Closed Bug 915951 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Notifications are incorrectly removed by subframe navigation


(Firefox :: General, defect)

Not set



Firefox 28
Tracking Status
firefox26 --- verified
firefox27 --- verified
firefox28 --- verified
b2g-v1.2 --- fixed


(Reporter: tanvi, Assigned: tanvi)


(Depends on 1 open bug, Blocks 1 open bug, )


(Whiteboard: [doorhanger][CTPDefault:P2])


(4 files, 10 obsolete files)

1.82 KB, patch
: review+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
3.23 KB, patch
: review+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
1.97 KB, patch
: review+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
1.50 KB, patch
: review+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
We got a report in bug 844556 comments 67-69 for a page where Mixed Content is blocked by the MCB but the Shield Icon is missing. This occurs on a university page that requires login and I have a test account. Note that this means that there is no way for the user to "disable protection" and load the content. I can reproduce this on various versions of Firefox and the most recent Nightly. Note that if I open a new tab and then return to the university webpage tab, the shield shows up as it should. When you go to the specific page, a youtube HTTP iframe attempts to load. MCB blocks the load, reports the blocked load to webconsole and properly updates the security state. Then browser.js reads the security state and calls then calls PopupNotifications._update: This is when things get a little confusing. While reproducing, I've come across two scenarios: 1) continues to execute and _updates is called later. When it is called, the notifications have disappeared: and we end up here: 2) _update is called within The notifications are found. But then _update is called again with no notifications found and the UI has no shield. The last/second call to _update is always after a terminal warning: WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x805E0006: file /home/mozilla/dev/mozilla-central/content/base/src/nsFrameLoader.cpp, line 510 ++DOMWINDOW == 35 (0x7fc9052a88b8) [serial = 40] [outer = 0x7fc904d830b8] Which is a return value for a LoadURI - Do any of the folks I've cc'ed have a clue as to what might be going on here? I can't reproduce this on my own test cases (or any of the other websites that have mixed content). Perhaps it is something specific that this site is doing that is causing the nsFrameLoader warning and somehow interfering with the call to _updates. Any help/ideas/thoughts would be helpful. Thanks!
I did some more debugging and this is what I found. When you visit the University page with mixed content, a youtube HTTP iframe attempts to load. MCB blocks the load, reports the blocked load to webconsole and properly updates the security state. Then browser.js reads the security state and calls then calls PopupNotifications._update. _update finds the notifications and appears to go through the correct code path to show the notification. However, I never see the notification because right after completes, we get a terminal warning from nsFrameLoader.cpp[1] followed by a call to onLocationChange in browser.js. I'm not sure why onLocationChange() gets called, because the top level url is the same. Can onLocationChange get called when a frame's location is changed? I tried testing this with a meta-refresh in a frame, but that doesn't prompt an onLocationChange ( browers.js' onLocationChange properly gets the notification via _getNotificationsForBrowser. Then it does some notification filtering based on persistence - This is where the Mixed Content Blocker notification disappears. We don't want to set persistWhileVisible, since MCB is page specific and shouldn't persist across true location changes. But since we don't set this and since the top level domain doesn't change (and doesn't seem to be doing a reload either), the notification disappears in this block. When I comment out this block of code, the MCB notification appears (but of course that breaks lots of other things). I don't want to set persistWhileVisible on the MCB notification (because that would mean navigating from an mixed content site to a non-mixed content site would propagate the shield when it shouldn't). I need to dig further into what is causing the onLocationChange() call. Is this something that is specific to this webpage and something odd it might be doing? Or could this issue exist elsewhere as well? Does the terminal warning have anything to do with it[1]? Should we be calling onSecurityChange() in onLocationChange() so that is called again? [1] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x805E0006: file /home/mozilla/dev/mozilla-central/content/base/src/nsFrameLoader.cpp, line 510 ++DOMWINDOW == 35 (0x7fc9052a88b8) [serial = 40] [outer = 0x7fc904d830b8]
I wrote a test case the reproduces this issue: It is an HTTPS page with mixed script and an HTTPS iframe. When the HTTPS iframe loads, we use javascript in the iframe to click a link in the frame and navigate it to another HTTPS location. When this happens, onLocationChange() is called and the Mixed Content Blocker notification disappears (you see it for a second and then it's gone). The top-level page has not changed, so we want to persist the notification. If the top-level page had changed, we would not want to persist the navigation. Any thoughts on how I should go about fixing this?
