Closed Bug 888006 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Add t-shirt field to profiles


(Participation Infrastructure :: Phonebook, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: williamr, Assigned: julia)



(Whiteboard: [kb=1088201])


(1 file)

Some functional areas would like an easy, scalable way to create and get t-shirts to Mozillians. T-shirts are often made for important milestones, events and teams. In the past, it's been difficult to get an accurate count of size needs for shirts and ask Mozillians for their shirt size. Proposed field: T-shirt size Values: - Women's Small - Women's Medium - Women's Large - Women's X-Large - Women's XX-Large - Women's XXX-Large - Men's Small - Men's Medium - Men's Large - Men's X-Large - Men's XX-Large - Men's XXX-Large - None (initial state and for those who don't want to specify their t-shirt size) User stories: - As a user, I can choose a t-shirt size when I edit my profile so that an admin can know my t-shirt size. - As an admin, I can view a user's t-shirt size when I view their profile so that I can get their t-shirt size. Privacy: - I suggest making this field only visible to admin users on In the future we might want a privileged group of Mozillians work on t-shirts to be able to view this field as well.
mhoye, could you please review these suggested requirements for your needs with engineering contributors?
Flags: needinfo?(mhoye)
OS: Mac OS X → All
Hardware: x86 → All
For inclusiveness' sake, I'd like to replace "women's" with "fitted", and "men's" with "straight-cut". I'd also like to add "Alternative swag" option, so we can provide people who just don't want shirts (and they exist, my drawers are filling up...) with some cost-comparable alternative. So: Straight cut, S to XXXL, Fitted cut, S to XXXL, "None specified" and "Alternative swag". Thanks.
Flags: needinfo?(mhoye)
(In reply to Mike Hoye [:mhoye] from comment #2) > For inclusiveness' sake, I'd like to replace "women's" with "fitted", and > "men's" with "straight-cut". If possible, knowing what supplier will provide the shirts can help us by giving a size chart to make available in a helper link and perhaps a photo of the shirt styles so it's clear what the fits look like.
(In reply to Mike Hoye [:mhoye] from comment #2) > So: Straight cut, S to XXXL, Fitted cut, S to XXXL, "None specified" and > "Alternative swag". Great suggestions - thanks mhoye! I'm good with this. (In reply to [:lsblakk] from comment #3) > If possible, knowing what supplier will provide the shirts can help us by > giving a size chart to make available in a helper link and perhaps a photo > of the shirt styles so it's clear what the fits look like. lsblakk, I really like this idea too. I think we generally order American Apparel shirts, but I think we occasionally order from other suppliers. mhoye, do you have info about the supplier you'll be using for the t-shirts you'll be providing?
We don't have any more information about that, but it's a thing that's going to happen Real Soon Now, and I'll keep you informed.
If we use Straight/Fitted instead of Men's/Women's then we really need a picture, yes, otherwise most people won't know what the words mean.
I second what :kairo said.
:williamr, can you speak to comment 6's suggestion that we'll need photos if we use "straight" vs. "fitted"? It will add to the complexity of this implementation, since we'll have to... * find pictures we can use * incorporate them into the profile editing interface I personally think the second makes this suggestion quite a challenge. Alternatives that would allow us to use this language... * Add a "What does this mean?" link that goes either to a supplier's page or to some encyclopedic content ( * Add the same link but provide our own definition ("Straight shirts fall straight from the armpit to the waist. Fitted shirts taper at the waist." -- I just made this up, I don't know if it's really true)
Blocks: 902008
Flags: needinfo?(williamr)
:hoosteeno, I think we want to keep this pretty simple and not add complexity such as adding photos or external links. How about some help text next to the field saying something like this? "Most women prefer fitted shirts and most men prefer straight shirts." This text could be shown when you hover over the field name (T-shirt size) or there could be an info icon you could click to reveal this text. Lukas, Mike, and others: how does this sound?
Flags: needinfo?(williamr)
I think that avoiding the text, and just having two small pictures roughly showing the general cut of fitted and straight-cut shirts should be plenty. I'm happy to gin those icons up, if that needs doing.
