Closed Bug 867217 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

restart tests have to call controller.restartApplication() for mozmill 2.0 compatibility


(Mozilla QA Graveyard :: Mozmill Tests, defect, P2)



(firefox22 fixed, firefox23 fixed, firefox24 fixed, firefox25 fixed, firefox-esr17 fixed)

Tracking Status
firefox22 --- fixed
firefox23 --- fixed
firefox24 --- fixed
firefox25 --- fixed
firefox-esr17 --- fixed


(Reporter: andrei, Assigned: andrei)



(Whiteboard: [mozmill-2.0-compat][sprint2013-29])


(6 files, 8 obsolete files)

mozmill-2.0 functional testrun does not restart between restartTests This is the actual problem for bug 860670
Mozmill 2.0 does not do restart tests in the same way. As I understand it, these will all be refactored for Mozmill 2.0 compatibility.
Please never file something as blocking mozmill-2.0. All bugs have to go through the triage process. As we have discussed in one of our first triage meetings any restart test is not in our focus for now. So it may not block 2.0. But we will see. Also I think it may be a dupe of a bug which is already on file.
Whiteboard: [mozmill-2.0+] → [mozmill-2.0?]
Sorry for that. Filed it as blocking for mozmill-2.0 because it blocks 860670 (and that is set to block mozmill-2.0). Will bring these up in today's meeting.
Summary: testrun_functional does not restart between restartTests → restart tests should manually restart for mozmill 2.0 compatibility
Attached patch Patch v1 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Changed restart tests to manually restart if we have that option (mozmill 2.0) Didn't ask for review since I couldn't get a positive run on Linux with mozmill 1.5 (reports and error messages below) Patch not applied - reference ============================= Mozmill 2.0 OSX: Mozmill 1.5 Linux: TEST-PASS | /tmp/tmp5gR6xc.mozmill-tests/tests/functional/restartTests/testAddons_installUninstallHardBlocklistedExtension/test2.js | test2.js::testBlocklistsExtension Sorry, cannot connect to jsbridge extension, port 24242 *** Removing repository '/tmp/tmp5gR6xc.mozmill-tests' Patch applied ============= Mozmill 2.0 OSX: Windows: Linux: Mozmill 1.5 OSX: Windows: Linux. No testrun TEST-PASS | /tmp/tmp8BgEXs.mozmill-tests/tests/functional/testInstallation/testBreakpadInstalled.js | testBreakpadInstalled.js::testBreakpadInstalled NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down WARNING: waitpid failed pid:3696 errno:10: file /builds/slave/m-cen-lx-ntly-0000000000000000/build/ipc/chromium/src/base/, line 260 WARNING: waitpid failed pid:3696 errno:10: file /builds/slave/m-cen-lx-ntly-0000000000000000/build/ipc/chromium/src/base/, line 260 WARNING: Failed to deliver SIGKILL to 3696!(3).: file /builds/slave/m-cen-lx-ntly-0000000000000000/build/ipc/chromium/src/chrome/common/, line 118 INFO Passed: 210 INFO Failed: 1 INFO Skipped: 13 Report document created at '' Sorry, cannot connect to jsbridge extension, port 24242
This is not a Mozmill issue but in our tests. Moving to the right component.
No longer blocks: 860670
Component: Mozmill → Mozmill Tests
Product: Testing → Mozilla QA
Whiteboard: [mozmill-2.0?]
Priority: -- → P2
Whiteboard: [mozmill-2.0-compat]
Whiteboard: [mozmill-2.0-compat] → [mozmill-2.0-compat][sprint2013-29]
Attached patch patch v2 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
1. We manually restart between each restart test and 2. We also reset the profile between each restart suits Mozmill 1.5 ----------- OSX: Linux: Windows: Mozmill 2.0 ----------- OSX: Linux: ** I'm having a hard time getting a complete functional testrun for mozmill 2.0 under windows, keep getting "IO Completion Port unexpectedly closed" which seem to lead to a Application disconnect error. Raised bug 872414 for that.
Attachment #745193 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #749709 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei)
Oh, forgot to add one additional note: I had to also skip the teardown in > testAddons_uninstallExtension/test5.js which was skipped for bug 783484 (but wrongfully I missed the teardown skip there) And it would cras: teardown would ran; since we need the controller which is instantiated in setup which is skipped. I've added that here. Maybe should have a different patch for that in bug 783484 ?
Comment on attachment 749709 [details] [diff] [review] patch v2 Review of attachment 749709 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ::: tests/functional/restartTests/testAddons_RestartlessExtensionWorksAfterRestart/test1.js @@ +68,5 @@ > var addonIsInstalled = addonsManager.isAddonInstalled({addon: anAddon}); > > assert.ok(addonIsInstalled, + " is successfully installed"); > + > + if ("restartApplication" in controller) Please add a comment to all of those cases which says why we need this if condition. Also reference this bug. We should remove it once transitioned to Mozmill 2.0.
Comment on attachment 749709 [details] [diff] [review] patch v2 Review of attachment 749709 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Based on Henrik's comment.
Attachment #749709 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei) → review-
Attached patch patch v3 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Added comments referencing this bug and reminding to remove the condition once we transition to mozmill 2.0
Attachment #749709 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #749839 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei)
Comment on attachment 749839 [details] [diff] [review] patch v3 Review of attachment 749839 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- We're getting closer, one more change needed. ::: tests/functional/restartTests/testAddons_RestartlessExtensionWorksAfterRestart/test1.js @@ +68,5 @@ > var addonIsInstalled = addonsManager.isAddonInstalled({addon: anAddon}); > > assert.ok(addonIsInstalled, + " is successfully installed"); > + > + // XXX Bug 867217: Mozmill 1.5 does not have the restartApplication method We no longer use XXX and now we also have a bug to reference. Also please move the description below the bug no.
Attachment #749839 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei) → review-
Attached patch patch v4 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Changed the comment as asked. *As a sidenote I opened bug 872918 since these comments are not consistent and we should fix that.
Attachment #749839 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #750303 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei)
Attached patch patch 5 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Fixed a problem in testAddons_uninstallExtension. Since tests 4 and 5 are skipped we need to reset the profile in test3. Also added a comment to not forget to remove that when we unskip the last 2 tests.
Attachment #750303 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #750303 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei)
