Closed Bug 79222 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Unable to move message by D&D


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: marina, Assigned: naving)



(Whiteboard: [nsbeta1+][PDT+])

**** observed with 2001-05-07 build **** in today's build i can not move message to another folder by drag & drop, there is no effect
naving, you own drag and drop these days right?
Assignee: mscott → naving
Component: Mail Back End → Mail Window Front End
worksfine for me using my debug build from today
i am using 2001-05-07-04 build, and when i am dragging the message to a different folder i see the envelope though the message stays in the Inbox and is not copied to a destination folder.
QA Contact: esther → sheelar
sheela, can you reproduce this ?
WorksForMe on Wondows 2000 Build 2001050704
worksforme on Win2000 with 2001-05-08 build ... though was entered for win98
marking resolved worksforme.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
buildid:2001050706 win98 worksforme too and verifying.
i am still seeing this on the morning build (2001-05-11)on Win98, somebody with Win 98 please verify if it's happening on your system
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
D&D doesn't work on 2001051604/Win2k.
nominating. sheela, can you verify this with the latest builds ?
Keywords: nsbeta1
I still don't see this. Is this IMAP to IMAP, POP to POP or some other combination?
i am seeing it on my home system ( win98) when D$D within the IMAP account ( is there anything in the prefs that might be disabled???) I can not repro it with the same build on NT here...
builid: 2001052111 on win98 I can drag and drop within IMAP account. I could D&D messages between inbox, drafts,template and a user defined folder. I also tried d&d with the imap delete model. I am able to successfully D&D. worksforme on win98.
Candice just showed me this not working on her machine using a release build. She was using the 5/18 build (Candice could you try updating to today's respin build and see if this still happens). Jean-Francois saw this a few weeks ago too before it went away on his machine. Since we have 3 reports of this happening and it's happening on a developer's machine, it would be great if we can track this down. Perhaps building a release build on Candice's machine will make the problem show up and will enable debugging.
Priority: -- → P1
Whiteboard: [nsbeta1+]
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.1
I have just tested it on the latest release win32 bits 052204 and also on latest commercial debug build and it worksforme. I will wait for Candice to update her commercial tree and see if we can reproduce on her machine.
fwiw: I just tried the following and it all worked: NT40 (sp6), debug (2001-05-22) : yes NT40 (sp6), release (2001-05-22-13): yes WinMe, release (2001-05-22-13) : yes All were tested using IMAP in both 3pane and alt-3pane.
I tried on two release builds using existing and new profile on both imap and pop server. Build 2001052204 doesn't work on my NT. Build 2001052304 works fine. I'll try the new build just posted.
It is working for me on WinNT and Win2K , but still happening on my Win98 machine at home.. though the last build i tried was May18
Scott and I just found out that if I install the build 2001052204 (build 05-22-13-trunk) on a new directory, it works fine. I'll try to install this build back to my existing 6.0 direcotry. Normally I install Netscape6 over the existing 6.0 directory without empty the directory. Marina, did you always install on a new directory or on top of the existing one?
oh, i always install to the same directory, not through the smartupdate via .xpi ( if that is important) but just overriding the old Nescp65 with a new one)
I install the 2001-05-22-13 over my original 6.5 directory (with 05-23-06-trunk previously installed) and it works. But I think my directory is already bad since it started up with some NSPR alerts which are from build 05-23-06-trunk. Anyway, I think the problem could be from how I install the build and this is really strange.
no there is nothing bad with your directory, the build from this morning 05-23-04 is giving this alert about the missing entry point procedure to some folks (win2K) , me included...I can not figure out what's different with my install here and at home, systems are different but i am installing on top of the directory in both cases... weird. I'll see today with current build and report here.
reusing the install directory may be a red herring(though I always blow away my old build and I have never seen this), but Sheela, could you try installing NS 6.0 and then installing a recent build on top of it and see if Drag and Drop still works?
on my machine(win2K) i can not reproduce the problem that i have @home (win98) with the same build ( reusing the directory :-)and starting with the old profile in both cases...
Bugscape bug 5163 was just filed about this. So we have another user seeing this. Trying to get more info.
cc'ing angelabu and chofmann who I've heard have seen this also. On Angela's machine we saw it behave slightly differently in that the cursor changed into a busy cursor on drop and the throbber kept going but nothing happened. I didn't get a chance to see the size of the message but she said this happens all of the time so I have to believe that this shouldn't be happening. She also installs over her old builds.
