Closed Bug 854646 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[el] Translate .lang file for Firefox Health Report (about:healthreport)


(Mozilla Localizations :: el / Greek, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: pascalc, Assigned: fiotakis)



We have the opportunity to release a new feature in Firefox, a self-auditing system giving advanced users useful information and tips about the performance of their browser. These users can also share this data with Mozilla so as to help improve Firefox performance. This new feature takes the form of a new in-product page accessible at about:healthreport

The product part of it are a few strings in the Firefox source code, the server-side part is a lang file to translate the UI, explain what the collected values are and give performance tips.

The repository for your locale is:

The specific file to translate is:

There is a staging server being set up there:

(Note at the time of filing this bug, the staging server is not autoupdating code and translations yet and is in heavy works since localizers are working in parallel to the webdev team creating this mini-site).

We might release this feature for the next Aurora but that's totally unsure, given that this is server side, we should be able to update the server after we have released the next Firefox Aurora. 

Assignee: pkst → fiotakis
On there's an additional 2.5 section with 8 strings which are missing from the lang file. 
If they are omitted on purpose, then I guess the string "The Firefox Health Report (FHR) has 5 categories of metrics:" should mention 4 categories instead of 5.

Also, there's quite a few terms in the glossary that appear with a different name in the raw data page (as displayed when I click on "show details" of the FHR page in aurora).
The only canonical reference to this project for now is what you see on

I think we can leave with an inconsistency in the number of categories, this is on beta, for advanced users, I don't want that translation to become a moving target just a few days before the public release of this feature :)
OK, I had time to make the change to the source string, the number in the string was 5 and now it is 4. Could you update your file accordingly please? Thanks

Also, the dev server is functionnal, but note that you should check the page in Nightly or Aurora, in the current Firefox release it will appear broken because we use technologies not in Firefox 19.
I updated the file with some string polishing but as far as I can see you changed the number in the file - can't see what else I should take care of :)

I can see all the strings in the page, but there's no graph available now (I could see it two days ago). I guess it's normal for a page on stage so I'm closing this bug
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
(In reply to George Fiotakis from comment #4)
> I updated the file with some string polishing but as far as I can see you
> changed the number in the file - can't see what else I should take care of :)

just wanted to make sure there is no crazy plural rule in Greek as there is in Polish ;)
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