Here's the suggested implementation: Next to the T-shirt size dropdown, we will have a question-mark icon. On-click (on-hover?), the question-mark icon will reveal a popup that includes the best information we have about t-shirt sizes. Immediately, that is text[0]. :mhoye, if you update this bug with some cool icons, we will include those in addition or instead. [0] :williamr, can you suggest text? For reference,
(In reply to Justin Crawford [:hoosteeno] from comment #11) > [0] :williamr, can you suggest text? For reference, > I think we can tweak the text from Geek Feminism and use this: T-shirts are made in straight cut, often known as "men's" or "unisex", and fitted cut, also known as "women's".
Whiteboard: [kb=1088201]
Pull request submitted here: Please note that this PR is truly a rough draft and submitted with the intention for folks to review. One thing I am curious about is the reason for hiding the sizing information. There seems to be enough space to just have it directly in each section, assuming that the copy is fairly simple. I've attached a screenshot for the addition of the t-shirts section for review. Looking forward to hearing everyone's feedback!
Assignee: nobody → julia
(In reply to Julia Elman from comment #14) > Created attachment 794295 [details] > T-shirt section addition on profile create/edit form Julia, this draft looks great! I suggest this as the placeholder text: Like t-shirts? Add your size so we can give you a shirt at events or for other special occasions. String about straight-cut shirts: A straight-cut shirt has wide shoulders and a body which is almost square. Often known as "men's" or "unisex". String about fitted shirts: A fitted-cut tshirt has a curved side hem which comes in at the waist and goes out at the upper and lower ends. Also known as "women's".
Thanks William! Those strings have been added and pushed to the PR.
Frontend: Maybe we can convert this into a dropdown instead of radio boxes? Feels like it takes too much space and looks more complicated than it really is. Backend: Right now we support two privacy levels, 'Mozillians' and 'Public'. We do have the back-end to support more levels like 'Privileged' and 'Employees' with some tweaking. This is a good opportunity to add the 'Privileged' level originally designed for that kind of fields. I'll be working on this.
Depends on: 909235
(In reply to Giorgos Logiotatidis [:giorgos] from comment #17) > Frontend: > > Maybe we can convert this into a dropdown instead of radio boxes? Feels like > it takes too much space and looks more complicated than it really is. Giorgos, I had a dropdown box in there at first, but this made a lot more sense. I like the idea of showing the user options and not hiding them in a dropdown.
(In reply to Julia Elman from comment #18) > Giorgos, I had a dropdown box in there at first, but this made a lot more > sense. I like the idea of showing the user options and not hiding them in a > dropdown. I also imagined this as a dropdown box, but if you find the radio boxes make more sense, that works for me. Thanks Julia!
will this size be in the US formatt or UK for the sizes if possible can you also add the european
Commits pushed to master at [Bug 888006] Added tshirt field and privacy control Merge pull request #598 from fxa90id/Bug_register_page [Bug 888006] Added tshirt field and privacy control
We just committed a simple dropdown selector, because without it we couldn't save our profiles. If we're finally going for Julia's design, then Julia please rebase your pull request and then we can review. Thanks!
**Adding more notes to keep track of current progress on this bug** Julia merged in back-end code to front-end branch. Pushed up changes to same pull request here: Giorgos/Sancus gave feedback and Julia submitted more changes on 9/5/2013
Commits pushed to master at [Fix Bug 888006] Add t-shirt size to profile form and profile detail page. Merge pull request #583 from juliaelman/888006-add-tshirt-to-profile [Fix Bug 888006] Add t-shirt size to profile form and profile detail page.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 2013-09-12
Depends on: 916319
Depends on: 916313
Marking this as verified. I am able to edit my profile to add my t-shirt size, and I can update that size. I filed two bugs associated with this feature, and I don't think either should block our release, though we should aim to fix them in a future release release. They are bug 916313 and bug 916319. This long-requested profile field is happening! Those who get t-shirts printed for Mozillians are beyond delighted, and I think this will make it easier for us to recognize contributors with stylish (and correctly-sized) t-shirts.
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