Putting the "locationChange()" call at: in the "isTopLevel" block would probably fix it. That has wider implications, and there may be some relevant bug history (we've changed that code not too long ago, in bug 839445 and related bugs).
We could fix this by moving the popupnotification code inside this isTopLevel block: What would that break? I'm going to propose a patch and push it to try to see what happens.
Attached patch Bug915951-09-19-13.patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Thanks Gavin! I will read the bug and the related bugs. Here is a proposed patch. Will push to try shortly.
Assignee: nobody → tanvi
Attachment #807482 - Flags: review?
(In reply to Tanvi Vyas [:tanvi] from comment #6) > Push to try: There are two main tests that are failing on try: /toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/test_notifications_popup.html /browser/base/content/test/general/browser_popupNotifions.js The first passes locally after a recent pull, so maybe I just needed a more up-to-date Firefox. Will push to try again for just mochitest-5 on one platform to see what happens: The second fails because of a test that checks the very thing that I'm changing with my patch: Test #28 in popupNotifications checks to see if the notification disappears after an iframe changes location (while my patch prevents the notification from disappearing). Are there any notifications where this behavior would be desirable? After some digging, I found some information about this here: and comment 24. Dao and Gavin - are you okay with changing this behavior? It creates the opposite problem than the one described in the comments - notifications may become stale. But it fixes this specific mixed content blocker problem - where a notification disappears because of an unrelated subdocument location change. Consider a case where a page has a hidden plugin that is click to play. The page has a framed document (maybe an ad or something unrelated to the functionality of the page and the plugin) that changes location. After the change in location, the plugin doorhanger would disappear and the user would not be able to play the content. This patch would also fix this situation. However, consider a case where MCB blocks an HTTP iframe in an HTTPS page. The HTTPS page could change the location of the subframe to an HTTPS location after some timeout. If the HTTP frame was the only piece of Mixed Content on the HTTPS page, then the notification would become stale and would exist there for no reason. Personally, I'd rather have a stale notification that a user could choose to ignore instead of causing a page to be permanently broken. Thoughts? Thanks!
Depends on: 839516
Product: Toolkit → Firefox
Summary: does not always show the Mixed Content Shield Doorhanger → Mixed Content Shield Doorhanger disappears when a frame's location changes
Comment on attachment 807482 [details] [diff] [review] Bug915951-09-19-13.patch > onLocationChange: function (aBrowser, aWebProgress, aRequest, aLocationURI, > aFlags) { > // Filter out location changes caused by anchor navigation > // or history.push/pop/replaceState. > if (aFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.LOCATION_CHANGE_SAME_DOCUMENT) > return; > >- // Only need to call locationChange if the PopupNotifications object >- // for this window has already been initialized (i.e. its getter no >- // longer exists) >- if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, "PopupNotifications").get) >- PopupNotifications.locationChange(aBrowser); >- >- gBrowser.getNotificationBox(aBrowser).removeTransientNotifications(); >- > // Filter out location changes in sub documents. > if (aWebProgress.isTopLevel) { >+ // Only need to call locationChange if the PopupNotifications object >+ // for this window has already been initialized (i.e. its getter no >+ // longer exists) >+ if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, "PopupNotifications").get) >+ PopupNotifications.locationChange(aBrowser); >+ >+ gBrowser.getNotificationBox(aBrowser).removeTransientNotifications(); >+ > FullZoom.onLocationChange(aLocationURI, false, aBrowser); > } At this point, it might be better to stop indenting this whole block and have it preceded by another early return: // Filter out location changes in sub documents. if (aWebProgress.isTopLevel) return;
Attachment #807482 - Flags: review? → review+
(In reply to Tanvi Vyas [:tanvi] from comment #7) >/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/test_notifications_popup.html > The first passes locally after a recent pull, so maybe I just needed a more > up-to-date Firefox. Will push to try again for just mochitest-5 on one > platform to see what happens: > Running this individual test succeeds. But the test fails on the try server or when you run mochitest-5 locally, because you end up with a bunch of popup notifications that were caused by other tests and never dismissed because the top-level page in mochitest never navigates - only the testing iframe changes location - Perhaps we should clear all notifications at the start of this test (and the start of other popup notification tests). What do you think of that idea? And is there a method to remove all notifications? Thanks!
