Closed Bug 893171 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

[Video][Music][Gallery] - Displays 'Cannot open unknown media type dialog' when user exits app by tapping on home button


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Video, defect)

Not set



blocking-b2g -


(Reporter: pdahiya, Assigned: pdahiya)



(6 files)

Steps 1. Pair unagi phone over bluetooth with macbook pro. 2. Transfer via bluetooth .mp4 video file 3. On file transfer complete, tap on the file received notification. 4. This opens and starts playing the mp4 video file. 5. Tap on home icon to exit player, this displays 'Can not open unknown media type' confirm dialog box. The above steps replicate this issue in video, music and gallery app. Environment Gaia - 82e6fd4b52223a8bcec0c78fc0b4aa4d0b1be0e0 Gecko - e78450af0f9fc6368f028bbc28c9190e902de497 BuildId - 20130708231158 Device - Unagi
Assignee: nobody → pdahiya
Fix for showing error dialog only when the file type is not supported and the received file cannot be opened
Attachment #774879 - Flags: review?(dkuo)
Punam, I tried to reproduce this issue but I wasn't unable to. In step 5 you mentioned "home icon" should be the hardware home button, right? but after I pressed the home button, I didn't see any dialog that says 'Can not open unknown media type'. Can you provide me a more detail steps to reproduce this issue? thanks.
Hi Dominic In step 5, "home icon" is the device home button. I tried to replicate and here are the steps 1. Pair unagi phone over bluetooth with macbook pro. 2. Transfer via bluetooth any image file. I tried with .jpg 3. On file transfer complete, tap on the file received notification for .jpg file. 4. This opens JPG file in gallery. 5. Tap on home icon to exit gallery, this displays 'Can not open unknown media type' confirm dialog box. If user comes out of gallery by pressing back button on top left, the confirm dialog is not shown. I have attached the screenshots of steps followed. Thanks
Updated build on my device with latest master-gaia and m-c gecko and this issue is not replicable for Music and Video App files. The issue still exist for Gallery app, on bluetooth file receive of any .gif, .jpg file. Environment Gaia - 7d87257a0912599bb4fed88510db26024e499ad9 Gecko - 34d21205479b8a0f759573281324197c05c5f957 BuildId - 20130723182012 Device - Unagi Dominic, please review the attached fix/patch for the existing issue seen when image file types are received via bluetooth and user exits on tapping home button. Thanks
Issue also reproducing on Leo Build ID: 20130724070208 Gecko: Gaia: a64f37c3327e4cf2105a16eedaf68727bb2adbde Platform Version: 18.1 RIL Version: When user opened attachment (pic or music) received via Bluetooth and then exits out by pressing "Home" button error message "Cannot open received file" - "Can not open unknown media type: /sdcard/downloads/bluetooth/panda cubs-1.jpg" - is showing up on a screen even user was able to open and view/play the file. See attached is log for the issue.
Comment on attachment 774879 [details] [diff] [review] PR checks error type before displaying unknown media type confirm dialog Punam, finally I can reproduce this issue, but it's not 100% reproducible, I guess it might because the activity object is no longer exist after we cancel it by the home button, so the error is not received. When the open activity is cancelled by the home button, the error is "ActivityCanceled", and we just want to prompt the error message when the error is NO_PROVIDER, so the patch looks good and fixes this issue!
Attachment #774879 - Flags: review?(dkuo) → review+
Punam, the description and commit messages used bug 838898 which is already duplicated, so I have cherry-pick your commit and modified the description and created a new PR. r+ on commit cdc77c24a5e0a1c8d9440d393d8e288c1dafd91e
Attachment #780904 - Flags: review+
Landed on master: ff14001a72c18553dfa3b678eff06cf6bac83bdd
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
The issue is resolved on Master build: Build ID: 20130726030202 Gecko: Gaia: a3d7268219f6ff92d296a3305bdfef14209885dc Platform Version: 25.0a1 Resolution needs to be uplifted to the vTrain 1.1.0
Is this a regression on master & v1-train? Or does this already exist on 1.01?
(In reply to Jason Smith [:jsmith] from comment #13) > Is this a regression on master & v1-train? Or does this already exist on > 1.01? I think this is not a regression on master & v1-train, and yes, it's already existed on v1.0.1.
blocking-b2g: --- → leo?
Minus on leo.
blocking-b2g: leo? → -
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