Closed Bug 840527 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[Messaging][User Story] Message forwarding capability


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::SMS, defect, P3)

Gonk (Firefox OS)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: pdol, Unassigned)



(Keywords: feature)

UCID: Messages-065

User Story:
As a user, I want to be able to forward a sent or received message to additional contact(s) to avoid recreating the same message manually.
Clearing tracking-b2g18 flag from User Story bugs. This flag is for bugs that we would take fixes for in the 1.x branch. Feature work should be officially slotted into a release instead with leo+. If this story is intended for v1.1, please nominate for leo? blocking.
tracking-b2g18: + → ---
Well, I'm voting for this feature to be implemented (soon), because I miss it sorely too...
Summary: [SMS/MMS][User Story] Message forward → [Messaging][User Story] Message forwarding capability
blocking-b2g: --- → leo?
Adding to backlog bug 891754
blocking-b2g: leo? → ---
Will message forwarding be supported on V1.1?
Just yesterday I had to refuse request from my wife to send the same SMS to 6 of our friends => FFOS 1.0 cannot do it in any reasonable way (not supporting Forward nor multi recipients) - she was furious, disbelieving, how dumb could smartphone be and asked why I even bought it... ;-))
But I'm more patient than her, do not worry, and believe in FFOS... however looking eagerly forward to newer versions.
So, if there is somewhere release change-log arising for 1.1, 1.2 etc., please, share the URL/link, filtering tickets from Bugzilla is far from comfortable for majority of the people..,
FFOS 1.1 support composing a sms to several recipients, so your wife will be happy ;)

This specific feature (forwarding) won't be in 1.1, and not in 1.2 either. I'd really like to do it for 1.3.

I'm not aware of a consolidated roadmap or changelog, maybe you can request this on the B2G mailing list.
Wilfred, can we consider this for v1.3 if not 1.2? :)
Flags: needinfo?(wmathanaraj)
For 1.2 this is very late now but this is on the possible blocker list for v1.3.
Flags: needinfo?(wmathanaraj)
Wilfred, pls, are these "lists" somewhere accessible to look inside?
I am, as both user and developer, very interested to know when I could roughly expect fix to some annoying bug or new feature coming...
Best place would be:

You can also scan through the google doc @

We should be updating the site after our work week with the items for v1.3 and plan forward for next release backlog
Great, thx for the links.
And is there some similar list to 1.1 (as well) - should be almost done now, so I expect in near final state...
v1.1 I dont have such info - sorry. i have not seen any such info available.
During IOT phase for V1.0.1 with Ikura (some months ago) this bug arose. It was not a blocker, but the operator requested to have it fixed in future versions. 

We have started the IOT phase for V1.1, and this bug has come to light again. I can handle it to make it not-blocking thanks to the multi-recipients feature, but it is quite likely the operator will request to have this feature for V1.2.

Since, according to what I'm reading in previous comments, it seems you are not considering this feature for V1.2 either (although, IMHO, it should be definitely included), I strongly suggest to include this feature in V1.3.
as I mentioned its on the blocker list for v1.3 already.
everything happens in bug 919995
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
No longer depends on: 935917
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