Closed Bug 93980 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

<DD> indents text outside of <DL> on Win NT but not other OSs


(Core :: Layout, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: kaeori, Assigned: clayton)





(2 files)

From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:0.9.2) Gecko/20010704 BuildID: 2001070414 This seems to work in all versions of NS and IE I've used, but the <dd> ident tag doesn't seem to work for me in Mozilla (I am using v0.9.2). When used, it seems to just ignore it. Is the <dd> attribute supported in Mozilla, or is it a problem on my end? Thank you. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Create a page. In it, type: <dd>blah 2. When viewed, it should have indented the "blah" as a new paragraph. 3. It does so in other browsers, but not in Mozilla, at least for me. Actual Results: It ignores the <dd> attribute. Expected Results: It should indent. Each paragraph on the page of the URL I provided should be indented, but it is not when I view the page with Mozilla. =P I apologize if this has been mentioned before, or if it seems trivial, but I didn't see any information on your site about it, and I'm finding viewing my pages without indentions where I put them somewhat annoying and frankly occasionally hard to read.
I've created a testcase, as the reported URL doesn't seem to contain any <dd> elements. Reporter: at the risk of sounding didactic, I'm going to point out that "dd" is not a generic indenting tag, it's used to indicate an element in a definition list. (Look up the HTML spec at <URL:> for details). If you're interested in a discussion of what HTML is and isn't (or perhaps "should and shouldn't be") with regard to things like this, you might want to look at <URL:>. The discussion is rather technical, but if you take the time to wade through it, you may find yourself enlightened as to why <dd> is not just "a tag used to indent things". For what it's worth, a better solution to make things indented is probably to precede the text you want indented by "&nbsp;" a few times (creates a hard space), or even dispense with indenting entirely-most web pages I see just use an extra line break to separate paragraphs. (There's also CSS2 "text-indent", but that's probably not well-supported at this point-you're better off using "&nbsp;".) This concludes my sanctimonious little lecture on web design. Oh, and the testcase WFM, nightly build 2001080603, Win NT.
Damn Mid-Air Collisions! This is what I was going to write before I got beaten to it. -------------------------------------- The <dd> tag is a Definition List tag. It is not intended as an indent tag. (Although on older browsers it did have this effect.) Specifically it is the Definition part of a Definition list. <DL> <DT>Term <DD> Definition <DL> Is the proper use of the DD tag. Used in this context, the DD tag does work (and does indent.) As far as I know, the use of the DD tag outside of the DL tag is invalid. To indent text, You should use the <P> tag and Style Sheets to specify the text-indent attribute. Indenting text in HTML has been a problem from its very inception. The accepted solution is using CSS Style sheets, but many web sites use 1px transparent gifs as "spacers" to move the text where they want. I would assume that this bug report is "invalid", but I don't know whether it is requesting that DD tags work outside of DL tags. If that is the case, then we need someone to tell us whether the HTML spec says that DD are invalid outside of DLs (It looks that way to me, but the HTML spec is a very confusing thing. :-)
Ok, I've just attached a testcase sticking <dd> (without <dl>) in both a paragraph and a table cell, and it seems to be working fine. I'm going to close this as INVALID. Reporter, if you can provide a web page where you're seeing this not working and a build #, reopen this bug.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
reopening per conversation on IRC. Apparently the DD outside of a DL works on NT but not on Win98. Very weird.
Resolution: INVALID → ---
WinXP / IE6 indents the second testcase properly. WinXP / Opera 5.12 indents the second testcase properly, though the line spacing is off. WinXP / Lynx 2.83rel1 indents the first testcase, but not the second.WinXP / Moz 2001080603 fails to indent the second test case -at all-.
Confirming this bug. and changing summary. the fact that the indenting works on NT but not other OSs is definately an issue.
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Windows 98 → All
Summary: I can't seem to get the indent tag I've always used (which is <dd>) to work in Mozilla. → <DD> indents text outside of <DL> on Win NT but not other OSs
Moz on Win98 and XP and probably everywhere do render the second attachment with indented text if you change the DOCTYPE to Strict instead of Transitional. The last line in that testcase is indented because it gets caught in the last DD tag. (Even though it says unindented)
This is in fact a regression of bug 5119. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 5119 ***
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
good catch mats! Verifying as dup. Apparently it is a bug in quirk.css line 320.
SPAM. HTML Element component deprecated, changing component to Layout. See bug 88132 for details.
Component: HTML Element → Layout
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