(In reply to Tanvi Vyas [:tanvi] from comment #9) > Perhaps we should clear all notifications at the start of this test (and the > start of other popup notification tests). What do you think of that idea? > And is there a method to remove all notifications? I don't think so. PopupNotifications.jsm has a private _getNotificationsForBrowser method.
Attached patch browser.js patchSplinter Review
Per dao's comment 8, I've simplified the patch to return early in the subdocument case: dao- do you want to re-review?
Attachment #807482 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #812388 - Flags: review?(dao)
Attached patch Bug915951-tests-09-30-13.patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Tried to update the tests. * For, I tried to add a cleanUpPopupNotifications() function in notifications_common.js. This only half worked, meaning only half the notifications in mochitest-5 were removed. Compared the previous screenshot with the new screenshot - Previous has 4 notifications - After this patch, you see 2 notifications - Perhaps I need to use the _getNotificationsForBrowser method in notifications_common.js. But how do I get the browser to pass it in? To use the private method and to get the browser, don't I need a browser chrome test? * For, I replaced the event in test 28 from "removed" to "showing" and test is passing. But now when running the test, test 29 and 30 have multiple messages in the actual doorhanger (messages from tests 28, 29, and 30). And the total tests that have succeeded is 271 instead of 294. Hence, there is more to it than the changes I've made. Perhaps the "showing" event is invoked multiple times and hence executeSoon() is called too many times. Matt, since you are familiar with the password manager and popup notification tests, if you could provide some pointers or feedback on these tests that would be very helpful. Thanks!
Attachment #812392 - Flags: feedback?(mnoorenberghe+bmo)
Attachment #812388 - Flags: review?(dao) → review+
Comment on attachment 812392 [details] [diff] [review] Bug915951-tests-09-30-13.patch Since Matt is out, feedback? to dao instead. Dao, can you take a look at comment 12 and provide some advice on how to update these tests. Thanks for your help!
Attachment #812392 - Flags: feedback?(mnoorenberghe+bmo) → feedback?(dao)
Comment on attachment 812392 [details] [diff] [review] Bug915951-tests-09-30-13.patch Review of attachment 812392 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- (In reply to Tanvi Vyas [:tanvi] from comment #12) Some info from our in-person discussion. > * For > > passwordmgr/test/test_notifications.html?force=1, I tried to add a > cleanUpPopupNotifications() function in notifications_common.js. > > This only half worked, meaning only half the notifications in mochitest-5 > were removed. Compared the previous screenshot with the new screenshot - > Previous has 4 notifications - > > After this patch, you see 2 notifications - > > > Perhaps I need to use the _getNotificationsForBrowser method in > notifications_common.js. But how do I get the browser to pass it in? To > use the private method and to get the browser, don't I need a browser chrome > test? It may be okay to use the private method in this test helper. > * For > > general/browser_popupNotification.js#816, I replaced the event in test 28 > from "removed" to "showing" and test is passing. But now when running the > test, test 29 and 30 have multiple messages in the actual doorhanger > (messages from tests 28, 29, and 30). And the total tests that have > succeeded is 271 instead of 294. Hence, there is more to it than the > changes I've made. Perhaps the "showing" event is invoked multiple times > and hence executeSoon() is called too many times. As discussed in-person, I think you can simply call remove on the notification after you verify it is showing. ::: browser/base/content/test/general/browser_popupNotification.js @@ +822,1 @@ > ok(true, "Notification removed in background tab after reloading"); Update this text
Attachment #812392 - Flags: feedback?(dao)
This creates a cleanUpPopupNotifications function in notfications_common.js that is called at the start of a test_notifications_popup.html. I still am working on the fix to browser_popupNotifications.js.
