Open Bug 902509 Opened 11 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Imap folders with specific names cause error messages (When requested New folder name is partial NAMESPACE string, "create NAMESPACE/partial_NAMESPACE_string" is always issued by Tb)


(MailNews Core :: Networking: IMAP, defect)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: u406841, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(1 file)

Attached image gfjjafcb (1).png
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.95 Safari/537.36 Steps to reproduce: With an IMAP account, if we naming a folder "Shared" or "Other". Actual results: Thunderbird will try to open "Shared folder" and not the "Shared" folder. And this error message appear : Mailbox does not exist. Other keyword are concerned with this bug. Like "Other". This problem occur to in other language like french. Here is a french description of the problem: Il s'agit d'un problème dans TB. Selon la langue de TB, si un dossier se nomme "Dossiers" ou "Autres", TB essaiera d'accéder au dossier sous "Dossiers Partagés" ou "Autres utilisateurs". Meme chose en anglais (Shared et Other). <1375891229<1<1375891229<1 create "Shared Folders/Shared" >1375891229>11 NO Permission denied <1375890723<16 create "Dossiers partag&AOk-s/Dossiers" >1375890723>16 NO Permission denied <1375891688<2<1375891688<22 create "Other Users/Other" >1375891688>222 NO Permission denied Expected results: Normally we can name folder with any names and access to the folders without any error message!
English error in the "Step to reproduce" section. You must read: "if we create a folder named Shared or Other" thunderbird will try to create "Shared Folders/Shared"
(Q1) What namespace is used by your IMAP server? (Server Settings/Advanced) It's pretty normal behaavior and is pretty normal phenomenon, if "Shared Folder", "Dossiers partag&AOk-s" and "Others" are used as namespace, and if server doesn't permit folder creation under "Shared Folder" etc., and if server doesn't notify about "creation of sub folder under Shared Folder etc. is prohibited" to IMAP mail client. (Q2) What folder(or account) was selected at Folder Pane of Tb when you requeted folder creation? (Q3) What happens if your folder creation request is "/Shared" instead of "Shared", or "/Other" instead of "Other"? (Q4) Anyway, get IMAP log and view log file content by Text Editor, and check NAMESPACE response, LIST response, ACL related response etc., please. See bug 402793 comment #28 for getting IMAP lo.
See meta bug 160644 for IMAP namespace related issues. > Bug 160644 - [meta] IMAP namespace & server directory related bugs tracking
Blocks: 160644
(In reply to gagne.patrick from comment #0) > nomme "Dossiers" ou "Autres", TB essaiera d'accéder au dossier sous > "Dossiers Partagés" ou "Autres utilisateurs". Meme chose en anglais (Shared >(snip) > <1375890723<16 create "Dossiers partag&AOk-s/Dossiers" > >1375890723>16 NO Permission denied "Dossiers partag&AOk-s" is perhaps modified-UTF-7 of "Dossiers Partagés". In screen shot, "Dossiers" is shown as root level folder(first level folder under the iMAP account). (Q5) Is "Dossiers" returned as root level folder for "LIST *" or "LIST %" or "LSUB *"? (Q6) When was create "Dossiers partag&AOk-s/Dossiers" issued by Tb? Did you do "select Dossiers at folder pane" then requested creation of subfolder named "Dossiers"? Or you did "select the IMAP account at folder pane" then requested creation of folder named "Dossiers"? (Q7) Is "Dossiers partag&AOk-s" or "Dossiers Partagés" used as NAMESPACE by your IMAP server?. If "Dossiers Partagés" is non-Personal NAMESPACE, phenomenon you saw may be "comparison with NAMESPACE terminates at a space in NAMESPACE". If folder name=="Shared", it's same as "Shared Folders" for Tb. If folder name=="Others", it's same as "Other Users" for Tb. If folder name=="Dossiers", it's same as "Dossiers Partagés" for Tb.
