Closed Bug 82584 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Security problem: Opening *.doc files instead of file save with no warning or dialog with default MSWindows+MSOffice settings


(Core :: Security, defect, P1)

Windows ME





(Reporter: piskozub, Assigned: law)



(Whiteboard: fix in hand)


(1 file)

From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win 9x 4.90; en-US; rv:0.9+) Gecko/20010524
BuildID:    20010514

In recent Win32 Mozilla builds the default action when cliking a file link is
not saving it to the disk but something called in the dialog "Default action"
(no explanation). Actually for most file types that means opening them with an
application (a mime controlled action, I presume). In today's build there is no
such  dialog but the "default action" is taken with no warning.  Luckily, for 
the *.exe files now the default is a save. However there are some file types
which are opened with no warnong or dialog. They include the inherently unsafe
*.doc files.  

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
0. Install Microsoft Word
1. Click on a link to any *.doc file
2. See the file open in Word with no warning
3. Use an anti-virus utility to check the damage :-(

Actual Results:  File is opened by the default mime indicated application with
no warning

Expected Results:  A dialog to choose save or opening should open. Preferably
with save as the default (bug 79631)

Additional remarks: The same problem may happen wth some other file types
Keywords: 4xp, nsbeta1
I meant bug 80557 mentioning Save instead of Open as the preffered action.
Reassigning to law. I think we've covered this, but Bill can confirm that we are
now doing the right thing.
Assignee: mstoltz → law
We're *supposed* to be doing what's *arguably* the right thing.

And that is: opening the .doc file automatically if and only if the user has
un-checked the "always ask me" box in their helper app preferences entry for
application/ms-word, or, un-checked the "confirm open after download" checkbox
in their Windows "file type" settings.

We should never automatically open a .doc file except in those two situations.

If you haven't unchecked one of those two boxes, then that's a bug.

I think MS Office unchecks that Windows checkbox on behalf of the user.  But if
you have a problem with that, I'm not sure it's our bug :-).
I did not un-checked this setting (I'm not crazy). MSOffice97 could have done
that. I'll check that tomorrow (I do not have Office at home). 

But that is still a poor excuse for us; this should be at least relnoted as the
behaviour is clearly different from Netscape 4.*.

Actually it is different even to IE5.5, too. IE asks whether I want to save or
open a file even if I un-check the "Confirm open after download" setting. I
checked with *.reg and *.vbs files (as I mentioned, I do not have Office here).
Mozilla opens both with its browser - why do not stick to Microsoft default
actions here? 

Generally, I believe we are right not sticking to the mime defaults of Windows
with *.vbs (luckily!) but wrong sticking to it with Word documents.

It seems Mozilla is overzealous in sticking to this Windows setting.

OK. MS Office has unchecked the "Confirm open after download" setting. After
checking it back, Mozilla gives me the "Use default action"/"Use different
action" choice (however uninformative that is).

Anyway, I believe that sticking to this Windows registry checking in the case of
Word documents is plainly stupid. I use Mozilla because I want to be safe from
all the Microsoft obsession of opening any executable or script infested file
with anything that moves. I do hope we will never open Visual Basic Scripts or
any kind of ActiveCrap with Mozilla. I am deeply convinced that from the
security standpoint - whatever is the IE standard behavior - Mozilla should
never open a *.doc file without asking. The fact that Office changes the setting
behind the user's back makes that even more important. 

Think how easy it is to infect the computer. All you need is any link with the
URL covered by a JavaScript (very popular lately) to entice even a computer guru
into opening a Word file. We do not need Guninski ( to
find this kind of insecurity. The vulnerability report will begin with "The
default Windows setting after installing MS Office together with the default
Mozilla settings make the browser open any Microsoft word document without...".
The buletin will be placated around on all security Web pages. The kind of
publicity we really do not want...

So, I stick to this being a security bug. You are free to make it INVALID, but
take the responsibility for the *bad* publicity. And for all the poor guys who
will get Word viruses using Mozilla :-(

Summary: Security problem: Opening *.doc files instead of file save with no warning or dialog → Security problem: Opening *.doc files instead of file save with no warning or dialog with default MSWindows+MSOffice settings
nav triage: yes we need to clean up the behaviour here. 
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1+
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.2
OK, I need further guidance here.

Is this bug a call to make an explicit check for files with extension .doc?  
Files with MIME type application/msword?  Both?  Do we care about .xls (or any 
other file types)?  Do we need to give the user a way to say (at some point) 
that, yes, Mozilla, I really do mean for *you* to not confirm open after 
download, too?

I can't ETA this till I know more.
Whiteboard: no eta
Bill, I think that what we talked about in our helper apps meeting was that we
should recreate 4.x behavior - i.e. we should not honor the OS registry settings
if they say automatically open, but we should give them the unknown content type
dialog and give them the option of de-selecting the "always ask me" checkbox,
and obviously remember this decision.  Ccing Sol to get his input.
I believe we should treat *.doc files exactly as we treat *.exe files presently.
Just save tham to disk *unless* user sets a Helper Application setting for them. 
After some thought, I can accept the 4xp behavior Todd wrote about. Otherwise
would be inconsistent with the 4xp keyword I added to this bug.
OK, so basically we ignore the OS "always ask me" setting and require users to
tell us directly.  That sounds plausible.

Is it OK to enable users to explicitly bypass this by pre-populating their
helper app prefs?  I.e., should the "always ask me" setting only appear on the
helper app dialog or is it OK to put in the prefs, too?
Bill: I think it's OK to allow the user to change the "always ask me" setting in
the preferences dialog, as long as "always ask me" is default checked.

I say this because - whether through the helper app dialog or the prefs - the
user is taking an affirmative action in saying "I don't need this protection."
If the user opts out of being protected, I'm OK with that.
Set eta (very simple fix) and cc:ing Samir in case I don't get to this one.
Whiteboard: no eta → time:.5days
Keywords: patch, review
Whiteboard: time:.5days → fix in hand
a= for checkin to the trunk.
(on behalf of drivers)
Blocks: 83989
Fix checked in.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Just talked to mscott.  The new dialog & stuff will show up in a few more days.

Pushing this off until Friday.
-MacOS91 2001-07-09-03-0.9.2
-LinRH62 2001-07-09-04-0.9.2
-Win98SE 2001-07-09-05-0.9.2
-MacOS91 2001-07-13-08-trunk
-LinRH62 2001-07-13-08-trunk
-Win98SE 2001-07-13-07-trunk
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