Closed Bug 923455 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[User Story] Single variant: Predictive text configurable by SIM


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::System, defect, P2)

Gonk (Firefox OS)


(Not tracked)

1.4 S1 (14feb)


(Reporter: sonmarce, Assigned: macajc)



(Keywords: feature, Whiteboard: [ucid:System95, systemsfe][systemsfe][p:1])

User Story

As an Operator I want predictive text is on/off by default depending on the country, so that users get the usual local behavior

Acceptance criteria:
* Predictive text setting will be configured per each MCC/MNC after inserting a new SIM card for the first time
* These are the parameters to be configured:
  * Auto correction: on/off
  * Word suggestion: on/off
  * Vibration: on/off
  * Click sound: on/off
* There will be a default value for the case of no predictive text setting is configured for a MCC/MNC or no SIM card inserted
* Replacing or removing SIM card later on will imply no change in Predictive text configuration
* After a factory reset, Predictive text will be configured the same way as a brand new device


(1 file)

As an Operator I want predictive text is on/off by default depending on the country, so that users get the usual local behavior

Acceptance criteria:
* Predictive text setting will be configured per each MCC/MNC after inserting a new SIM card
* These are the parameters to be configured:
  * Auto correction: on/off
  * Word suggestion: on/off
* There will be a default value for the case of no predictive text setting is configured for a MCC/MNC
Keywords: feature
Whiteboard: [systemsfe]
Priority: -- → P2
Whiteboard: [systemsfe] → [ucid:System95, systemsfe]
QA Contact: rafael.marquez
No longer blocks: 1.3-systems-fe
Updated following acceptance criteria:
* Predictive text setting will be configured per each MCC/MNC after inserting a new SIM card for the first time
* There will be a default value for the case of no predictive text setting is configured for a MCC/MNC or no SIM card inserted
* Replacing or removing SIM card later on will imply no change in Predictive text configuration
* After a factory reset, Predictive text will be configured the same way as a brand new device

Also started to use the new User Story field
User Story: (updated)
Flags: in-moztrap?(rafael.marquez)
Assignee: nobody → cjc
Whiteboard: [ucid:System95, systemsfe] → [ucid:System95, systemsfe][systemsfe]
Target Milestone: --- → 1.4 S1 (14feb)
Attached file Proposed patch v1
Attachment #8374966 - Flags: review?(francisco.jordano)
The user story only speaks of two specific settings, but after talking with our product department, the solution implemented allows to change any subset of the keyboard configuration settings
Whiteboard: [ucid:System95, systemsfe][systemsfe] → [ucid:System95, systemsfe][systemsfe][p:1]
Comment on attachment 8374966 [details]
Proposed patch v1


Looking perfect, also you got all the tricks I already commented you on previous PRs ;)

Thanks a lot for the work Carmen!
Attachment #8374966 - Flags: review?(francisco.jordano) → review+
Thanks for the review!.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Blocks: 973611
Added to user story two more parameters to be configured:
* Vibration: on/off
* Click sound: on/off
User Story: (updated)
Verified in master (1.4)branch. Good job. US without bugs.

The test will be sent to import them in moztrap
The acceptance criteria "Predictive text setting will be configured per each MCC/MNC after inserting a new SIM card for the first time" will be developed and tested in v1.5. After talking with the organization we have decided to close the US although this development is pending
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