Closed Bug 838544 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Internal website results in google search


(Firefox :: Untriaged, defect)

18 Branch
Windows 7
Not set





(Reporter: gligoran, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0 Build ID: 20130116073211 Steps to reproduce: My company has an internal website on a computer called web. Actual results: 1) Entering only web into Firefox address bar results in a Google search for a keyword web. 2) Firefox also remembers the URLs without http://, so using any address bar history help is useless as it again results in a Google Search. Expected results: 1) Firefox should have opened an internal website. I have to enter http://web to reach it. 2) Firefox should recognize that web/something/page/subpage is not a google query, but an internal website. OR Firefox should remember the internal websites with the http:// at the beginning.
They keyword search should be only triggered if the server "web" doesn't respond. Using my internal server "ion" works fine if I enter only ion in Firefox18.0.2 Anyway you want to disable the keyword search:
Goran, have you set up a keyword for "web" to tell it what behavior you expect? I would expect to make a bookmark, or to control-click on a search field for your internal site and add a keyword. This is described here:
Flags: needinfo?(gligoran)
May be related to bug 809745.
I've been away from the office for a couple of days, so I was unable to try this until today. Anyway after disabling and re-enabling all 5 of my add-ons, just entering "web" now works as it should - it opens up the internal website instead of a Google search. The suggestions of sub-pages (e.g. web/subpage/info.aspx) do, however, still result in a Google search. The upper example is exactly how FF remembers the URL. This is true even when all the add-ons are disabled (at least the ones that can be disabled). It is still a pain that I have to navigate through the whole website to get to the page instead of being able just to use the FF's suggestion.
Flags: needinfo?(gligoran)
>The suggestions of sub-pages (e.g. web/subpage/info.aspx Is there a space in those URLs ? e.g. web/sub page/info.apsx
Yes there is. And putting a %20 instead fixes the problem. I understand now why it's treating it like a search term instead of a URL. Maybe FF should remember the site with the %20 instead of a space (it can still display it with a space, though).
You can fix this by disabling the keyword search in Firefox - or disable the URL trim with setting "browser.urlbar.trimURLs" to "false" in about:config
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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