As of yesterday, I tried to install about 3 builds one after another in the same directory and on builid:2001052213 on win98 I got into a state where I could not drag and drop messages sent folder to an imap user defined folder. I was getting an error with my mailbox quota at 97%. I need to see if I can reproduce D&D problem without the error. I was in alternate 3 pane mail window. When I saw Angelabu trying to drag and drop messages she also had hit the mailbox quota. I quit the application and launched again and I was able to D&D. I am not sure if this has anything to do with it. But will try to see if I can reproduce with out the mailbox max quota alert. Marina, Do you get mailbox quota error? Is it a single message D&D or it is the same problem with multiple messages too. I also want to know if you see the D&D problem as soon as you install, launch 3 pane and not able to D&D or Do you see this problem after you have used the mail app for a while and after successfully moving messages for a while and then you get into this state? Are you able to D&D after relaunch or D&D after you switch folders or between the accounts?
Sheela, to fully answer your questions i need to install the build on my home system, win98.As i remember it was happening after i install, without giving me any errors messages about being out of quota, the thread was in this state all the time, i wasn't able to move messages at all , neither after install nor after working for a while
D&D seems to work fine now-using 2001-05-24 build (win98)
I'm a little hesitant to do this, but I'm going to move to 0.9.2 for the moment. It sounds like people who were seeing it on the 5/22 build and before aren't seeing it on the 5/23 build. Marina, can you try a newer build at home? If that works for you then I think we can mark this WFM and reopen if we start hearing more cases.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.1 → mozilla0.9.2
I use the same directory for installing my winNT release build and it WFM using 052404 for both single & mutliple messages for both IMAP and POP3.
i'll install today's build and report here
I installed 2001052308 and 2001052408 builds in the same directory where I had installed builds 05-07, 05-11, 05-22. I was able to D&D messages in imap and pop.
Marina, Have you had any chance to download a new build on your pc at home. Are you still seeing this problem with drag and drop?
cc'ing kmurray who says he still sees this.
guilty... no, i just came back from vacation...i propose to resolve this bug as wfm and if i see something bad i'll reopen, how about that?
with build 2001-05-31-20 on my home system ( Win98) i don't see it happening
*** Bug 83315 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Kevin, are you still seeing this? The most recent duplicate bug mentions seeing this with multiple messages and moving to the trash.
adding pdt+
Whiteboard: [nsbeta1+] → [nsbeta1+][PDT+]
in today's 2001-06-11-04 build i am seeing the same problem on Win2K: if i D&D from IMAP folder to POP folder the message would be copied instead of move, same thing would happen if you would use the menu : Message|Move ... destination folder.
Cross server moves should actually be a copy. That is the right thing to do, same as in 4x. I added that last week.
I'm seeing this on Solaris build 2001061122. Moving by D+D actually performs a copy. Moving by right-clicking and using the context menu does the same. Moving by using the menubar "message...move.." actually does a copy. This is a move from the Inbox (on a movemail account) to a "local folders" folder. Is this considered a "cross-server" situation? If so, why? Also, when I explicitly choose a "move" command from a menu, why is it copied instead of moved? If I want it moved, then I want it moved!
See bug 84905 for more info. I will check it soon.
As per this bug when this was reported it was only about D&D having no effect. Based on marina's comments from 2001-06-01 10:16 I am marking this bug as worksforme. Follow bug 84905 for the other problem. If you see the problem of unable to drag and drop messages then reopen this bug.
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
*** Bug 86629 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
As the reporter of Bug 86629 which was just marked as a dupe of this one, let me add the following notes to this discussion. Sorry for any redundancy. On Mac Moz 0.9.1 (and 0.9.1+) D+D does not work for IMAP folder->IMAP folder moving of messages. Neither single messages nor groups of messages can be moved via D+D. The messages do not copy. The GUI elements look as if D+D is about to work (i.e. I drag the message over a folder, the folder highlights, I drop, it unhighlights as expected), but nothing actually happens. The problem is intermittent. It works once in a while, but usually it does not work. NS 4.7 D+D still works, and the Moz MailNews content popup "Move To" feature work, so it is definitely not a mailserver problem. When I reinstalled Mozilla, the D+D functionality returned for a few minutes, but after switching tasks a few times, it stopped again. I get no improvement from reopening the window, restarting the browser, rebooting the Mac. I cannot reproduce the events that makes the D+D functionality turn on and off, but I can say that it is broken about 90-95% of the time.
verifying this as worksforme. 2001061807-win98 2001061808-linux and mac I have not been able to reproduce this intermittent unable to D&D messages in the recent builds as I said before. I am verifying this bug as worksforme. If any one has exact reproducible steps causing this problem open a new bug and do not reopen this since this bug already has too much information about D&D not working with no reproducible steps. Log a new bug. thanks.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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