Bug 808703
Opened 12 years ago
Closed 12 years ago
[keyboard] after switching from capital-ABC to numeric and back, the "uppercase" button is deactivated, despite the letters still being capitalized
(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia, defect)
of bug 806648
blocking-basecamp | - |
(Reporter: dholbert, Unassigned)
(Keywords: b2g-testdriver, unagi)
(3 files)
1. Focus a text-field, e.g. the main text field in the feedback app
2. If it's not already activated (blue), touch the uppercase button, towards the lower-left. So -- now it's blue, and all the letters are uppercase.
3. Tap the "?123" button to switch to numeric entry
4. Tap the "ABC" button to switch back to alphabetic characters.
ACTUAL RESULTS: The letters on the keyboard are all uppercase, but the uppercase button isn't activated. (It's gray)
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Comment 1•12 years ago
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Comment 2•12 years ago
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Comment 3•12 years ago
Screenshots 1 and 2 show the two correct states that the alphabetic keyboard-view should have.
This third screenshot shows the incorrect/inconsistent state that it gets into after you follow the STR.
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Updated•12 years ago
Summary: [keyboard] after switching from capital-ABC to numeric and back, the "capitalize" button is in the wrong state → [keyboard] after switching from capital-ABC to numeric and back, the "uppercase" button is deactivated, despite the letters still being capitalized
Hi Daniel can you try to update to today's stable build and see if this repros? I believe that this is fixed. bug 806648
Flags: needinfo?(dholbert)
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Comment 5•12 years ago
Yup, fixed in today's stable build (datestamp 2012-11-06 20:52:24 ) So, must be a dupe of bug 806648. Thanks!
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
gaia triage : -ing because this is a dup.
blocking-basecamp: ? → -
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Comment 7•12 years ago
(Hmm, not sure why Comment 5 didn't auto-clear the "needinfo" flag; doing that now.)
Flags: needinfo?(dholbert)
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