound debug test mochitests-2/5 on 2012-09-04 07:47:30 PDT for push 67f07d04c5ad slave: talos-r3-fed-006 7901 INFO TEST-START | /tests/dom/indexedDB/ipc/test_ipc.html ++DOMWINDOW == 21 (0x15f6797c) [serial = 2780] [outer = 0xbf40490] creating 1! [Child 2266] WARNING: nsWindow::GetNativeData not implemented for this type: file ../../../widget/xpwidgets/PuppetWidget.cpp, line 569 ++DOCSHELL 0x9eb0370 == 1 [id = 66] ++DOMWINDOW == 1 (0x9eaaedc) [serial = 206] [outer = (nil)] ++DOMWINDOW == 2 (0x9da350c) [serial = 207] [outer = 0x9eaae90] [TabChild] SHOW (w,h)= (0, 0) loading http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/indexedDB/test?consoleLevel=INFO, 1 [TabChild] Update Dimensions to (x,y,w,h)= (0d, 25d, 780d, 1112d) and move to (w,h)= (0d, 0d) [TabChild] Update Dimensions to (x,y,w,h)= (0d, 25d, 780d, 1112d) and move to (w,h)= (484d, 1000d) [Parent 2194] ###!!! ABORT: retaining manager changed out from under us ... HELP!: '!shadowRoot || shadowRoot->Manager() == aManager', file ../../../layout/ipc/RenderFrameParent.cpp, line 662 (bogus stack) [Parent 2194] ###!!! ABORT: retaining manager changed out from under us ... HELP!: '!shadowRoot || shadowRoot->Manager() == aManager', file ../../../layout/ipc/RenderFrameParent.cpp, line 662 [Child 2266] WARNING: shutting down early because of crash!: file ../../../dom/ipc/ContentChild.cpp, line 715 [Child 2266] WARNING: content process _exit()ing: file ../../../dom/ipc/ContentChild.cpp, line 760 TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /tests/dom/indexedDB/ipc/test_ipc.html | Exited with code 1 during test run INFO | | Application ran for: 0:11:23.392866 INFO | | Reading PID log: /tmp/tmpuELlq-pidlog ==> process 2194 launched child process 2266 ==> process 2194 launched child process 2276 INFO | | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2266 INFO | | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2276 Downloading symbols from: PROCESS-CRASH | /tests/dom/indexedDB/ipc/test_ipc.html | application crashed (minidump found) Crash dump filename: /tmp/tmp1oW96f/minidumps/72ca0893-d248-231a-517097fd-10b36f29.dmp Operating system: Linux 0.0.0 Linux #1 SMP Sat Nov 7 21:25:57 EST 2009 i686 CPU: x86 GenuineIntel family 6 model 23 stepping 10 2 CPUs Crash reason: SIGSEGV Crash address: 0x0 Thread 0 (crashed) 0!mozalloc_abort [mozalloc_abort.cpp : 23 + 0x0] eip = 0x00268edd esp = 0xbfb5e7e0 ebp = 0xbfb5e7f8 ebx = 0x00269118 esi = 0x00c59844 edi = 0xbfb5e828 eax = 0x0000000a ecx = 0x00000001 edx = 0x00c5a32c efl = 0x00010246 Found by: given as instruction pointer in context 1!NS_DebugBreak_P [nsDebugImpl.cpp : 423 + 0x5] eip = 0x020939c1 esp = 0xbfb5e800 ebp = 0xbfb5ec38 ebx = 0x02da9484 esi = 0xbfb5ec14 edi = 0xbfb5e828 Found by: call frame info 2!mozilla::layout::RenderFrameParent::BuildLayer [RenderFrameParent.cpp : 661 + 0x23] eip = 0x013569d5 esp = 0xbfb5ec40 ebp = 0xbfb5ee58 ebx = 0x02da9484 esi = 0x0d0c78d0 edi = 0x0c6a8a58 Found by: call frame info 3!nsDisplayRemote::BuildLayer [RenderFrameParent.cpp : 913 + 0x1b] eip = 0x01356ede esp = 0xbfb5ee60 ebp = 0xbfb5eec8 ebx = 0x02da9484 esi = 0x0d3c4730 edi = 0xbfb5ef2c Found by: call frame info 4!mozilla::::ContainerState::ProcessDisplayItems [FrameLayerBuilder.cpp : 1854 + 0x1b] eip = 0x012256fa esp = 0xbfb5eed0 ebp = 0xbfb5efc8 ebx = 0x02da9484 esi = 0xbfb5f37c edi = 0xbfb5f368 Found by: call frame info 5!mozilla::::ContainerState::ProcessDisplayItems [FrameLayerBuilder.cpp : 1793 + 0x1c] eip = 0x01224dfd esp = 0xbfb5efd0 ebp = 0xbfb5f0b8 ebx = 0x02da9484 esi = 0xbfb5f02c edi = 0xbfb5f368 Found by: call frame info 6!mozilla::::ContainerState::ProcessDisplayItems [FrameLayerBuilder.cpp : 1793 + 0x1c] eip = 0x01224dfd esp = 0xbfb5f0c0 ebp = 0xbfb5f1a8 ebx = 0x02da9484 esi = 0xbfb5f11c edi = 0xbfb5f368 Found by: call frame info 7!mozilla::::ContainerState::ProcessDisplayItems [FrameLayerBuilder.cpp : 1793 + 0x1c] eip = 0x01224dfd esp = 0xbfb5f1b0 ebp = 0xbfb5f298 ebx = 0x02da9484 esi = 0xbfb5f20c edi = 0xbfb5f368 Found by: call frame info 8!mozilla::FrameLayerBuilder::BuildContainerLayerFor [FrameLayerBuilder.cpp : 2502 + 0x18] eip = 0x0122676b esp = 0xbfb5f2a0 ebp = 0xbfb5f658 ebx = 0x02da9484 esi = 0xbfb5f368 edi = 0xbfb5f4f8 Found by: call