Closed Bug 876728 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Add keywords to improve the discoverability of apps


(Marketplace Graveyard :: Search, enhancement, P5)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: arcturus, Unassigned)



(Keywords: productwanted)

We could add a keywords section while submitting an app to increase the chances of users discovering our apps.

I.E.: We have an application which title is 'TU|me', users don't write on a device the '|' and the could end up writing things like 'tume' or 'tu me'.

If we add this keywords section, we could help users to discover apps.
Severity: normal → enhancement
Depends on: 572453
Priority: -- → P5
Until this bug is addressed you could use the description to hold any keywords like that and it will be indexed.
Keywords: productwanted
One of the cool things about ElasticSearch is that it does that kind of thing for us for free. Rather than adding a "keywords" field, we should be identifying places where ElasticSearch has rough edges and improving the corresponding analyzers. If you find a place where searching for a permutation of your app name/description doesn't return relevant results, please file a bug for that.

David Bialer has a separate PRD for something of a "keywords" field but just about everybody is not a big fan of the idea.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
I am abandoning the keyword idea as the flaws have been pointed out.  But the issue remains around surfacing apps related to another search where the text fields used for the app do not mention the item being searched for.  Rather than coming up with no search results, there are other apps that *may* be of interest, just that the developer fails to mention the appropriate search term in their description.  The idea of a keyword allows developers to search optimize, or at least consciously think about how to search optimize for relevance.
I opened bug 928117 as another idea we might consider.
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