Bug 838898
Opened 12 years ago
Closed 12 years ago
[music] [video] Error "Can not open received file Can not open unknown media type" for supported file formats
(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Video, defect)
(blocking-b2g:-, b2g18+)
(Reporter: parul, Assigned: pdahiya)
(Whiteboard: testrun 5.1)
(3 files)
99.68 KB,
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101.68 KB,
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47 bytes,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review |
Test Environment:
Device: unagi phone
Build Identifier: 20130204070201
Gaia Version: b277f372f097c
Gecko Version: 450fd3b8496b
Update channel: nightly
Git commit info: 2013-02-01 13:43:40
Steps to reproduce:
1. Pair a bluetooth device with the phone, such a laptop.
2. Transfer via bluetooth the following music and video file types: .webm, .mp4 (codec: aac), .mp4 (codec: h.264), .ogg (codec: vorbis), .3gp, .mov, .m4v, .ogv.
3. Wait while the notification shows bluetooth file transfer in progress.
4. Pull doen the notification bar and tap on the completed notification message.
Actual Results:
An error message is shown: "Can not open received file | Can not open unknown media type: bluetooth/downloads/<file-name>".
Expected Results:
The Music app or Video app should launch and display the file format that it supports.
Note: This doesn't happen with image file types. In other words, if image files are received via bluetooth transfer, they open in the Gallery app.
Reporter | ||
Comment 1•12 years ago
Comment 2•12 years ago
We need more info from QA here:
1. Does this only happen when transferring a batch of music & video files as listed above? ie: what happens if a file of each of those types is transferred individually?
2. Is this just an error notification issue? Do the files transfer successfully and exist in the app and play?
If 2 is true we will not block here, just track.
Keywords: qawanted
Comment 3•12 years ago
unagi, using videos from: and
Gaia ecca2ee860825547d5e1109436b50b74dfe9261e
BuildID 20130212070205
Version 18.0
I believe that Parul tested with individual file transfers and not a bulk transfer because when I tried a bulk transfer it did not work at all. All the testing below was done with individual files.
This is not an error notification issue - you get a notification that the Bluetooth transfer was complete, but when you try to open the file it won't open and you get a similar dialog to what you see in the two attachments attached to the bug.
I tried a bunch of video formats - ogg, mp4 and they both failed with the same error message Parul attached to this bug. The only file transfer that succeeded for me was an MP3 file transfer which finished and then opened in the music app after I clicked the notification.
Keywords: qawanted
To answer 2: The media is on the SDcard and you can play it in the app.
- You get a notification stating that the bluetooth has completed.
- Pulling down the notification and tapping on the bluetooth notification gives the error message
- Pressing confirm dismisses the error message and shuts bluetooth off, you have to restart it.
- launching video app shows the video in the app (only if the video app wasn't already launched before the bluetooth - see bug 836783)
- the video plays and does not cut off.
To clarify point 3, you have to turn bluetooth back on is what I mean by "restart it"
Comment 6•12 years ago
blocking-b2g: tef? → -
--- → +
I retested comment 5 and it does not seem to occur on today's 101 build.
Gaia 6544fdb8dddc56f1aefe94482402488c89eeec49
BuildID 20130214070203
Version 18.0
Comment 8•12 years ago
Issue repros on the unagi device, the error message displays for any transfered video file, but after confirming the error the user can navigate to the video app and play the video successfully.
Environmental Variables:
Build ID: 20130225070200
Kernel Date: Dec 5
Gaia: 5691a16fff8e1403c75ed9d6f3a443b7e58198c6
Whiteboard: testrun 5.1
Assignee | ||
Comment 9•12 years ago
Not able to replicate issue on 07/08 - gaia-master and gecko m-c build.
Steps followed:
1. Pair unagi phone over bluetooth with macbook pro.
2. Transfer via bluetooth .mp4 video file
3. On file transfer complete, tap on the file received notification.
4. This opens and starts playing the mp4 video file.
Gaia - 82e6fd4b52223a8bcec0c78fc0b4aa4d0b1be0e0
Gecko - e78450af0f9fc6368f028bbc28c9190e902de497
BuildId - 20130708231158
Device - Unagi
Please test if the issue is still valid?
Flags: needinfo?(parul)
Assignee | ||
Comment 10•12 years ago
Able to replicate the issue when the user tap on home button to exit. Clicking on back icon on top left exits the player successfully without any error dialog.
1. Pair unagi phone over bluetooth with macbook pro.
2. Transfer via bluetooth .mp4 video file
3. On file transfer complete, tap on the file received notification.
4. This opens and starts playing the mp4 video file.
5. Tap on home icon to exit player view, displays 'Can not open unknown media type' confirm dialog box.
The above steps replicate this issue in video, music and gallery app. Looking into the issue
Flags: needinfo?(parul)
Assignee | ||
Updated•12 years ago
Assignee: nobody → pdahiya
Assignee | ||
Comment 11•12 years ago
Fix for showing error dialog only when the file type is not supported and the received file cannot be opened
Attachment #773474 -
Flags: review?(dkuo)
Assignee | ||
Comment 12•12 years ago
(In reply to Punam Dahiya from comment #9)
> Not able to replicate issue on 07/08 - gaia-master and gecko m-c build.
> Steps followed:
> 1. Pair unagi phone over bluetooth with macbook pro.
> 2. Transfer via bluetooth .mp4 video file
> 3. On file transfer complete, tap on the file received notification.
> 4. This opens and starts playing the mp4 video file.
> Environment
> Gaia - 82e6fd4b52223a8bcec0c78fc0b4aa4d0b1be0e0
> Gecko - e78450af0f9fc6368f028bbc28c9190e902de497
> BuildId - 20130708231158
> Device - Unagi
> Please test if the issue is still valid?
> Thanks
The original issue reported in this bug is fixed. The issue of confirm dialog shown when user exits by tapping home button is tracked in separate bug
Marking the bug as WORKSFORME.
Assignee | ||
Updated•12 years ago
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Comment 13•12 years ago
Comment on attachment 773474 [details] [diff] [review]
PR checks error type before displaying unknown media type confirm dialog
Moved this review request to bug 893171.
Attachment #773474 -
Flags: review?(dkuo)
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