Attachment #812392 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #815581 - Flags: review?(mnoorenberghe+bmo)
Comment on attachment 815581 [details] [diff] [review] Fix to test_notifications_popup.html v1 Review of attachment 815581 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is not ideal IMO as I think we should fix tests so they don't leave the browser with PopupNotifications hanging around. This is essentially a band-aid to fix this one affected test but a new test could come along in another component (without access to passwordmgr's notification_common.js) and have to also cleanup the leftover notifications. I'll leave it up to you to decide whether to land this for now. We should at least have a follow-up to remove this helper and have tests running before this one do their own PopupNotification cleanup before subsequent tests are run. ::: toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/notification_common.js @@ +87,5 @@ > + * left behind from previous tests. > + */ > +function cleanUpPopupNotifications() { > + var container = getPopupNotifications(; > + ok(true, "is popup panel open? " + container.isPanelOpen); I don't think this line is relevant @@ +89,5 @@ > +function cleanUpPopupNotifications() { > + var container = getPopupNotifications(; > + ok(true, "is popup panel open? " + container.isPanelOpen); > + var notes = container._currentNotifications; > + ok(true, "Found " + notes.length + " popup notifications."); Change this from "ok(true, " to "info(" and update the message to indicate it is removing N leftover popup notifications.
Attachment #815581 - Flags: review?(mnoorenberghe+bmo) → review+
Updated per Matt's comment 16. Carrying over r+.
Attachment #815581 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #820530 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 820530 [details] [diff] [review] Fix to test_notifications_popup.html v2 This includes an incomplete patch to another test. Obsoleting.
Attachment #820530 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #820530 - Flags: review+
I have been stuck on updating Test 28 in for sometime. This test originally tested that an iframe location change would remove a popup notification. It did this by waiting for the "removed" event. The "removed" event was triggered by TabsProgressListener onLocationChange() in browser.js: With the changed behavior, we want to test that it does not remove a popupNotification. From the event callback options we have ( the "showing" event would make sense. However, the popupNotification is already "showing" before the location change. I don't know how to test for the showing event only AFTER the location change. Is there anyway to detect that the onLocationChange() function was called and only then check for the "showing" event? I've tried various methods, including checking the iframes source has changed or adding and waiting for a load listener, but onLocationChange() seems to be called after these (perhaps asynchronously). Alternatively, I could wait for a "removed" event for some seconds, and then consider the test successful if we never get a removed event. This is not ideal by any means. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
(In reply to Tanvi Vyas [:tanvi] from comment #19) > Is there anyway to detect that the onLocationChange() > function was called and only then check for the "showing" event? I've tried > various methods, including checking the iframes source has changed or adding > and waiting for a load listener, but onLocationChange() seems to be called > after these (perhaps asynchronously). See
(In reply to Dão Gottwald [:dao] from comment #20) > See Thanks Dao for the suggestion! How about something like this: This passes with the patch in this bug and fails without it. Notice that I use the anchor id to test if the notification is still shown (similar to test 27). I do this to avoid looking for two events (first for TabProgressListener's onLocationChange, then for a showing event for the notification). What do you think? Alternatively, I could try to the Test 14, where I check that the onHidden event isn't triggered until an onLocationChange.
(In reply to Tanvi Vyas [:tanvi] from comment #21) > Alternatively, I could try to the Test 14, where I check that the onHidden > event isn't triggered until an onLocationChange. Second method: Is the anchor creation and checking code over kill here? Should I remove lines 8-14 and 28?
