Closed Bug 938357 Opened 11 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Secreview: Find my Device (Client-side)


( :: Security Assurance: Review Request, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: pauljt, Assigned: pauljt)



(Whiteboard: u= c= p=1 s=ready)

This review is to cover the client-side code included in FirefoxOS as part of the 'Where's my fox feature' See
I presume this is the client-side parts of where is my fox:
Actually no, that's the original, but has been forked. Doug can you add link, cheers?
Flags: needinfo?(doug.turner)
Whiteboard: u= c= p=1 s=ready
Flags: needinfo?(doug.turner)
Summary: Secreview: Where's my Fox (Client-side) → Secreview: Find my Device Client-side)
Summary: Secreview: Find my Device Client-side) → Secreview: Find my Device (Client-side)
This feature has since been moved to Gaia, and it's being developed at
thanks for the update ggp.
Paul, do we need to block on landing in mainline gaia on this review or can it happen post-landing? Thank you.
Flags: needinfo?(ptheriault)
It can happen post landing (and I can't actually finish testing until it does). BTW is this still planned for 1.4? I assumed not with the recent change in scope and deprioritized this review but let me know this isn't correct.
Flags: needinfo?(ptheriault)
Hey ggp, I am starting to take a peek at the source code of findmydevice. Whom besides you should I CC on additional bugs, that I may find during my source code review? I will also make them block this bug for easier tracking.
Depends on: 1013881
I pretty much wrote all of the client code, so I'd say I'm the only person you need to CC from a technical standpoint. You may want to CC :elan on them just to make sure she's aware of the bugs we have, but I can also do that if you don't. Thanks!
Depends on: 1013944
Depends on: 1013946
Depends on: 983363
Depends on: 1013991
Depends on: 1036393
Depends on: 1036924
Depends on: 1147862
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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