Closed Bug 92142 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Moz doesn't talk to freeamp via rmp (e.g. the Emusic "Download Entire Album" link)


(Core Graveyard :: File Handling, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: doom, Assigned: law)




From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.2+) Gecko/20010723 BuildID: 2001072408 If you look at an album on the web site, you have two choices (1) you can click on just a song (this works for me, it brings up freeamp and plays) or (2) you can click on "Download Entire Album" down at the bottom, and it's supposed to bring up the freeamp download manager, and download the entire album. This works in Netscape 4.7x, but not in Mozilla. Currently in my "helper applications" I've got MIME type: application/vnd.rn-rn_music_package associated with /usr/bin/freeamp %s Here's a suggested album you might look at ("The Best of Godzilla"): Unfortunately, I can't find any way to reproduce this bug without having an account set-up at Emusic. All I can suggest is that you could create an account, use it to test, and then cancel it before the free trial period is up. (I believe I've also tried this without the %s there, also with no luck). Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.Get an account 2.Install freeamp, associate MIME type "application/vnd.rn-rn_music_package" with freeamp 3. Look at an album, e.g. and go to the bottom and click "Download Entire Album". Actual Results: Nothing Expected Results: Should've brought up Freeamp's "Download Manager". This used to crash the browser every time, doing nothing is actually a big improvement over the way it used to be.
I just tried this again with just "freeamp", not "freeamp %s", and it behaves a little differently: It does bring up "freeamp", but not the "freeamp download manager", and a short message appears in the freeamp window "Skipped Corrupted File".
Dupe of bug 58339 via bug 82933 *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 58339 ***
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Sorry, I can see why you might think this was a dupe of bug 58339, but I really doubt it. I certainly don't have a flash plug-in (since I wish flash would FOAD and I think all the web "designers" who flashed up there sites deserved the lay-offs they recieved). That can't be the explanation for this particular freeamp problem.
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Let's try that again...reporter, feel free to undupe this again if I'm wrong, but I think *this* is the problem. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 95091 ***
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
No, I don't think this is a duplicate of 95091: As I think is clear in my original description, this is a broken feature with or without the "%s". It just behaves slightly differently. I'm talking about the ability of some sites (e.g. to send multiple files to an audio player (e.g. freeamp) via RMP technology. RMP evidentally stands for "Rich Metadata Package". There's more information about it here:
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Joseph: is this a request for supporting RMP (whatever that is?). The link you provided is out of date, please provide another. And could you describe what in the world is RMP in a few words? Or is this about the way mozilla handles %s ? > Joseph: is this a request for supporting RMP (whatever that > is?). The link you provided is out of date, please provide > another. And could you describe what in the world is RMP in > a few words? Sure. Looks like realnetworks is having some problems. "RMP" is either "Real Metadata Package" or "Rich Metatdata Package" (I've seen both... and the MIME type suggests it was once "RealNetworks Metadata Package"). It's a way for the website to tell a helper application some additional information about the files it's receiving. Notably (in the case of, it tells Freeamp or Realjukebox some information about the audio tracks that are about to be downloaded (e.g. song name, album name and so on). RMP is an XML-based format. (Hint: if you shift-click on one emusic's little blue "Download Entire Album" buttons, you can save the associated RMP file, and look at examples of the format directly). For the RMP system to work, "application/vnd.rn-rn_music_package" must be associated with either Freeamp or Realjukebox. It definitely works for Netscape 4.7x, but not for Mozilla. (I've also gotten word that it doesn't work for Netscape 6.0 under Windows, but I haven't verified that personally). This is the only information that Real seems to have up concerning RMPs at the moment (an old press release): They used to have a developer kit up there, too. Until they get their act together, I've put up a copy of one of their pdf files over here: > Or is this about the way mozilla handles %s ? No, I think that's a red herring. It's an issue with communicating with a helper application, so I had to try it with and without the %s, but it doesn't work in either case.
I've come across some free albums you can download without getting an Emusic account, so I can simplify the steps to reproduce this bug (it would be nice if someone would try): To reproduce: 1. (a) Install <A HREF="">freeamp</A>, (b) associate MIME type "application/vnd.rn-rn_music_package" with freeamp: Edit->Preferences->Helper Applications->New Type Description of type: RMP (Real Multimedia Package) File Extension: rmp MIME type: application/vnd.rn-rn_music_package Application to use: freeamp (or possibly /usr/bin/freeamp, or /usr/local/bin/freeamp) 2. Click on one of the links below, and then go to the bottom and click "Download Entire Album". <UL> <LI><A HREF="">Unknown - Greetings From Burkittsville, MD</A> <LI><A HREF="">Blackalicious - Freestyle Battle - Chief Xcel vs. Versatile II</A> <LI><A HREF="">Ralph Nader - Ralph Nader 2000 Spoken Word Tracks</A> <LI><A HREF="">Vienna Symphony Orchestra And The Academy Chamber Choir - Mozart's Requiem In D Minor, K.626</A> <LI><A HREF="">Primitive Radio Gods - White Hot Peach</A> <LI><A HREF="">Blackalicious - Freestyles :: Interviews</A> <LI><A HREF="">Various Artists - EMusic - Better Circuitry Through Living--The EMusic/ACID ReMixes</A> </UL> Desired Behavior: Freeamp's "Download Manager" should open up, showing a list of the tracks on the album, and a dynamic status indicator showing how much of each has been downloaded thus far. Observed Behavior: Asks me "do you want to open this with freeamp"? I say yes. Nothing happens. And ps -ax | egrep freeamp | egrep -v egrep shows no processes. NOTE: I would expect that this bug could also be reproduced with RealJukeBox and/or Windows.
Following the steps to reproduce from comment #8 I see the following behavior with Linux nightly build 2001-12-07-08: 1) Install freeamp (the "required" RH6 rpms) 2) Set up the helper app (/usr/bin/freeamp -- you _must_ use full path, extension "rmp"; that is also required, mime type application/vnd.rn-rn_music_package) 3) Go to 4) Click on the "Download Entire Album" link (blue rectangle with white checkbox) 5) Get "Do you want to open this?" dialog. Click OK. 5) Freeamp download manager starts up and starts downloading files. So I guess this worksforme. Joseph, what build are you currently using? Sorry this bug has languished for so long....
Assignee: rickg → law
Component: Viewer App → File Handling
QA Contact: rickg → sairuh
Worksforme using linux 2002010808 as well. Marking WORKSFORME.
Closed: 24 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
mass-verifying WorksForMe bugs. reopen only if this bug is still a problem with a *recent trunk build*. mail search string for bugspam: AchilleaMillefolium
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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