Closed Bug 96095 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

EventReceiver: Entry point not found - ?GetUnicode@nsString@@QBEPBGXZ


(SeaMonkey :: Installer, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jonasj, Assigned: curt)



After installing Mozilla 0.9.3 over 0.9.2, the Mozilla splash screen appeared for a second, and then I got the following message: Dialog Title: "NSPR:EventReceiver: Mozilla.exe - Entry Point Not Found" Text: "The procedure entry point ?GetUnicode@nsString@@QBEPBGXZ could not be located in the dynamic link library xpcom.dll." When I clicked OK, Mozilla appeared, and everything worked fine. This seems to be related to Bug 71010, but I'm filing this as a seperate bug as suggested.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 94108 ***
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
The text in the error message windows are different. Are they all related due to the dialog title? This bug: Dialog Title: "NSPR:EventReceiver: Mozilla.exe - Entry Point Not Found" Text: "The procedure entry point ?GetUnicode@nsString@@QBEPBGXZ could not be located in the dynamic link library xpcom.dll." Bug 94108: Dialog Title: "NSPR: EventReceiver: Netscp6.exe - Entry Point Not Found" Text: "The procedure entry point ?NS_NewGenericModule@@YAIPBDIPAUnsModuleComponentInfo@@P6AXPAVnsIModule@@@ZPAPAV2@@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library xpcom.dll. Bug 71010: Dialog Title: "NSPR: EventReceiver: Netscp6.exe - Entry Point Not Found" Text: "Entry point ??0nsInputFileStream@@QAE@ABV0@@Z could not be located in dynamic link library xpcom.dll."
This has nothing to do with the NS_NewGenericModule problems of bug 94108. Yes, it's probably a similar issue of not cleaning up a file, but each file we want to remove has to be coded individually so this is not a duplicate of that bug, anymore than forgetting to install necko2.dll is the same as forgetting to install the mork database .dll.
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Ever confirmed: true
Assignee: ssu → syd
Keywords: nsbeta1
I'm experiencing this as well on W2K in 2001100303 and also in yesterday's build it did this.
After setup completes I get this error message "NSPR:EventReceiver:Mozilla.exe" - Entrypoint niet gevonden Kan entrypoint van procedure ?ToNewUnicode@nsString@@QBEPAGXZ niet vinden in DLL-bestand xpcom.dll Sorry for the dutch here is a rough translation: "NSPR:EventReceiver:Mozilla.exe" - Cannot find Entrypoint Cannot find entrypoint of procedure ?ToNewUnicode@nsString@@QBEPAGXZ in DLL-file xpcom.dll I'm using mozilla 0.9 trunk 2001100210, Win2k
1) what install options did you select? 2) were you installing to a fresh directory? 3) if not, what build were you installing over?
1. Install options: Complete, no quicklaunch 2. Fresh Directory ?: No 3. Previous version: 0.9.4
Blocks: 104166
Keywords: nsbeta1
I just downloaded 0.9.5 and the previously reported bug still exists. Even after an uninstall-install.
I just ran into this bug upgrading from 0.9.4 to 0.9.5. I did a "custom" installation, but selected everything (security manager & debugger selected in addition to the required components; Quick Launch selected). 0.9.4 was installed in similar fashion. I did Exit Mozilla before running the 0.9.5 installer. I did install over the old Mozilla, not into a fresh directory. My error dialog said this: NSPR:EventReceiver: Mozilla.exe - Entry Point Not Found The procedure entry point ?ToNewUnicode@nsString@@QBEPAGXZ could not be located in the dynamic link library xpcom.dll.
I ran into this bug when upgrading ("complete") from 0.9.4 to 0.9.5 My dialog box was: --------------------------- NSPR:EventReceiver: Mozilla.exe - Entry Point Not Found --------------------------- The procedure entry point ?ToNewUnicode@nsString@@QBEPAGXZ could not be located in the dynamic link library xpcom.dll. --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
is this related to bug 97435?
I've found this bug rather frequently upon updating Mozilla. I believe (though am not 100% sure) that I get it from the nightly zips as well as nightly and milestone installers. The error message pops up only once, on first run, and not again until my next update. I run Win2k, WindowBlinds, LiteStep, and ZoneAlarm.
Acually this prevents me from upgrading at all, the new mozilla's don't want to run after this bug appears. So I have to stick with 0.9.4 until they find what is wrong.