frame info 9!nsDisplayList::PaintForFrame [nsDisplayList.cpp : 997 + 0xf] eip = 0x01260fbe esp = 0xbfb5f660 ebp = 0xbfb5f728 ebx = 0x02da9484 esi = 0xbfb5f7d4 edi = 0x14a1bb10 Found by: call frame info 10!nsDisplayList::PaintRoot [nsDisplayList.cpp : 934 + 0x11] eip = 0x01262f0d esp = 0xbfb5f730 ebp = 0xbfb5f768 ebx = 0x02da9484 esi = 0xbfb5f7d4 edi = 0x00000000 Found by: call frame info 11!nsLayoutUtils::PaintFrame [nsLayoutUtils.cpp : 1855 + 0x16] eip = 0x0127eb07 esp = 0xbfb5f770 ebp = 0xbfb5fc08 ebx = 0x02da9484 esi = 0x0becbd40 edi = 0x00000000 Found by: call frame info 12!PresShell::RenderDocument [nsPresShell.cpp : 4405 + 0x31] eip = 0x0129289f esp = 0xbfb5fc10 ebp = 0xbfb5fd38 ebx = 0x02da9484 esi = 0x15d64108 edi = 0x0000003b Found by: call frame info 13!nsCanvasRenderingContext2D::DrawWindow [nsCanvasRenderingContext2D.cpp : 3725 + 0x1c] eip = 0x01554859 esp = 0xbfb5fd40 ebp = 0xbfb5fdf8 ebx = 0x02da9484 esi = 0x0c4d7d08 edi = 0x00000022 Found by: call frame info 14!nsIDOMCanvasRenderingContext2D_DrawWindow [dom_quickstubs.cpp : 2806 + 0xb] eip = 0x01b42e16 esp = 0xbfb5fe00 ebp = 0xbfb5fed8 ebx = 0x02da9484 esi = 0x0aa9c868 edi = 0xb31fe298 Found by: call frame info ...
Summary: Intermittent test_ipc.html | Exited with code 1 during test run from "###!!! ABORT: retaining manager changed out from under us ... HELP!" → Intermittent test_ipc.html, test_webapp_clearBrowserData.html | Exited with code 1 during test run from "###!!! ABORT: retaining manager changed out from under us ... HELP!"
Summary: Intermittent test_ipc.html, test_webapp_clearBrowserData.html | Exited with code 1 during test run from "###!!! ABORT: retaining manager changed out from under us ... HELP!" → Intermittent test_ipc.html, test_webapp_clearBrowserData.html, test_webapp_clearBrowserData_oop_inproc.html | Exited with code 1 during test run from "###!!! ABORT: retaining manager changed out from under us ... HELP!"
Top orange, please may you look at this :-)
Flags: needinfo?(bent.mozilla)
This is a layout bug, likely only happens with IPC frames. Not sure who is the right person to investigate this, CC'ing a few.
Component: DOM: IndexedDB → Layout
Flags: needinfo?(bent.mozilla)
(In reply to ben turner [:bent] from comment #44) > This is a layout bug, likely only happens with IPC frames. Not sure who is > the right person to investigate this, CC'ing a few. Thank you :-)
My testcase in bug might be a reproducible testcase for this bug.
Assignee: nobody → roc
According to the stacks here, we're doing a drawWindow call on some ancestor document of the remote iframe. That's what causes the crash, since the layer manager we try to draw with isn't the one expected by the shadow-layers system. The testcase in tries to do the same thing, but explicitly.
I wonder if this drawWindow call could be triggered by the browser thumbnails service? Is that disabled during tests or not?
Attached patch fix and test (obsolete) — — Splinter Review
Attachment #680419 - Flags: review?(matt.woodrow)
Attached patch fix and test v2 — — Splinter Review
Attachment #680419 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #680419 - Flags: review?(matt.woodrow)
Attachment #680420 - Flags: review?(matt.woodrow)
Attachment #680420 - Flags: review?(matt.woodrow) → review+
Hmm, this looks similar to the investigative work I was doing in bug 782845.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla19
Comment on attachment 680420 [details] [diff] [review] fix and test v2 [Approval Request Comment] Bug caused by (feature/regressing bug #): unsure. The underlying bug has probably been present for a long time. User impact if declined: None. This only affects our tests by avoiding some random orange. Testing completed (on m-c, etc.): on m-c for a week Risk to taking this patch (and alternatives if risky): low risk, since the condition under which we change behavior causes a fatal assert not long afterward with our current code String or UUID changes made by this patch: none
Attachment #680420 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta?
Whiteboard: [orange]
Attachment #680420 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta? → approval-mozilla-beta+
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