Closed Bug 806024 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Enable Android product announcements client service


(Android Background Services Graveyard :: Product Announcements, defect, P1)



(firefox18+ fixed, firefox19+ fixed, b2g18 fixed)

Tracking Status
firefox18 + fixed
firefox19 + fixed
b2g18 --- fixed


(Reporter: rnewman, Assigned: rnewman)



(Whiteboard: [snippets])


(1 file)

Let's turn this on when there's a server to hit.
Update for release drivers: still waiting on backend service.

Pref-on should be a single-line change, and the logic will be the same across all product versions, so I'm confident of being able to test this thoroughly against the live service before opting to turn it on for a branch.
Component: General → Android: Product Announcements
Product: Firefox for Android → Mozilla Services
Version: Trunk → unspecified
Depends on: 812809
Status: we have an AMI against which I have begin testing; that's revealed a server bug or two, which will be resolved by the Services team early next week.

When the next server deployment rolls out, I'll hand this over to Tracy for more thorough testing (for which I'd like the trivial changes in Bug 812809 uplifted, just to make the feature in Aurora match trunk).

In parallel, we're waiting for final hostnames to be assigned and production infrastructure deployment to be finished.

Schedule-wise, that probably means this pref-on will hit in early Beta, rather than Aurora, but we'll see. I'd much rather enable a well-tested feature in Beta than rush to enable a poorly-tested feature in Aurora before the cutoff!
Current status: I think we've squashed all the server bugs. Production hostname *should* go live today or Monday (Bug 803547), but in the mean time the client logs a single line of error and continues on its merry way, so I'm ready to turn this on in Beta and Aurora as soon as tracy signs off.
Flags: needinfo?(twalker)
Depends on: 821827
Currently, idle time doesn't work.  (thanks to rnewman for adding capability to his testing addon to spoof idle time from the client)

Once the blocker is figured out/fixed.  I'll do a complete test run against both beta and aurora for sign-off.
Flags: needinfo?(twalker)
Flags: needinfo?(twalker)
This needs to land for Beta 6 (going to build 12/27) to make it into Firefox 18.
(In reply to Alex Keybl [:akeybl] from comment #5)
> This needs to land for Beta 6 (going to build 12/27) to make it into Firefox
> 18.

Testing should be complete in the next couple of days. One-line pref-on patch is ready to go.
I'm good with the state of this thing now that the idle state has been proven to work correctly.  The Mobile QA team wants to take a look at the feature, so I am going to work out a small test session with them sometime tomorrow, if possible.  Sign-off to come pending that testing.
Flags: needinfo?(twalker)
Attached patch Pref on.Splinter Review
Attachment #693980 - Flags: review+
Attachment #693980 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta+
Attachment #693980 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora+
Flagging Tracy for final A-OK, then I'll land the pref-on patch.
Flags: needinfo?(twalker)
Ok, flip the switch.

mobile QA guys had a look at it. They had a few suggestions for testing thoroughness, which I'll add to the test suite.  

Nothing further blocking this.
Flags: needinfo?(twalker)
for verification on production, can we use the dev channel?
(In reply to Tracy Walker [:tracy] from comment #12)
> for verification on production, can we use the dev channel?

If you're using a Fennec build, it will use the dev channel against the prod hostname. But bear in mind that anything you send to that channel will go to anyone running a custom build of Fennec.

In general, ensure that stage is identical to prod, and use that. But if you really, really have to verify prod, then yes, use dev.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Android: Product Announcements → Product Announcements
Product: Mozilla Services → Android Background Services
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