Closed Bug 853468 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Add graphics vendors and graphics devices/chips/cards to Signature Summary


(Socorro :: Webapp, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kairo, Assigned: brandon)



(Whiteboard: [qa+][DB Changes])

We are collecting the "Adapter Vendor ID" and "Adapter Device ID" fields for crash reports, and we often have crashes that are only on products of some of those graphics vendors or some of their products.

We should add a list of those to the Signature Summary of crash signatures.

I wonder if it would be better to have two lists there, one for vendor, one for devices/chips/cards (whatever we call them there), or one list that combines them.

What we'll probably need is tables backing the display that translate those IDs to names of the vendors and devices, and we'll want some way for editing, at least adding entries there so that gathering and adding data there isn't all on the Socorro team. Still, where we don't have entries in those translation tables, we'll want to display the pure ID. Maybe we could always display the ID and only add the name where we know one.

As a note, if we use "graphics device" here, then we should use something like "mobile device" in bug 853452.
Assignee: nobody → bsavage
Depends on: 895927
Depends on: 895930
We need more direction on what you're looking for in this bug. Please spec this bug more fully with exactly what you want.

The ability to edit with an admin section is kind of out of scope for the signature summary. Additionally, how are we translating the data on the devices/chips/cards from raw data into something useable? Is this coming in identified by the reporter or do we have to interface with a data source to get this information.

Let's discuss this further this week during the workweek.
Flags: needinfo?(kairo)
Per KiaRo, here's the details of this bug:

* Need an admin UI that allows us to correlate vendor and adapter hex IDs together. 

| id | vendor_hex | adapter_hex | vendor_name | adapter_name|

* A signature summary that contains vendor id, adapter id, percentage of crashes. Show hex for those we can't decode, show decoded values from map table when we have available values.

Note, we will want to be able to decode vendor name only when the chipset data is unavailable; however, normalization is unnecessary here since we can do a UNIQUE vendor_hex to get a vendor name in a secondary search.
Flags: needinfo?(kairo)
Note that to complete this bug, we only need the signature summary. I will file a follow on bug that will address the admin UI.
Blocks: 908821
Target Milestone: --- → 60
Commits pushed to master at
Fixes Bug 853468 - Creates a materialized view and stored procedures for graphics adapters, and adds this report to signature summary.
Merge pull request #1494 from brandonsavage/bug853468graphicsdevices

 Fixes Bug 853468 - Creates a materialized view and stored procedures for graphics adapters, and adds this report to signature summary.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Steps to test:

Verify for crashes that there is in fact a new report for graphics adapters, and that for most of them it contains some kind of data. The numbers should also make sense and there should be no duplicates.
Whiteboard: [qa+]
Reopening and adding a blocking bug 916628 - data for this report isn't available (yet)

11:30 brandonsavage: lonnen: selenamarie: did the stage crontabber ever complete or does it keep failing on graphics_device?
11:30 lonnen: brandonsavage: still failing to my knowledge
Depends on: 916628
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Data now available on stage.
Closed: 11 years ago11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
QA is holding off on verification until blocking bug 916628 is resolved.
Whiteboard: [qa+] → [qa+][DB Changes]
QA verified on stage - nicely done. Graphics section is present and with data.
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