Open Bug 852211 Opened 11 years ago Updated 11 months ago

Add automated checks for desupported platforms


(Release Engineering :: Release Automation: Updates, defect, P3)


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: u279076, Unassigned)


I raised the questions to Release Engineering via email about what level of verification you have for de-supported platforms (ie. ensuring they can't receive updates or download builds). QA does a manual spotcheck once per release when we are desupporting a platform but we are not in the habit, nor do we have the resources, to check all desupported platforms with each release routinely. Basically we're in a position of having to maintain old hardware and software indefinitely for something which we check manually on occassion.

I asked what amount of scripting RelEng had to check this "automatically". To my surprise, Ben Hearsum pointed out, "We don't regularly run anything to check this." Chris Atlee pointed out, "We could do very simple testing that a given set of AUS queries return no updates. That way we don't to maintain old hardware or VMs." John Hopkins added, "Once scripted, this could even be added as a Nagios check so we get
alerts if it ever changes."

If it is really that trivial to implement I'd like to see it done soon if possible. It would ease the burden on QA and improve visibility and reaction time when things go wrong. That said, this should take priority over more important work.  

Thank you.

I don't think there's anyone available to pick this up right now, unfortunately.
Priority: -- → P3
Product: → Release Engineering
Component: Release Automation: Other → Release Automation: Updates
Severity: normal → S3
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