Closed Bug 94037 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

M&N prefs panel: change 'Mail' to 'Mail and News'


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: stephend)




(1 file)

in the Mail and Newsgroups toplevel pref panel, i noticed that in the "General Settings" section only Mail is referred to concerning the window layout. shouldn't it refer to Mail and News? in other words, rephrase the following: old: Select the window layout you prefer for Mail suggested: Select the window layout you prefer for Mail and News old: Note: For this setting to take effect, you will need to exit and then restart Mail. suggested: For this setting to take effect, you will need to exit and then restart Mail and News. other related thoughts/questions: * unsure if we should use 'and' in the panel content or '&' --i lean towards the former, since it's descriptive text. * what about the "Mail Start Page" section? should that be changed to mention Mail and News as well? thoughts?
almost forgot the writers, my bad!
what ever we do, I think we should be consistent in the pref tree and in the tasks menu. "Tasks | Mail & News" and "Mail & News" or "Tasks | Mail and News" and "Mail and News" one reason for doing " & " instead of " and ", is we are doing " & " in other places to save space.
vote for &. how about just 'start page'? it's not a home page, it's just the start page of mail & news. </cheesy-justification>
QA Contact: esther → nbaca
stephend, do you want this one as well?
taking bug...
Assignee: sspitzer → stephend
Jennifer, is it agreed to change the prefs panel instances to Mail & News? Since we're using the same nomenclature for the Tasks menu item?
Seems ok to me. Robin you ok with this?
One of those changes might not make it in: in aw-server.dtd: -<!ENTITY haveSmtp1.label "'@server_name@' is set as your outgoing server (SMTP). You need only one outgoing server, even for multiple accounts. Normally you choose the outgoing server for your most active mail account . To specify additional outgoing servers, choose Mail/News Account Settings from the Edit menu."> +<!ENTITY haveSmtp1.label "'@server_name@' is set as your outgoing server (SMTP). You need only one outgoing server, even for multiple accounts. Normally you choose the outgoing server for your most active mail account . To specify additional outgoing servers, choose Mail & News Account Settings from the Edit menu."> because from bug 94029: ------- Additional Comments From 2001-08-07 14:02 ------- 93182 is the Mail/News spin off of bug 89825. I believe mpt and gervase felt that "Mail/News" was redundant given the user was accessing the menu item from the Mail/New application. I won't make that change until bug 93182 has some action, but the rest of the changes are okay, pending reviews?
Jennifer, yes, I'm OK with these changes.
sr=blake if everyone agrees.
Ignore that patch, the Tasks portion of it has already landed, but bug 93182 is the bug to watch to see if the rest of that patch can land.
Invalid now that bug 98453 landed...
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Verified Invalid.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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