Phenomenon of "if requested folder name is substring of publicNamespace or otherUsersNamespace, the folder is created under publicNamespace or otherUsersNamespace". [Steps to Reproduce] (0) Force namespace use. With Yahoo! IMAP who doesn't use namespace. With Tb 17.0.7 on Win-XP. mail.server.serverN.override_namespaces = false mail.server.serverN.namespace.personal = "" mail.server.serverN.namespace.public = "ZShared Folders/" mail.server.serverN.namespace.other_users = "ZOther Folders/" "ZShared Folders", "ZOther Folders" doesn't exist at IMAP server. (1) With IMAP server selected at Folder Pane, request folder creation. (1-1) "ZShared" => create "ZShared Folders/ZShared" (1-2) "ZS" => create "ZShared Folders/ZS" (1-3) "ZShare" => create "ZShared Folders/ZShare" (1-4) "ZShared F" => create "ZShared Folders/ZShared F" (1-5) "ZShared Folders" => create "ZShared Folders/ZShared Folders" (2) With IMAP server selected at Folder Pane, request folder creation. (2-1) "ZOther" => create "ZOther Folders/ZOther" (2-2) "ZO" => create "ZOther Folders/ZO" (2-3) "ZOthe" => create "ZOther Folders/ZOthe" (2-4) "ZOther F" => create "ZOther Folders/ZOther F" (2-5) "ZOther Folders" => create "ZOther Folders/ZOther Folders" (3) With IMAP server selected at Folder Pane, request folder creation. (3-1) "Z" => create "ZOters Folders/Z" ZOthers < ZShared in Alphabetic order, so "ZOthers Folders" matches first. Because Yahoo! IMAP does't create Mbox named "ZShared Folders" or "ZOther Folders" by create request of "ZShared Folders/xxxxxxxx" or "ZOther Folders/xxxxxxxx", root level "ZShared Folders" or "ZOther Folders"(==namespace folder) is not created. Yahoo! IMAP creates Mbox named "ZShared Folders/xxxxxxxx" or "ZOther Folders/xxxxxxxx" without Mbox named "ZShared Folders" or "ZOther Folders". So, after above test, following is shown at Folder Pane. ZShared Folders (doesn't exist at server, so shown in Italic) ZS (actual Mbox) ZShare (actual Mbox) ZShared F (actual Mbox) ZShared Folders (actual Mbox) => Confirming. IIRC, problem like this won't occur, if Mbox for publicNamespace and otherUsersNamespace actually exists at IMAP server. And, if "\Noselect" is properly set by IMAP server, other known publicNamespace and otherUsersNamespace related problems don't occur.
Component: Folder and Message Lists → Networking: IMAP
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Linux → All
Product: Thunderbird → MailNews Core
Hardware: x86_64 → All
Summary: Imap folders with specific names cause error messages → Imap folders with specific names cause error messages (If Mbox corresponds to NAMESPACE doesn't exist at IMAP server, and if requested folder name is substring of NAMESPACE, create "NAMESPACE/substring_of_NAMESPACE" is issued by Tb)
Summary: Imap folders with specific names cause error messages (If Mbox corresponds to NAMESPACE doesn't exist at IMAP server, and if requested folder name is substring of NAMESPACE, create "NAMESPACE/substring_of_NAMESPACE" is issued by Tb) → Imap folders with specific names cause error messages (If Mbox corresponds to NAMESPACE doesn't exist at IMAP server, and if requested folder name is partial NAMESPACE string, create "NAMESPACE/partial_NAMESPACE_string" is issued by Tb)
"Mbox for NAMESPACE exists or doesn't exist" was irelevant to this bug's problem. Sorry for my confusion. Removing it from bug summary.
Summary: Imap folders with specific names cause error messages (If Mbox corresponds to NAMESPACE doesn't exist at IMAP server, and if requested folder name is partial NAMESPACE string, create "NAMESPACE/partial_NAMESPACE_string" is issued by Tb) → Imap folders with specific names cause error messages (When public or otherUsers Namespace is used but personalNamespace is not used, if requested New folder name is partial NAMESPACE string, create "NAMESPACE/partial_NAMESPACE_string" is issued by Tb)
Summary: Imap folders with specific names cause error messages (When public or otherUsers Namespace is used but personalNamespace is not used, if requested New folder name is partial NAMESPACE string, create "NAMESPACE/partial_NAMESPACE_string" is issued by Tb) → Imap folders with specific names cause error messages (When requested New folder name is partial NAMESPACE string, "create NAMESPACE/partial_NAMESPACE_string" is always issued by Tb)
Workaround. (a) Add trailing "/" to new folder name. If "Shared/" is requested, "Shared" is created under personalNameSpace. (b) Utilize "rename". Create "X" => personalNamespace/X is created. Rename "X" under personalNamespace to "Shared" => Required "personalSpace/Shared" is obtained.
Severity: normal → S3
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