Closed Bug 898127 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Browser only open links from other apps if it's not currently running


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Browser, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set



blocking-b2g leo+


(Reporter: verdi, Unassigned)



1. Quit all running apps
2. Open twitter and click on a link
3. Firefox will open and load the URL
4. Switch back to twitter and click on a second link
5. Firefox will switch to become the active app but it will not load the URL.
6. Quit Firefox and then open it again and it will load the URL from step 4.

Expected result:
Firefox should load the URL from step 4 in step 5. It should not have to be restarted in order to load the URL.

I'm using a Geeksphone Keon
Model: qcom
Software: Boot2Gecko
Build Identifier: 20130722051009
We are seeing this bug in action at our user testing in Bogota. People are clicking on links in an email message and the browser won't load the page because the brower is already running. This is happening on the Alcatel One Touch Fire running 1.1
Summary: Browser only open links from twitter if it's not currently running → Browser only open links from other apps if it's not currently running
This seems like a very common case to click on more than one link from another app to launch the browser.  

Nom'ing for leo+ to see if we can get this picked up by our partners.  Not having links open up in the browser is a major issue for us.
blocking-b2g: --- → leo?
Triage - leo+ as bad UX.
blocking-b2g: leo? → leo+
Flags: needinfo?(nhirata.bugzilla)
Actually Naoki, would you mind testing whether this was fixed by bug 896945 ? This may be a duplicate of that regression.
(In reply to Ben Francis [:benfrancis] from comment #5)
> Actually Naoki, would you mind testing whether this was fixed by bug 896945
> ? This may be a duplicate of that regression.

I think getting a regression window is not valuable here. We have a sense that this was fixed by a patch that has already landed, so we really need to retest this on the latest build to see if this still reproduces.
No longer reproduces on 2013-08-02-07-02-03 build.

Marking as a dup of bug 896945 as bug 897180  was also marked as a duplicate of that bug.
Closed: 11 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(nhirata.bugzilla)
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Keywords: qawanted
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