Closed Bug 937988 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Create separate review queue and review detail pages for Chinese reviewers


(Marketplace Graveyard :: Reviewer Tools, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cvan, Assigned: cvan)



(Whiteboard: [qa+])

Per bug 922252:

> 4) There should be an authenticated API endpoint which will list apps requesting listing in the Chinese Marketplace. (Read-only)  No UI - this is API only.
> 5) There should be a read/write or write-only API which will modify a flag for each app requesting listing, corresponding to Approved, Waiting Approval (null?), or Rejected.  No UI - this is API only.

Instead, we're going to add a ":china" (or similar) PotatoSearch™-style search keyword that allow apps in the Pending Review Queue to match all those apps that have explicitly requested to be listed in China (i.e., `Geodata.objects.filter(region_cn_status=amo.STATUS_PENDING).values_list('addon', flat=True)`).
Component: Developer Pages → Reviewer Tools
Blocks: 909557
some clarif(In reply to Christopher Van Wiemeersch [:cvan] from comment #0)
> Per bug 922252:
> Instead, we're going to add a ":china" (or similar) PotatoSearch™-style
> search keyword that allow apps in the Pending Review Queue to match all
> those apps that have explicitly requested to be listed in China (i.e.,
> `Geodata.objects.filter(region_cn_status=amo.STATUS_PENDING).
> values_list('addon', flat=True)`).

To the pending review queue?  How would this work?  The china approval status will be often unrelated to the app status.  I.e.  An existing app can ask for china listing - that shouldn't be in the pending queue.  Also, an app listed for many regions may be approved by a (non-China) reviewer, but still need China approval.  
A separate queue (similar to the re-review queue) seems more sensible.

All apps listed in the China Review Queue:

* approved by an app reviewer (e.g., Lisa, Andrew)
* made public
* not disabled by the user
* not in the Escalation Queue
* marked as pending in China by the developer (see bug 922252)

A China Reviewer (with the `Apps:ReviewRegionCN permission`) clicks the link to view the app's public detail page where he/she can test/install/inspect the contents of the .manifest/.zip, etc. The Reviewer then clicks "Approve" or "Reject," which then removes the app row from the table.

This is the MVP to get Chinese apps reviewed in the Marketplace. I'm sure there are many, many more options that could be presented to the reviewers. But if there's anything crucial I'm missing let me know. 

Verification notes
1) As a developer, enable the "China" checkbox option in the region list for an app from an app's "Compatibility & Payments" page (<app_slug>/payments)
2) As a reviewer, load the China Review Queue:
3) As a user, load the consumer pages in the China region and ensure that the app now shows up:

Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: [qa+]
Depends on: 939936
Depends on: 939929
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