Closed Bug 902268 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[b2g][Marketing][pt-BR]: FFOS Consumer Messaging Doc


(Mozilla Localizations :: pt-BR / Portuguese (Brazil), defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: CocoMo, Assigned: matej)




(1 file, 2 obsolete files)

5.91 KB, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
Hi Fernando,

This project contains some critical marketing messages to be used on website, product and marketing campaign collaterals by Mozilla and its mobile partners.   If some expressions are already used on the web or else where, try to leverage or re-use them.  

Reference Material:
Consumer site:
Partner site:

Scope of Work: 
1). Localize the Word doc into your native language
2). PDF version for reference:
3). Download the Word doc:
4). Deliveries:
A). Once it is translated and reviewed among peers if necessary, upload the Word file to the bug assigned for your locale.  
4). Save a PDF version and upload it to the bug assigned to you. 

If you are not the owner of the task, please triage it as soon as possible.  

Thank you,
Assignee: nobody → fernandopsilveira
OS: Mac OS X → Other
Hardware: x86 → Other
Blocks: 902056
please make sure to translate everything in the brackets [xxxx] as well.
adding Clauber, who is working on Gaia l10n.  I hope one of you have the bandwidth to work on this.

Keep in mind product name should be kept in English.  We need to get this done by this Friday Sept 16.   Thank you.
Hello Fernando and Clauber, 

When can I get this completed?  

Fernando, any update on this?
Hi Team,

I am aware you have been super busy lately to cover various requests from product, marketing, SUMO and marketplace.  Please let me know who can take care of this request.  It is long overdue and we need the messages localized so we can share with our partners in preparation for the launch campaign. 

Thank you very much!
This is the first version of the translated content. IDK if we still have much time, but, it would be nice to have some reviews before it goes live. Anyway, if you need to use it, we can review it later, when the page is ready. Sorry for the delay on replying to this bug, but I just got knowledge of it last friday. Thank you!
Thank you Marcelo for jumping on this so quickly and get this done on such short notice.  Can we have another volunteer to review this?
Hello again,  can anyone review Marcelo's work?  Our launch plan in Brazil is approaching fast and we need to get this done.  Thank you!
Hello Team, 

If we don't hear back from you by Sunday, we will use what's translated as final copy.  Appreciate your prompt reply.

Thank you,
I reviewed the content and made a few changes: just using a more consistent language in some places and fixed a couple of typos.
Attachment #805278 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Thank you Reuben for the review.  We will hand it off to the parties waiting for it.

Matej, please take a look and if it looks good, we can mark the bug fixed.
Assignee: fernandopsilveira → Mnovak
Thanks for the work here. Just a couple of things I noticed:

We also need translations for the words in [SQUARE BRACKETS]. Let me know if any of those are unclear.

Marketplace is a brand name like Firefox or Firefox OS and should not be translated.

Can you please update with those changes and upload a new version? Thanks so much.
(In reply to Matej Novak [:matej] from comment #12)
> Thanks for the work here. Just a couple of things I noticed:
> We also need translations for the words in [SQUARE BRACKETS]. Let me know if
> any of those are unclear.

Just so I know what type of language to use, where are those strings going to be used?

> Marketplace is a brand name like Firefox or Firefox OS and should not be
> translated.

Oops, I missed that.
Flags: needinfo?(Mnovak)
(In reply to Reuben Morais [:reuben] from comment #13)
> (In reply to Matej Novak [:matej] from comment #12)
> > Thanks for the work here. Just a couple of things I noticed:
> > 
> > We also need translations for the words in [SQUARE BRACKETS]. Let me know if
> > any of those are unclear.
> Just so I know what type of language to use, where are those strings going
> to be used?

They won't be used in any marketing, but imagine if one of our partners gets this document and is trying to create their own promo or ad. Those strings will guide them and let them know what each bit of copy means and how it is intended to be used.

Does that make sense?
Flags: needinfo?(Mnovak)
Why do they need to be translated then? Some of those terms are technical, I can see the translation confusing instead of clarifying things. Anyway, here's a version with those strings translated…
Attachment #808899 - Attachment is obsolete: true
(In reply to Reuben Morais [:reuben] from comment #15)
> Created attachment 809297 [details]
> Firefox OS — Consumer messaging doc (copy deck).docx
> Why do they need to be translated then? Some of those terms are technical, I
> can see the translation confusing instead of clarifying things. Anyway,
> here's a version with those strings translated…

My thinking was that if the person doesn't speak English, they won't understand how the various strings are different or how they should be used.

Thanks for the update!
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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