Closed Bug 890390 Opened 11 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Design notifications for users whose make has been remixed


(Webmaker Graveyard ::, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cassie, Assigned: mattheww, NeedInfo)



(Whiteboard: ux, [hold][onboarding])


(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

This functionality came up when I emailed someone I knew that someone else I knew had remixed their original make. Would be awesome if that happened automatically, or if users could choose to turn on those notifications.

This is potentially a very sticky behavior, giving the original maker a lot more satisfaction out of their make and making them more likely to return to the site.

This is probably part of a larger piece of functionality, implementing a notification / messaging system. Is there currently a way to pop up a message on the site, and can we tie that to a user's profile to let them know new events (such as a remix) have occurred?
That would be amazing. We also just discussed how I could notify folks that they've been featured on the homepage each week - at the moment I'll be doing this manually via email but would be interesting if something automatic (that I draft with a tweet included etc) could happen. 

(In reply to Kat Braybrooke from comment #1)
> That would be amazing. We also just discussed how I could notify folks that
> they've been featured on the homepage each week - at the moment I'll be
> doing this manually via email but would be interesting if something
> automatic (that I draft with a tweet included etc) could happen. 
> Hmmmm!

That would also be awesome, good idea.
Whiteboard: uxdesign, uidesign, future → uxdesign, uidesign, future, feature
Depends on: 895541
Assignee: nobody → cassie
Assigning to matthew for some more ux thinking around this. It's about time we get around to doing this!
Assignee: cassie → mattheww
Whiteboard: uxdesign, uidesign, future, feature → ux, [oct17]

The pop-up could be on hover or maybe just a first-time experience.
Hey Matthew,

Be sure to upload your links as attachments (paste as text) then flag someone for review, otherwise this work gets lost. I have left some comments on the redpen, though, and I think we're close.

I'm updating the description to be design-only for this bug.
We'll need to file an implementation bug once this is complete w/ needinfo on Wex to assign implementation.
Flags: needinfo?(mattheww)
Summary: Notify users their make has been remixed → Design notifications for users whose make has been remixed
Attachment #8501922 - Flags: review?(cassie)
Flags: needinfo?(mattheww)
Pushing back to a later date. Mozfest will probably lend lots of ideas for improving profiles, social, and the notifications that connect them.
Whiteboard: ux, [oct17] → ux, [oct31]
Whiteboard: ux, [oct31] → ux, [nov7]
Whiteboard: ux, [nov7] → ux, [nov14]
Attached file notifications
Notification design that would work within Webmaker as it currently exists and in the emerging plan. 

Not sure whether further design or implementation makes sense at this stage. Even if we drop the link to more, it could be a lot of design and engineering work that would need to be redone later.

Attachment #8501922 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8501922 - Flags: review?(cassie)
Flags: needinfo?(simon)
Flags: needinfo?(cassie)
Flags: needinfo?(andrews)
Attachment #8521731 - Flags: feedback?(cassie)
* [nov14] is past -- please update to [nov28] train or later
Putting this on hold until it is part of a clearer priority.
Flags: needinfo?(cassie)
Whiteboard: ux, [nov14] → ux, [hold][onboarding]
Comment on attachment 8521731 [details]

Left a few comments in the redpend. I'd +1 Kate's comments. Would try to address the bell icon and simplifying what multiple notifications look like.
Attachment #8521731 - Flags: feedback?(cassie) → feedback-
Thanks for the follow-up on this. Still relevant, but we likely won't hit push notifications until Q2/Q3. I recommend we hold on this as the UI / UX is likely to change substantively between now and then.
Flags: needinfo?(andrews)
The site is no longer developed.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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