Closed Bug 796692 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

[email/activesync] ActiveSync settings don't work correctly


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::E-Mail, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ghtobz, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: Interaction)

[GitHub issue by mozsquib on 2012-09-21T02:53:20Z,]
Currently, the ActiveSync settings card (where you'd enter the hostname) doesn't open at all. This will be resolved by #4997, but once that's done, we'll need some further changes. After #4997, I'll be storing the hostname in `connInfo.server`. I didn't use `hostname` because I also store the protocol (so it looks like ""). As far as I can tell, port doesn't matter for us, so we'll probably want a single field for the server. I think we could also strip the https:// off and just show the domain name.

cc @caseyyee, @asutherland
[GitHub comment by asutherland on 2012-09-21T07:43:32Z]
We always want an encrypted connection, so unless the servers start supporting SPDY, yeah, I think we can ignore the protocol.  We should have the settings UI card potentially predicate based on the server's type as to what details it should show on that card.  Right now IMAP and SMTP can use the same thing (which is what is assumed now.)

@dominickuo did the most recent settings update, so you might want to talk with him about that.  I had had him create separate Card impementations for credentials and the IMAP/SMTP info; I think we'll just want another card type for that too.  (I was torn between that and a generic binding, but I've been leaning towards explicit-even-at-the-cost-of-a-little copy-and-paste as of late, as I think it's easier for other people to understand things.)
Component: Gaia → Gaia::E-Mail
no movement on this bug for a long time
request QA to test and verify if this bug is still valid
Flags: needinfo?(carlos.martinez)
Keywords: qawanted
Whiteboard: [label:email][label:email-ui] → Interaction
Hotmail accounts are working fine for a long time now, so I guess this is solved. At least is working fine with Gecko-cb6ee76 Gaia-16006ea. Closing as worksforme.
Closed: 12 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(carlos.martinez)
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
removing qawanted, marked WFM
Keywords: qawanted
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