Closed Bug 911560 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

H.264 video playback freeze on nexus-4


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: General, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(blocking-b2g:koi+, firefox26 fixed, firefox27 fixed, b2g-v1.2 fixed)

blocking-b2g koi+
Tracking Status
firefox26 --- fixed
firefox27 --- fixed
b2g-v1.2 --- fixed


(Reporter: sotaro, Unassigned)



(Keywords: smoketest)

+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #901224 +++ The following is a copy from Bug 901224 comment #17. ----------------------- nexus4 occasionally freeze during youtube video playback. When the phone come into this status, the touch ui do not respond at all. Even "soft home button" did not respond. At first I thought that it is related to new GonkNativeWindow for JB make the problem. But from quick investigation, it seems to be caused by compositor side in b2g process. From application's point of view, transaction to LayerTransactionParent did not respond. I checked the following combination on nexus4. The freeze happens in all cases. - [1] - [1]+[2] - [1]+[2]+[3] - [1]+[2]+[3]+[4] [1] GonkNativeWindow support in JB gonk (Bug 871364) [2] Enable new gralloc textures (Bug 907745) [3] Fix memory leak at ImageClientSingle (Bug 910921) [4] Hold a reference to Image during being used by compsitor(Bug 901224)
For confirmation, I used the following video.
Adding smoketest keyword as this fails a smoketest on the nexus-4.
Keywords: smoketest
When nexus4 ROM has only [1], the freeze happened often. When nexus4 ROM has [1]+[2]+[3]+[4], the freeze happens lesser often than only [1].
It seem that the freeze happens more when touching display or rotating the nexus phone.
Summary: Youtube video freeze on nexus-4 → H.264 video playback freeze on nexus-4
Video playback problem seems to happen more ofeten than youtube in the following.
Depends on: 871364
Depends on: 901224
Some important gralloc/video patches have landed recently, can someone with a nexus 4 check the status of this bug?
(In reply to Nicolas Silva [:nical] from comment #6) > Some important gralloc/video patches have landed recently, can someone with > a nexus 4 check the status of this bug? To check H.264 playack on nexus-4, Bug 911548 fix is also necessary.
And bug 916112 so that we're not doing tiling instead. Yes, this is video and the tiling preference doesn't really apply, but just in case.
Sotaro/ Milan Is this bug a dup of 916112 which seems to have landed? Is this bug fixed via the same?
Flags: needinfo?(sotaro.ikeda.g)
Flags: needinfo?(milan)
Depends on: 911548
Flags: needinfo?(sotaro.ikeda.g)
I am going to confirm current status. And added Bug 911548 to dependent bug.It is necessary to get enough number of buffers.
(In reply to Preeti Raghunath(:Preeti) from comment #9) > Sotaro/ Milan > > Is this bug a dup of 916112 which seems to have landed? Is this bug fixed > via the same? I playbacked the video several times. The crash did not happen. Bug 916112 is just blocking the confirmation of the fix. Bug 915869 might be a dup of the bug.
Flags: needinfo?(milan)
The freeze does not happen in current master.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
blocking-b2g: koi? → koi+
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