Summary: Mixed Content Shield Doorhanger disappears when a frame's location changes → PopupNotifications are incorrectly removed by subframe navigation
Whiteboard: [doorhanger] → [doorhanger][CTPDefault:P2]
This is a combination of attachment 824419 [details] [diff] [review] by bsmedberg and by Tanvi that avoid executeSoon. Credit is given in the commit message. I confirmed this fails without the browser.js fix. Try push:
Attachment #824556 - Flags: review?(benjamin)
Summary: PopupNotifications are incorrectly removed by subframe navigation → Notifications are incorrectly removed by subframe navigation
Comment on attachment 824556 [details] [diff] [review] Fix browser_popupNotification.js v.1 >+ let progressListener = { >+ onLocationChange: function onLocationChange(aBrowser) { >+ let notification = PopupNotifications.getNotification(, >+ self.notifyObj.browser); >+ ok(notification != null, "Test 28: Notification remained when subframe navigated"); >+ self.notifyObj.options.eventCallback = undefined; >+ >+ notification.remove(); >+ gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener(progressListener); >+ }, >+ }; >+ >+ info("Test 28: Adding progress listener and performing navigation"); >+ gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener(progressListener); You should sanity-check aBrowser or use gBrowser.addProgressListener if there's no tab switching involved and you don't care about location changes in background tabs.
Comment on attachment 824556 [details] [diff] [review] Fix browser_popupNotification.js v.1 dao's right, this should use addProgressListener not addTabsProgressListener. r=me with that change While you're at it also change the test 28 heading? It should say "location change in embeded frame should not remove notification"
Attachment #824556 - Flags: review?(benjamin) → review+
version 2 and 2.1 of the fix to test_notifications_popup are old versions that don't work. Uploading the working version and will push to try. Sorry, should have uploaded it earlier. It addresses Matt's comments from Comment 16.
Attachment #824559 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #824737 - Flags: review+
Attachment #824556 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #824790 - Flags: review+
Turns out using addProgressListener won't work. The test succeeds with or without the code change. addProgressListener's onLocationChange is triggered too soon. We need to wait for addTabsProgressListener's onLocationChange. 0:14.09 XULBrowserWindow onLocationChange 0:14.09 onLocationChange event triggered 0:14.09 TEST-PASS | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_popupNotification.js | Test 28: Notification remained when subframe navigated 0:14.11 TEST-INFO | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_popupNotification.js | [Test #28] popup hidden (0 hides remaining) 0:14.11 addTabsProgressListener onLocationChange
New patch that uses addTabsProgressListener and compares aBrowser to gBrowser.selectedBrowser to make sure they are the same. Test 28 fails without the code change. Succeeds with it.
Attachment #824790 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #824836 - Flags: review?(benjamin)
Comment on attachment 824836 [details] [diff] [review] Fix browser_popupNotification.js v.3 + is(aBrowser, gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "Test 28: Using the correct browser"); If that test ever randomly fails, we should instead make it just a check; if (aBrowser != gBrowser.selectedBrowser) { return; }
Attachment #824836 - Flags: review?(benjamin) → review+
(In reply to Benjamin Smedberg [:bsmedberg] from comment #32) > Comment on attachment 824836 [details] [diff] [review] > Fix browser_popupNotification.js v.3 > > + is(aBrowser, gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "Test 28: Using the > correct browser"); > > If that test ever randomly fails, we should instead make it just a check; > > if (aBrowser != gBrowser.selectedBrowser) { > return; > } Done. Carrying over r+. This change shouldn't need a new push to try. Although we are already seeing issues with the previous push. We are getting an error in test_prompt.html in mochitest-5 on Mac. Mochitest-5 on linux (which I had tested locally) passes on try because test_prompt.html isn't run on linux.
Attachment #824836 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #824858 - Flags: review+
Still investigating the test_prompt.html failure. A few notes. We believe test_prompt.html is failing because of a MCB doorhanger that should not be there. The call to cleanUpPopupNotifications in test_notifications_popup.html should have removed it. Neither test_notifications_popup.html or test_prompt.html seem to introduce Mixed Content, so why is the notification still there? If you call the cleanUpPopupNotifications() in test_prompt.html, mochitest-5 will succeed: INFO TEST-INFO | /tests/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/test_prompt.html | true - Removing 1 popup notifications. When you remove the browser.js code change and just update the tests (specifically, test_notifications_popup.html), mochitest-5 succeeds.
