Closed Bug 810233 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Revenue value in State of Mozilla has a hardcoded $ sign in front of the numeral


( :: Pages & Content, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: pascalc, Unassigned)



The numeral revenue value stored in a variable was just added to the site and it is causing a problem for locales, :

        {#L10N: These variables will be numerals that won't require translation #}
        {% trans
            increase='33' %}
          Mozilla’s consolidated reported revenue (Mozilla Foundation and all
          subsidiaries) for 2011 was {{ revenue }} million, up approximately
          {{ increase }} percent from 2010.
        {% endtrans %}

This results in English in this string:
Mozilla’s consolidated reported revenue (Mozilla Foundation and all subsidiaries) for 2011 was $163 million, up approximately 33 percent from 2010. 

putting a $ sign in front of a number to indicate a currency is an American convention which actually means "163 million dollars". It doesn't work for other languages and even introduces a syntax problem for some (French, Chinese, Spanish...).

I am  not sure how to fix it easily, if it were on the php site, I would just remove the $ sign in the code and add a .lang file for en-US with a fixed string, this way it would fix the site for all locales and we wouldn't have to break all the locales already done by reectracting strings. But this solution doesn't seem to work on the python site.

I'll talk to Craig when he wakes up about it to see how we could hotfix that, maybe by having a conditional for en-US in the template.

CCing Peter and Bob who reported the bug
Craig and myself have removed the variables and updated the strings for all locales now that we have the final figures, marking fixed.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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