Closed Bug 876581 Opened 12 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Freshen up phishing-protection webpage


( :: Pages & Content, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: raymondlee, Assigned: sgarrity)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [kb=1000688] r=122524)


(2 files)

Component: Web Site → Pages & Content
Product: Mozilla Services →
The page currently redirects to firefox/phishing-protection/firefox2/, which has the old design and refers to "Firefox 2".
Should this page even be on, or would a SUMO article be more appropriate? I dunno, I'll leave it up to Jen to decide.
I really like the idea of making this a sumo page. Ibai, do we already have something related on SUMO? Let's discuss when we meet up next week.
Flags: needinfo?(ibai)
Thumbs up to that. I don't think that we have anything specific about Phising. The closest articles is this: And it covers a more general area. What are we looking to achieve with this page? Adding Michael Verdi who is our content manager.
Hi Gavin and Raymond - Do you know how people reach from within the product? Ibai and Michael - My goal would be to have an easy-to-update, contextually appropriate page about phishing for Fx browser users to reach in the scenario that Gavin or Raymond will describe to us :) Thanks, Jen
(In reply to jbertsch from comment #5) > Hi Gavin and Raymond - Do you know how people reach > from > within the product? Visit a phishing site (e.g. and click on "Why was this page blocked?" button on the warning page. BTW, if you visit in other browser e.g. google chrome, it doesn't redirect to page and show a different page.
(In reply to jbertsch from comment #3) > I really like the idea of making this a sumo page. We can certainly do that. We haven't had an article on sumo because this page covered it. I can reuse much of this copy. (In reply to Ibai Garcia [:ibai] from comment #4) >The closest articles is this: > > > And it covers a more general area. Right. We can link this "new" phishing article from that more general article and from
Flags: needinfo?(ibai)
Fabulous. Please let us know when the new content is ready, and we'll update the link. We can also open bugs for localization of when localized versions of the sumo page are ready.
> userAgentRedirect('Firefox/2', '/en-US/firefox/phishing-protection/firefox2/'); Ouch.
(In reply to Kohei Yoshino from comment #9) > > userAgentRedirect('Firefox/2', '/en-US/firefox/phishing-protection/firefox2/'); > > Ouch. Ouch indeed. Can we just fix this bad redirect quickly, separate from the larger issue of what to do with this page longer-term?
Comment on attachment 758963 [details] [diff] [review] Remove redirect and content for Firefox 2 Can we just get this landed?
Attachment #758963 - Flags: review?(chrismore.bugzilla)
Comment on attachment 758963 [details] [diff] [review] Remove redirect and content for Firefox 2 I don't see any reason we can't land this in the meantime while we wait for the SUMO content and a rewrite patch. r116702. Please confirm that it's acceptable on dev(~20 mins after this comment) - and I'll push live tomorrow.
Attachment #758963 - Flags: review?(chrismore.bugzilla) → review+
(In reply to Jennifer Bertsch [:jbertsch] from comment #8) > We can also open bugs for localization of > when localized versions of > the sumo page are ready. This page has been moved to (Bug 662213, Bug 710597)
(In reply to Kohei Yoshino from comment #14) > This page has been moved to (Bug 662213, Bug > 710597) That also sort of stalled in Bug 662046.
Priority: -- → P3
Whiteboard: [kb=1000688]
Whiteboard: [kb=1000688] → [kb=1000688] r=116702
(In reply to Andrei Hajdukewycz [:sancus] from comment #2) > Should this page even be on, or would a SUMO article be more > appropriate? I dunno, I'll leave it up to Jen to decide. I want these off of I comment bug 662046 as I keep going round and round on what is actually blocking what.
Depends on: 906425
Would SUMO be able to create a page with the same content at: ? I don't think it is worth porting this to bedrock when it is just about a feature in Firefox and it would be easier updated in the future. It is linked from the Firefox products here: b2g/app/b2g.js pref("browser.safebrowsing.warning.infoURL", ""); browser/app/profile/firefox.js pref("browser.safebrowsing.warning.infoURL", ""); browser/metro/profile/metro.js pref("browser.safebrowsing.warning.infoURL", ""); mobile/android/app/mobile.js pref("browser.safebrowsing.warning.infoURL", "");
No longer depends on: 906425
Flags: needinfo?(ibai)
No longer blocks: 722311
Jen: Can you make a decision and work with SUMO this content on their website and after that we can update the products and redirect this page?
The issue is that we need a single URL that has links to both of this content? The product points to a single page that has info on both phishing and malware. Can SUMO create a single meta page?
Does everyone support redirecting: to: If so, I will submit the IT bug to have this done. The next step would be to submit a bug to the Firefox team to update references here:
Flags: needinfo?(ibai)
I totally support it. Let's do it!
Depends on: 922338
No longer depends on: 922338
Assignee: nobody → steven
Summary: Freshen up phishing-protection webpage → Redirect/remove phishing-protection webpage
Based on comment #23, I'll take this, set up the redirect, and then remove the page from SVN.
Redirect PR: Also note that there is an Italian translation that will get redirected here as well (
Assignee: steven → nobody
Summary: Redirect/remove phishing-protection webpage → Freshen up phishing-protection webpage
Please make sure when you link to sumo you do it without the locale string. If you use SUMO will send users to the localized version of the article.
(In reply to Verdi [:verdi] from comment #27) > Please make sure when you link to sumo you do it without the locale string. Yup, I've left out the locale string in the pull-request. Thanks!
Assignee: nobody → steven
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Now that the phishing-protection page is redirected to SUMO, this patch removes the related files from svn.
Attachment #829386 - Flags: review?(pascalc)
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Interesting, no idea why we're the only locale with that page (and I'm even responsible for localizing it 4 years ago...). For me it's safe to remove these files.
Whiteboard: [kb=1000688] r=116702 → [kb=1000688] r=122524
In trunk in r122524. Merged into tags/stage in r122528, and tags/production in r122529.
Closed: 11 years ago11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Attachment #829386 - Flags: review?(pascalc)
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