Depends on: 933085
Comment on attachment 824737 [details] [diff] [review] Fix to test_notifications_popup.html v3 I did the investigation I asked for in comment 16 and found that mixed content tests were unintentionally leaving a mixed content doorhanger around. I have a patch in bug 933085 to fix this so as long as there aren't other tests leaving doorhangers around in the try push, this band-aid won't be needed. Try push:
Attachment #824737 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 824737 [details] [diff] [review] Fix to test_notifications_popup.html v3 Un-obsoleting for now. Bug 933085 will help but won't fix this test completely. There are 3 popupnotifications that are lurking around from previosu tests in test_notifications_popup.html ( A hidden plugin notification, a plugin notification, and a MCB notification. But 933085 will remove the MCB notification, but the other two will still be around. In order to fix that, we have to identify the tests that introduce them and clean them up at the end of those tests. Matt was looking into that earlier today.
Attachment #824737 - Attachment is obsolete: false
(In reply to Tanvi Vyas [:tanvi] from comment #34) > We believe test_prompt.html is failing because of a MCB doorhanger that > should not be there. The call to cleanUpPopupNotifications in > test_notifications_popup.html should have removed it. Neither > test_notifications_popup.html or test_prompt.html seem to introduce Mixed > Content, so why is the notification still there? With the fix to test_notifications_popup.html, we remove all existing doorhangers. test_notifications_popup.html invokes a call to an nsSecureBrowserUIImpl function that checks docShell->GetHasMixedActiveContentBlocked() ( Since Mixed Active Content has been blocked on this docshell before (in the /security tests), the flag for GetHasMixedActiveContentBlocked is true and we set nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_BLOCKED_MIXED_ACTIVE_CONTENT. By setting the security state, a call to browser.js' onSecurityChange() results in a call to showMixedContentDoorhanger() and hence re-introduces the doorhanger we removed earlier: Hence, this is expected behavior. Even though the doorhanger was removed by the test (or by a user) it shows up again when onSecurityChange is called. You can test this locally by visiting, clicking the doorhanger, clicking keep blocking. The doorhanger will disappear. Visit another tab and then come back to this tab. The doorhanger is back because onSecurityChange was called and hence showMixedContentDoorhanger() was called. For mochitest-5, test_notifications_popup.html, and test_prompt.html we can solve this problem by the change to the /security tests Matt made in Bug 933085. With that change, content that we were initially blocking is now allowed. Hence the state is set to nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_LOADED_MIXED_ACTIVE_CONTENT and hence showMixedContentDoorhanger() is never called. If there were a mochitest-X that had Mixed Content Blocking tests that required invoking the MCB doorhanger followed by popup notificatation tests that required starting with a clean state, there would be no way to fix this. Here is some log information from running test_notifications_popup.html: (There are still some parts of this that are puzzling to me; like why sometimes the security state is 4 and other times it is 20. Perhaps it is 4 when onSecurityChange is being called on the iframe and not the top level page. Would have to do more debugging to determine that.)
Current state for this bug: * All 3 patches are currently still valid and necessary. If we can identify and remove the popups for plugins created in previous mochitest-5 tests, then we could potentially remove "Fix to test_notifications_popup.html v3". * We also need the patch to bug 933085 to pass test_prompt.html OR you need to call cleanUpPopupNotifications() in test_prompt.html (, * There is a consistent Win 7 only failure in mochitest-1 -> ERROR TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /tests/content/html/content/test/test_bug388794.html | Unexpected href for frame test6 - got data:text/html,?x=5&y=6, expected data:text/html,?x=5&y=5 I have not investigated this test at all.
