Closed Bug 935986 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Gaia needs gcc on test machines


(Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard :: CIDuty, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gaye, Unassigned)



We use node-gyp to compile native node extensions like sockit-to-me. It requires python v2.7 and a c/c++ compiler. Please install gcc on the test machines!
Blocks: 935576
Capturing some IRC discussion about this (summary: we don't want to install a compiler on the test machines for various reasons, but there are other options to consider):

[3:56pm] gaye: dustin: I filed about getting gcc on the test machines. Is there anyone in particular I should ping about making it happen?
[4:01pm] dustin: gaye: jhopkins is buildduty if you want to ping someone 
[4:02pm] jhopkins|buildduty: gaye: was there a discussion about this somewhere that i can look at?
[4:03pm] Callek: gaye: its a VERY concious choice about not putting gcc on test machines
[4:03pm] gaye: jhopkins|buildduty: No discussion. I've just been trying to get gaia integration tests to run on our test machines and I am blocked on gcc
[4:03pm] Callek: gaye: I'd be very opposed to doing that unless there is a MAJOR reason we should
[4:04pm] Callek: gaye: the primary reason we don't is that we don't want to accidentally require development-only libraries/packages/etc in Firefox/our products
[4:04pm] Callek: or even if we require newer versions of some libs to *build* we don't want to artificially/accidentally require them to run
[4:05pm] Callek: (all those library bump req's we want to weigh against the needs and the userbase-at-the-time)
[4:08pm] jhopkins|buildduty: just thinking aloud, but perhaps we could build whatever is required for tests during the product build, upload it to blobber, and have that pre-built binary pulled into the tests
[4:08pm] gaye: Yeah that seems like right thing if compiling has lots of politics
[4:13pm] Callek: gaye: so there are compiled tests, (Cpp-unit) run on our builders, I'd peek in #build or #ateam and chat with ted about them, maybe a similar approach can work for you
QA Contact: john+bugzilla
Found in triage. Is this still needed?
Component: Other → Platform Support
Flags: needinfo?(gaye)
QA Contact: coop
Not needed!
Flags: needinfo?(gaye)
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Component: Platform Support → Buildduty
Product: Release Engineering → Infrastructure & Operations
Product: Infrastructure & Operations → Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard
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