Closed Bug 95860 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

the "x-mac-hebrew" encoding is broken


(Core :: Layout: Text and Fonts, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: xn--mlform-iua, Assigned: mkaply)





(4 files)

Even with UTF-8 producing Mac html editors (like Pepper from Hekkelman
Programmatuur) I have not been able type anything in Hebrew which gets displayed
correctly in Mozilla.

But shouldn't one at least expect that the MacHebrew encoding and MacHebrew
encoded html-pages would display correctly?
Please provide an example URL (or attach your HTML file) on this bug. Also,
provide the Mozilla Build ID you're using.
Build ID: 2001081514
<URL >

The page contains the alphabet from Alef in two paragraphs. 
 Paragraph one: MacHebrew representation.
 Paragraph two: The same, but converted to numbered html entities.
The page is displayed correctly in iCab <URL >.
In Mozilla paragraph one is not displayed as hebrew at all.
While paragraph two is displayed Left to right instead of left to right.
Summary: MacHebrew doesn't display MacHebrew correclty → MacHebrew doesn't display MacHebrew correctly
Correction to last sentence: "left to right instead of right to left".
The second paragraph issue is a reported bug, it's maconly bug 80577. On 
windows, mozilla 0.9.3 release correctly displays the second paragraph 
including the few spaces that you put in there which don't appear in the 
picture. [Note to self: file bug against Editor for totally messing up]

Selecting MacHebrew from the encodings menu didn't work, but selecting Visual 
Hebrew and Hebrew Windows worked (one gives [Left]Aleph->[Right]Taf, the other 
gives [Left]Taf<-[Right]Aleph.

My macos test build from imglib removal landing is incapable of suggesting 
fonts for Hebrew. I think that's bug 74186. Which iirc needs some porting love.

For now, it's a bit unfair to resolve this bug as a duplicate, so i'm just 
going to mark the two dependencies.  After those two bugs are fixed, we can 
re-evaluate this bug.
Depends on: 74186, 80577
I updated the image in the sample web page.
  Comments to timeless: I am not sure what is meant by Left->Right and
Left<-Right. I am no BiDi-expert. But visually at least, there is no difference
between selecing Win Hebrew or Visual Hebrew, but I suppose we agree on that.
  As for what is happening when selecting MacHebrew: it seems as a matter of
more than not being able to accociate/suggest the right font for MacHebrew. Many
of those letters it shows *is* within the MacHebrew fonts ?in between the
Ascii-range and the Hebrew-range? so perhaps Mozilla is also/instead picking the
wrong character/ascii number and not (only) the wrong font?
  The Editor: that is another matter not working with Hebrew on the Mac.
Timeless, can you confirm this bug if it's not a duplicate?
Attached image and ibm/mac
I'll confirm this.

The issue seems to be that the x-mac-hebrew encoding isn't working either 
specified in CHARSET tag or via the menu.

What makes this really strange is that MacHebrew uses the same codepoints as 
ISO, so it should be an easy mapping.
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Mac System 9.x → All
Summary: MacHebrew doesn't display MacHebrew correctly → the "x-mac-hebrew" encoding is broken
Changed title to something clearer (I hope). Also changed OS from "MacOS" to
"All" to show that it affects all platforms (as demonstrated by timeless
Also changed "PLATFORM" to "ALL" (and not only "OS").
Hardware: Macintosh → All
Question from the amateur, to timeless, relating to the second paragraph (i.e.
*not* x-mac-hebrew problem and per se not belonging to this bug report...) in my
sample page: Bug 80577 is called "Order of words reversed in Hebrew site on
Mac". And it is specified by the reporter of that bug, that *each word* is
displayed correctly. As my attachment (attach_id=46661) shows, both *word order*
and *letter order* in my sample page is reversed on the Mac. But you still say
that bug 80577 is a report on the problem with the second paragraph?
Um, the word order vs. letter order stuff should be addressed to the QA or 
someone working in Bidi. After making the attachments I started to realize that 
there was a real bug here. (I should have commented as such and confirmed, but 
mkaply did it and figured out the problem, so I don't regret dragging my 

anyways, r=timeless it fixed the problem for my 0.9.3 build, including 
automatically recognizing MacHebrew
Keywords: approval, patch
Mass-move all BiDi Hebrew and Arabic qa to me, 
Thank you Gilad for your service to this component, and best of luck to you 
in the future.

QA Contact: giladehven → zach
Comment on attachment 46688 [details] [diff] [review]
x-mac-hebrew was missing from charsetAlias.Properties - added x-mac-arabic as well

Attachment #46688 - Flags: superreview+
Fix finally checked in
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Layout: BiDi Hebrew & Arabic → Layout: Text
QA Contact: zach → layout.fonts-and-text
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