Closed Bug 926341 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[UX]To support WPA-EAP and EAP SIM options in WLAN setting


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Settings, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kchang, Assigned: nhsieh)



(Whiteboard: [ft:ril])


(6 files)

We need to support other WPA-Enterprise methods. Here are the items. 1. To support PEAP, TLS, TTLS, and SIM for EAP. 2. To support PAP, MSCHAP, MSCHAPV2 for phase 2.
Summary: [Gaia]To support WAP-EAP option in WLAN setting → [Gaia]To support WAP-EAP options in WLAN setting
Summary: [Gaia]To support WAP-EAP options in WLAN setting → [Gaia]To support WPA-EAP options in WLAN setting
Assignee: nobody → nhsieh
blocking-b2g: --- → 1.3+
Hi All, I uploaded the UX specification document. Please check.
Please use new UX specification document. Thanks
hi Ian, since Neo has provided all UX spec, could you please take this bug?
Flags: needinfo?(iliu)
Flags: needinfo?(iliu)
Summary: [Gaia]To support WPA-EAP options in WLAN setting → [UX]To support WPA-EAP options in WLAN setting
Summary: [UX]To support WPA-EAP options in WLAN setting → [UX]To support WPA-EAP and EAP SIM options in WLAN setting
Modified title to change this task as UX work. Gaia work is 926334
Hi Neo, As discussion offline, I think there is a little bit wired in spec. page 4, flow 1. The networks security type is incorrect for Mozilla Mobile. It should be belong to WPA-PSK type. So, I would like to suggest for making the spec. more clear for WPA-Enterprise flow(Using other network name in this case.). Thanks.
Hi Ian, That is just a sample. I change wording for example.
Per discussion on Nov8, there will be UI change for combining WPA-Enterprise and EAP-SIM as WPA-EAP category. Target UX document release date is set to Nov12.
Target Milestone: --- → 1.3 Sprint 5 - 11/22
Whiteboard: [ft:ril]
Update the UX document.
Hi Matej Novak, Could you please help to check page 5's error message string ? Thanks :)
Flags: needinfo?(Mnovak)
Target Milestone: 1.3 Sprint 5 - 11/22 → 1.3 Sprint 6 - 12/6
(In reply to Neo Hsieh from comment #12) > Hi Matej Novak, Could you please help to check page 5's error message string > ? Thanks :) Happy to help. Could you put the string you'd like me to review into a bug comment and provide a little background to help me understand? Thanks.
Flags: needinfo?(Mnovak)
Hi Matej, Please see the two error messages in page5 of attachment 8335804 [details]. Those are for failure cases when end users manage the certificates used to certify WPA-Enterprise WiFi hotspots. #1 Title: Import certificate failed Content: This situation may be caused by damaged certificate file or other unknown reasons. #2 Title: Delete certificate failed Content: This situation may be caused by storage issue or other unknown reasons.
Flags: needinfo?(Mnovak)
Unfortunately I don't understand this use case well enough to be able to comment on it thoroughly, but it seems like these are screens that only an advanced user would see. As such, I think the language can remain more technical and less friendly than other messages, but I worry about calling out "unknown reasons." Here's what I would recommend: #1 Title: Certificate import failed Content: This may be due to a damaged certificate file, for example. #2 Title: Certificate deletion failed Content: This may be due to a storage issue, for example.
Flags: needinfo?(Mnovak)
AKA/AKA' will not be enabled in v1.3 (disabled from GAIA), because of following reasons: 1. we don't have the approach/device to test it 2. no clear requirements at this moment Bug 944226 created for tracking.
Flags: needinfo?(nhsieh)
No longer blocks: 920936
Got it.
Flags: needinfo?(nhsieh)
Thanks for your help! Matej Novak :) Sorry for late reply. I updated the document. Please check.
Flags: needinfo?(Mnovak)
Looks OK to me. Thanks.
Flags: needinfo?(Mnovak)
The user story bug this blocks (bug 922930) has a target milestone of future, so this is not a committed feature for 1.3. Non-committed features for 1.3 should not block the release.
blocking-b2g: 1.3+ → 1.3?
Hi Neo, Since the gaia patch is in reviewing process, we still have some question about the string. 1. P4, flow 2, the header "Manage Cert." , shall we use the Cert. to avoid string truncated issue? Or we have another string to description simply. 2. p4, flow 4, the description "Please enter the certificate name", could we change description via "Enter nick name"? (via reviewer concern) Thanks.
Flags: needinfo?(nhsieh)
Also needInfo Matej for the string suggestion here. Thanks.
Flags: needinfo?(Mnovak)
Hi Ian, 1. Please use "Manage Cert." for consustency the button wording. 2. Sorry, I forgot to change it last time. I will prefer to "You can change the nick name or keep the default name." I will update the document later.
Flags: needinfo?(nhsieh)
(In reply to Neo Hsieh from comment #23) > Hi Ian, > 1. Please use "Manage Cert." for consustency the button wording. > 2. Sorry, I forgot to change it last time. I will prefer to "You can change > the nick name or keep the default name." > I will update the document later. Thanks for your input and check again. Will revise the string via your comment.
Flags: needinfo?(Mnovak)
(In reply to Jason Smith [:jsmith] from comment #20) > The user story bug this blocks (bug 922930) has a target milestone of > future, so this is not a committed feature for 1.3. Non-committed features > for 1.3 should not block the release. Triage: AFAIK this is a commit feature, needinfo? Wesley to confirm. Wesley, please either 1.3+ or --- this bug.
Flags: needinfo?(whuang)
blocking-b2g: 1.3? → ---
Target Milestone: 1.3 Sprint 6 - 12/6 → ---
Flags: needinfo?(whuang)
This bug is for UX document, which was provided already.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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