(In reply to Tanvi Vyas [:tanvi] from comment #38) > * All 3 patches are currently still valid and necessary. If we can identify > and remove the popups for plugins created in previous mochitest-5 tests, > then we could potentially remove "Fix to test_notifications_popup.html v3". These failures highlight real issues in the wild for users so ideally we would remove the icon when it's stale (see comment 7) but apparently we want it in some cases (e.g. bug 745187 for CTP). Perhaps we can fix this for the mixed content case? I also didn't see a pref to flip to avoid the CTP doorhanger for the tests. I would have though disabling plugins.click_to_play would do so but that doesn't seem to work or maybe requires a restart but we could possibly fix these things. > * We also need the patch to bug 933085 to pass test_prompt.html OR you need > to call cleanUpPopupNotifications() in test_prompt.html > (, > At this point I think we should just use cleanUpPopupNotifications in both passwordmgr files and figure out how to have the tests cleanup better in the future to handle this new behaviour. r=me on adding cleanUpPopupNotifications to the beginning of the additional test. > * There is a consistent Win 7 only failure in mochitest-1 -> > ERROR TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | > /tests/content/html/content/test/test_bug388794.html | Unexpected href for > frame test6 - got data:text/html,?x=5&y=6, expected data:text/html,?x=5&y=5 > > > > > > I have not investigated this test at all. I have no idea how these patches could have caused this. I'm hoping we can tweak the test again to get it to round differently (see ). Another option is to disable the test on Win7-only but that would probably require more discussion and investigation.
(In reply to Matthew N. [:MattN] (catching up on reviews) from comment #39) > (In reply to Tanvi Vyas [:tanvi] from comment #38) > > * There is a consistent Win 7 only failure in mochitest-1 -> > > ERROR TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | > > /tests/content/html/content/test/test_bug388794.html | Unexpected href for > > frame test6 - got data:text/html,?x=5&y=6, expected data:text/html,?x=5&y=5 Note that this test fails on Windoes 7 in that same way locally without any patches (on the UX branch).
The mochiteset failures have a fairly straightforward cause: the mochitest runner itself is a page which loads tests in subframes. Because the top mochitest frame never navigates, no notifications are going to be ever dismissed. Arguably the notification tests shouldn't be plain mochitests (the specialpowers goop is going to break with e10s anyway), but for now we can just remove all existing notifications at the beginning of each test that uses notification_common.js
Attached patch Fix browser_prompt.html v.1 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Adds the clean up function to the top of browser_prompt.html. Matt, can you check that the call is in the ideal place?
Attachment #825386 - Flags: review?(mnoorenberghe+bmo)
Given the last few comments, I think that the 4 patches in this bug are sufficient to fix the issue. But, what do you want to do about the Win 7 failure? I don't see it on any recent pushes to central.
(In reply to Matthew N. [:MattN] (catching up on reviews) from comment #39) > I also didn't see a pref to flip to avoid the CTP > doorhanger for the tests. I would have though disabling > plugins.click_to_play would do so but that doesn't seem to work or maybe > requires a restart but we could possibly fix these things. > Some tests may depend on the pref to be enabled (and hence the doorhanger existing). The way to clean these up would be to remove the notification at the end of the test; not flip the pref. Flipping the pref worked for the MCB tests in /security because for those specific tests we actually wanted to the feature disabled.
test fixes for password manager mochitests - because mochitest runs all its tests in an iframe, it collects popup notifications from all tests and never dismisses them: remove them explicitly before each password manager test that needs to check popups
Attachment #825451 - Flags: review?(mnoorenberghe+bmo)
Comment on attachment 825451 [details] [diff] [review] This is the version which I pushed to try this morning, which removes all notification before any of the password manager tests which use notifications. This passes try, except for the win-only mochitest-1 failures in test_bug388794.html Review of attachment 825451 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- The alternative is to change these tests to ignore irrelevant popup notifications and only care about password maanger ones.
Attachment #825451 - Flags: review?(mnoorenberghe+bmo) → review+
Comment on attachment 825386 [details] [diff] [review] Fix browser_prompt.html v.1 I prefer bsmedberg's patch to do this in notification_common.js
Attachment #825386 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #825386 - Flags: review?(mnoorenberghe+bmo)
Comment on attachment 824737 [details] [diff] [review] Fix to test_notifications_popup.html v3 Obsoleted by attachment 825451 [details] [diff] [review]
Attachment #824737 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #812388 - Attachment description: Bug915951-09-30-13.patch → browser.js patch
(In reply to Tanvi Vyas [:tanvi] from comment #44) > Some tests may depend on the pref to be enabled (and hence the doorhanger > existing). The way to clean these up would be to remove the notification at > the end of the test; not flip the pref. Flipping the pref worked for the > MCB tests in /security because for those specific tests we actually wanted > to the feature disabled. That may be the case for one or two but I think most of those tests intend to be testing real plugins rather than the CTP overlay. I wouldn't be surprised if a some of those tests are no longer testing what they are supposed to since CTP was enabled by default. I'll file a separate bug for this.