Or uninstall the old one first, or install into a new directory. Upgrading on top of an old build is not the only way to upgrade. Is the message you get *exactly* the one in this bug? This message comes up for a class of similar bugs, but each has to be fixed separately. It shouldn't cause Mozilla to stop working since these messages come when old components--which should have been deleted anyway--fail to load. Try deleting your component.reg and starting again, and failing that install into a new directory. Please file any deviation from the specific entry point under consideration as a new bug.
This bug is seemingly related to <A HREF="">Bug 102497</A>. I don't feel qualified marking it a duplicate though. There's far more on this bug than on 102497, but there is a workaround listed for 102497. (From Bug 102497:) ------- Additional Comments From Gabor Liptak 2001-10-04 06:03 ------- I'm seeing the same problem with 2001100303 (I did not see this with 2001093008 BTW). And yes when running with a new profile it goes away. And even after deleting the new profile, and running with the old profile still doesn't show up (?).
I have this bug (or at least one very similar) when I try to view plugins either form help menu, entering about:plugins in the address bar or using I use Mozilla 0.9.5 on Windows 2000 Service Pack 1. I upgraded from 0.9.4 before this error occured I noticed this error after attepting to install the Java plugin - after it installed to my machine it failed to work in Mozilla so I checekd the plugins page. I have Java Plugin 1.3.0_01 (inslalled via Mozilla) and 1.3.1 (installed as part of Star Office 6 Beta later) The error message is slightly different - it reads Mozilla.exe - Entry Point Not Found The procedure entry point ?ToNewUnicode@nsString@@QBEPAGXZ could not be located in the dynamic link library xpcom.dll. there is no mention of "EventReceiver: "
I have the same error, upgrading from 0.9.3 (I think) to 0.9.5 after install. At End of install of build 0.9.5 aka 2001101117 The procedure entry point ?ToNewUnicode@nsstring@@QBEPAGXZ could not be located in the dynamic link library xpcom.dll
I have this bug on my Windoze box (running Win2k 5.00.2195 SP2). I had Mozilla 0.9.3 installed, a custom install - everything except Mail & News and Chatzilla. No problems there. I upgraded to Mozilla 0.9.5, same custom install (it didn't prompt me to reboot, so I didn't bother), and after the upgrade, I saw an error message about Entry point not found - ?GetUnicodesomethingorother (didn't write that one down). I exited Mozilla (including the QuickLauncher) and restarted it, with no error. Worked fine until I tried Help -> About Plugins, then I got this exact error: Mozilla.exe - Entry Point Not Found The procedure entry point ?ToNewUnicode@nsString@@QBEPAGXZ could not be located in the dynamic link library xpcom.dll. Once I clicked OK, I got the plugins page. I upgraded to the latest nightly build (2001110903). Again, I did a Custom install of everything except Mail & News and Chatzilla. Same results as above.
I had this problem with Mozilla 0.9.5 and again today with 0.9.6, so I'm guessing it hasn't been fixed yet. The exact error message I get on first load is ---- The procedure entry point ?ToNewUnicode@nsString@@QBEPAGXZ could not be located in the dynamic link library xpcom.dll. ---- However, I've only gotten the error when I installed a new build over an old. When I uninstall the old build before installing the new, it doesn't happen.
Depends on: 104465
Keywords: nsbeta1+
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.8
I'd sure like to not keep seeing these reports, Curt, can you get to the bottom of this? Is the architecture for installing into a previously installed directory flawed in some way?
Assignee: syd → curt
Keywords: nsbeta1
This is not an installer problem, this is due to the way Mozilla development is carried out -- old components will NOT work against a newer core. We could go back to the "nuke from orbit" strategy currently used in the Mac and Linux install. That would stop these problems dead, but then we'll get complaints about zapping 3rd party stuff the user has installed.
I have a bug 101801, targeted for 0.9.8, to work on improving the installer bulid process to capture changes in deliverables so that we can keep on top of this problem better. I'll move that to the top of the 0.9.8 list.
I think this has been fixed--see patch for bug 108515--but it has not been verified/closed. K'trina, could you let me know if this is resolved or not, please. Thanks. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 108515 ***
Closed: 24 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Marking verified (see patch for bug 108515) Curt, I have not seen this error message recently.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Component: Installer: XPI Packages → Installer
QA Contact: ktrina → general
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