Closed Bug 831063 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

[Flicks] banner design


(Marketing :: Design, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: tshahian, Assigned: mternoway)



(Whiteboard: Due: 1/18)


(4 files, 1 obsolete file)

      No description provided.
Assignee: tshahian → mternoway
Blocks: 818868
Depends on: 810830
This is a banner that will live on homepage.  Quick mockup, here: 

Matt, we'd like to create a banner with the above specs but inline with this year's visual style for Flicks.  The video block is FPO - we'll slide in the video when it's ready. 

Final copy:

>>You're the director. Mobile is the star.
>>Enter Firefox Flicks, a global video contest about the power of mobile.
>>Watch the video »
Matt, lets shoot to have this knocked out by end of week if possible.
Whiteboard: Due: 1/18
Blocks: 831797
Attached image Flicks_mozBanner (obsolete) —
Fab! Thank you Matt.
Attached image Flicks_mozBanner
Attachment #703985 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Thanks Matt, looking good to me.

Question: Will the copy next to the logo + the logo be set in HTML or as grahpic?
Is the font used here Meta Serif? This will require another font include on the home page (not really a blocker). The CSS transform feature required to display real HTML text on an angle like that doesn't work in IE7/8.

Could use an image for the text, but this isn't ideal and complicates the responsive layout.

Matt, did you have anything in mind for this?
Steven -
I just realized there won't be any l10n necessary, as is EN-US only. That's good news: Having the text as part of the graphic should be totally fine then.

I'll be posting final approval on this graphic (hopefully) later today.
Attached image Flicks_mozbanner_v2
Hi guys, sorry to chime in late....seems as though you may have the issue solved. However, I have attached a second version that could work in case of any localization issues.
(In reply to Steven Garrity from comment #7)
> Is the font used here Meta Serif? This will require another font include on
> the home page (not really a blocker).

It's actually Vollkorn, the font we're using on the Flicks site and in the other campaign materials. Will that be a problem to add? Will it affect load times or anything like that?

I really like the new version in comment 9, but I'm wondering if there's a way to include the logo as well. I don't think it's a deal-breaker, just curious.
Attached image Flicks_mozBanner_v3
Here is an example of using a smaller logo similar to the first version.
(In reply to MT from comment #11)
> Here is an example of using a smaller logo similar to the first version.

Thanks - can you post the PSD version of this file?
Hi guys, here is a link to the PSD.
This latest version is implemented on the demo server:

We can probably close this bug.
(In reply to Steven Garrity from comment #14)
> This latest version is implemented on the demo server:
> We can probably close this bug.

Thanks Steven. Just two questions:

The font in the headline and copy looks heavier than in Matt's mockup, almost like there's a stroke on it or something. Is there anything you can do about that?

Did we decide not to use the version with the Flicks logo in it from comment 11?
So what about that IE7 issue? Is that resolved, do we have a workaround? Thanks.
(In reply to Matej Novak [:matej] from comment #15)
> The font in the headline and copy looks heavier than in Matt's mockup,
> almost like there's a stroke on it or something. Is there anything you can
> do about that?
I think this may just come down to how the browser/OS render fonts. If it's still a problem, please post a screenshot.

> Did we decide not to use the version with the Flicks logo in it from comment
> 11?

I actually forgot to include that - should I add it? I actually prefer it as is, but can update if preferred.
(In reply to Tobias Leingruber (@tbx) from comment #16)
> So what about that IE7 issue? Is that resolved, do we have a workaround?
> Thanks.

Yeah, since we went with the non-angled design, we're fine in IE.
Attached image Flicks_mozOrg_FINAL.jpg
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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