Closed Bug 892689 Opened 12 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[B2G][l10n][Browser] Slovak: Homescreen header in Add to homescreen page has ellipses


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Browser, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(b2g18 affected, b2g-v1.2 verified)

Tracking Status
b2g18 --- affected
b2g-v1.2 --- verified


(Reporter: dsubramanian, Unassigned)



(Keywords: l12y, Whiteboard: LocRun1.2)


(1 file)

Attached image Screenshot
Description: When the user changes the language to Slovak, the “Add to Homescreen” header has ellipses in the Bookmarks option screen. Prerequisites: Have few websites saved in Bookmark Repro Steps: 1. Updated to Leo Build ID: 20130711070209 2. Go to the Browser App 3. Go to a webpage that is already bookmarked 4. Tap on the yellow star icon 5. Menu options opens for Bookmark(Zalozky) 6. Tap on "Add to home screen" (Pridat' na uvodnu stranku) 7. Add to home screen opens up Actual Results: "Add to Home Screen(Pridat na Domovskou stranku)" header has ellipses Expected Results: "Add to Home Screen(Pridat na Domovskou stranku)" header does not appear with ellipses Environmental Variables Gecko: Gaia: 7cdcc46179d198cab11970964b181ede32a5b683 Platform Version: 18.1 Notes: Repro frequency: 100% See attached: Screenshot
Blocks: 892075
No longer blocks: 892075
Blocks: 892075
No longer blocks: 892075
Blocks: 892075
As of now both the header and the action button are sharing "add-to-home-screen" string. If we are asked to shorten our translation, they need to use their own strings. In general, sharing strings across several elements is a bad habit and this approach should not be used at all.
Asking for devs to look into this! thanks Vlad
Flags: needinfo?(firefoxos-ux-bugzilla)
Vlad: is the header still understandable at the time being? Is there a way you can make it fit while we wait for UX input?
Flags: needinfo?(firefoxos-ux-bugzilla) → needinfo?(bfrancis)
Well, the action button with exactly the same text is making the header easy-to-solve guessing game. It doesn't necessarily need to be a blocker, but definitely needs fixing and the fix is good to have on 1.1
Flags: needinfo?(bfrancis) → needinfo?(firefoxos-ux-bugzilla)
This appears to be an issue with a specific translation. Some alternate English wording might fit, though if we provide an alternate for "add to homescreen" that string will likely need to be adjusted in other places for consistency. I am flagging Matej since he may have some English suggestions, or may at least know whom to ask.
Flags: needinfo?(firefoxos-ux-bugzilla) → needinfo?(Mnovak)
Sorry, we are not looking for an alternate wording here. The issue is described in comment 1, the header and button are sharing the same string. I'm perfectly happy with the translation for the button and it needs to stay as is. The problem is the translation is too long for the header. So the header needs to have its own string and I'll find a short alternate translation for it to fit. This shorter translation is not suitable for the button though.
Is there any way we can decrease the font size of the header to make it fit? I worry that changing the English string would open a can of worms. The approach in comment 6 sounds good to me, though. Is there something in Slovak like "Add to home" that would still fit with the English? If we do end up changing the original, maybe the header could just say something like "Home screen" or "Add" since the button tells you exactly what you'll be doing.
Flags: needinfo?(Mnovak)
English text can stay as is, if you are happy with that. We just need to have to separate strings, for example add-to-home-screen=Add to home screen add-to-home-screen-header=add-to-home-screen=Add to home screen this way there is no visual change for English locale and at the same I'll be able to provide shorter string for the header while keeping original translation for the button. This approach needs to applied across the product as we have several more bugs with a similar issue
Sounds good. Let me know if I can help further.
We need to stop sharing a single string across several UI elements, a header and a button in this case. Can someone please look at this? Thanks you.
Flags: needinfo?(firefoxos-ux-bugzilla)
Eric and I are reviewing this now. Defer to dev on changing things to stop sharing a single string, and flagging Przemek to advise on whether or not the font size can be changed.
Flags: needinfo?(firefoxos-ux-bugzilla) → needinfo?(pabratowski)
Please reduce the font size by one point in these headers when the text string is too long to fit.
Flags: needinfo?(pabratowski)
This issue reproduces on the latest 1.2 build. Device: Buri v 1.2 COM RIL BuildID: 20131022004000 Gaia: 00d5964eabf95a6a8a632420dfa36fc76dcbc9b7 Gecko: 7453a764f9a9 Version: 26.0a2 Firmware Version: 20131015
Blocks: 928174
Whiteboard: LocRun1.2
Please have someone to look at this, basically I (as a localizer) would prefer solution as proposed in comment 8, so basically to stop sharing a string across several UI elements (header and button in this case) as based on our style guides a button should always use a verb while title should always be a noun. As per comment 12 reducing the font size might be an solution here as well. It is acceptable but I'd still prefer to use unique strings.
Assignee: rozbora → nobody
Component: sk / Slovak → Gaia::Browser
Product: Mozilla Localizations → Firefox OS
QA Contact: rado
To be a bit more specific, I'm talking about these two instances of add-to-home-screen proposing to change the instance on the line 38 to add-to-home-screen-header instead
What if the header said "Add link" or "Create link"?
Yes, I'm gonna use something similar for the header. That's not possible yet as the string is shared with the button.
Depends on: 942546
Based on the triage in bug 942546, I'm resolving this WORKSFORME.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
As per comment 18, changing status to "Verified WORKSFORME" Device: Buri 1.2 COM BuildID: 20140102004001 Gaia: b1bc88386c781148a25091bf2eeee3ba217281d0 Gecko: 0c11156c7d9b Version: 26.0 RIL Version: Firmware Version: v1.2_20131115
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