Attachment #750419 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei)
No longer blocks: 860669
Comment on attachment 750419 [details] [diff] [review] patch 5 Review of attachment 750419 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- There is still something wrong with, I keep getting this window with "Firefox is already running, but is not responding.. ", when ran with 2.0, after different tests (is not one specific that creates this issue). Can you further investigate? We can't have this error as it is blocking the testrun to continue.
Attachment #750419 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei) → review-
Attached patch patch v6 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Updated patch (would not apply cleanly anymore). I did manage to have a failed run (out of about 6), as you reported: we get a message that a Firefox instance is already running, then we hang with a Disconnect Error. Opened bug 874856 for that However that doesn't seem related to this bug, since most runs don't fail that way. More testruns: Linux (Ubuntu 12.04): OSX:
Attachment #750419 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #752701 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei)
Comment on attachment 752701 [details] [diff] [review] patch v6 Review of attachment 752701 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is no longer applying cleanly and also I get this failure on both 1.5 and 2.0, while with a clean repository that test passes: Please add reports when uploading the new patch. ::: tests/functional/restartTests/testAddons_RestartlessExtensionWorksAfterRestart/test1.js @@ +73,5 @@ > + > + // Bug 867217 > + // Mozmill 1.5 does not have the restartApplication method on the controller. > + // Remove condition when transitioned to 2.0 > + if ("restartApplication" in controller) Please add brackets to all files.
Attachment #752701 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei) → review-
Depends on: 877101
Attached patch patch v7Splinter Review
Attachment #752701 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #755317 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei)
Blocks: 744007
Blocks: 860671
Comment on attachment 755317 [details] [diff] [review] patch v7 Review of attachment 755317 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Landed: (default) Lets see how our testrun looks like in 2.0 since this and select() have been fixed.
Attachment #755317 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei) → review+
Comment on attachment 755317 [details] [diff] [review] patch v7 Review of attachment 755317 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ::: tests/functional/restartTests/testSoftwareUpdateAutoProxy/test1.js @@ +31,5 @@ > + // Bug 867217 > + // Mozmill 1.5 does not have the restartApplication method on the controller. > + // Remove condition when transitioned to 2.0 > + if ("restartApplication" in aModule.controller) { > + aModule.controller.restartApplication(null, true); This should not reset the profile here! This will cause the test to misbehave. Please re-check all of the instances before we get this backported. A follow-up is necessary here.
Attached patch Followup patch 1Splinter Review
It is really weird how this regressed. I could not find any instance of the regressed code in any locally saved patches. I have no clue on how I managed to botch that. Anyway here is a followup patch which fixes the problem. Also rechecked all restartTests to make sure no other regressions are found.
Attachment #755317 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #763458 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei)
Attachment #755317 - Attachment is obsolete: false
Comment on attachment 763458 [details] [diff] [review] Followup patch 1 Review of attachment 763458 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- I need this test for my local io port testing, so I would like to land it now.
Attachment #763458 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei) → review+
Comment on attachment 763458 [details] [diff] [review] Followup patch 1 Review of attachment 763458 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Landed on default: Please check the other branches, so that we can get this backported.
Attachment #763458 - Flags: checkin+
Attached patch Backport AuroraSplinter Review
Backport for Aurora
Attachment #765259 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei)
Attached patch Backport BetaSplinter Review
Attachment #765261 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei)
Attached patch Backport Release (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #765262 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei)
Attached patch Backport ESR17Splinter Review
Attachment #765264 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei)
Attached file Backport Testruns
Testruns for all backports
Release and beta are the same at the moment. Why do we need different patches?
mozilla-release and mozilla-beta are not the same at the moment.
What's different? I have merged beta into release 2 days ago and nothing else has been landed on beta yet. This is strange.
Attached file mozilla-release vs mozilla-beta (obsolete) —
So the merge has already been made? Maybe I am misunderstanding how this should work. Here is a diff between 2 branches: mozilla-release vs mozilla-beta Anyway, retested now and the patch for beta now applies cleanly on the release branch. I might have started working on them right before you did the merge. Marking that Release patch as obsolete.
Attachment #765262 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #765262 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei)
Attachment #765344 - Attachment mime type: text/x-patch → text/plain
Comment on attachment 765344 [details] mozilla-release vs mozilla-beta Yeah, this diff is before you did the last pull.
Attachment #765344 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 765259 [details] [diff] [review] Backport Aurora Review of attachment 765259 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Due to the merges, aurora patch is now on beta: (beta) (release) (esr17)
Attachment #765259 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei) → review+
Attachment #765261 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei) → review+
Attachment #765264 - Flags: review?(andreea.matei) → review+
Updating summary so it's clear what has been done here without to confuse people with user shutdown modes.
Summary: restart tests should manually restart for mozmill 2.0 compatibility → restart tests have to call controller.restartApplication() for mozmill 2.0 compatibility
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Mozilla QA → Mozilla QA Graveyard
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