Here's what I know so far about the mochitest-1 test_bug388794.html failure: * A clean UX tip repo exhibits the failure on my Win7 desktop * A clean UX tip repo exhibits the failure on my Win7 desktop (but I believe it worked the first time unless I was mistaken) * Changing the test to use 4.99, 4.99 instead of 4.999 causes the test to pass locally. Technically only the one coordinate is wrong but I figured I'd keep them consistent. It's possible that this is a recent regression that only shows up in certain cases. I guess I can check that. Try push of m-c tip to see if there are infra differences: (I don't believe their is since Tanvi pointed out that this is passing for other people on try) Try push with 4.99:
Attachment #825672 - Flags: review?(roc)
Comment on attachment 812388 [details] [diff] [review] browser.js patch [Approval Request Comment (for all 4 patches)] Bug caused by (feature/regressing bug #): Not exactly a regression but this became more of an issue with CTP plugins and mixed content features using notifications. User impact if declined: Notifications (e.g. CTP and mixed content) will continue to be removed for all subframe navigations regardless of whether the subframe had anything to do with the notification's purpose. This makes it very hard or impossible to take action on the notification in certain cases. My understanding is that this fix is required to ship with CTP enabled. Testing completed (on m-c, etc.): Landed on m-c and will be in tomorrow's Nightly. Risk to taking this patch (and alternatives if risky): Known issue: There are times when notifications will linger when they are no longer relevant due to subframe navigations but that is considered better than not allowing the user to fix broken pages (e.g. plugins or content not working) in other cases. The patch to what ships (browser.js) doesn't add new code, only changes whether sub-frame navigation affects notification removal and is very low risk IMO. String or IDL/UUID changes made by this patch: none
Attachment #812388 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta?
Attachment #812388 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora?
Attachment #812388 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta?
Attachment #812388 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta+
Attachment #812388 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora?
Attachment #812388 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora+
Tested on nightly 28.0a1 (2013-11-03). The CTP doorhanger (bug 932633) looks fixed now. Opening the testcase from here, I see the MCB doorhanger and also the "Hello People! " message displayed. Is it ok?
(In reply to Paul Silaghi, QA [:pauly] from comment #55) > Tested on nightly 28.0a1 (2013-11-03). > The CTP doorhanger (bug 932633) looks fixed now. > Opening the testcase from here, I see the MCB doorhanger and also the "Hello > People! " message displayed. Is it ok? Yes, that is correct.
(In reply to Tanvi Vyas [:tanvi - on leave] from comment #30) > Turns out using addProgressListener won't work. The test succeeds with or > without the code change. addProgressListener's onLocationChange is > triggered too soon. We need to wait for addTabsProgressListener's > onLocationChange. That doesn't really make any sense. It sounds like the actual problem is that you're depending on something happening in another onLocationChange handler, in which case you should just use an executeSoon rather than relying on the fact that the tabs progress listeners are invoked after the per-browser ones.
Keywords: verifyme
(In reply to Matthew N. [:MattN] (catching up on reviews) from comment #57) > (In reply to Paul Silaghi, QA [:pauly] from comment #55) > > Tested on nightly 28.0a1 (2013-11-03). > > The CTP doorhanger (bug 932633) looks fixed now. > > Opening the testcase from here, I see the MCB doorhanger and also the "Hello > > People! " message displayed. Is it ok? > > Yes, that is correct. Verified fixed FF 28.0a1(2013-11-04), FF 26b2 on Win 7, Mac OS X 10.8.4, Ubuntu 12.04
Verified fixed 27.0a2 (2013-11-05)
Keywords: verifyme
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